wealthy lord

Chapter 695 Earth-shattering, the first ring in the morning!

Chapter 695 Earth-shattering, the first ring in the morning!
Yang Lin's eyes lit up. As a killer, what he longed for most was to kill. He just followed Lin Yun. He must obey orders and could not take action easily.

Soon, the two of them came to the study. Yang Lin knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Please give me the order, Master Fourteen! I will do my best to serve you even if you are humble!"

Lin Yun helped him up with a smile and said, "Come and sit down quickly. I do have a difficult task for you!"

Yang Lin was pulled to sit on the Taishi chair aside, and then he saw the body of Sun Xing, who had fallen on the ground and had been dead for a long time.

He could vaguely feel that although the Fourteenth Master in front of him was smiling, there was a strong murderous intent.

"The Fourteenth Master just gave the order directly. There is no need to be polite with the humble position!"

"Well, tell the truth, are all the killers under your command reliable?"

"Of course, I can't guarantee anything else, but it's definitely okay to let them kill! Even if you let them die, they won't refuse!"

"Very well, you pick a few smart people and bury a mine into the palace! Just let them decide the exact location!"

As soon as these words came out, even though Zheng Li and Yang Lin were mentally prepared, they still took a breath and looked at Lin Yun in shock.

Yang Lin smiled bitterly: "Is the Fourteenth Master joking? Laying landmines in the palace...Does the Fourteenth Master want to assassinate the emperor?"

As early as the moment Lin Yun transformed his killer organization into the Jin Yiwei that day, Yang Lin had a vague guess that this master seemed to be very ambitious.

But he never expected that he wanted to overthrow the government of the Daduan Dynasty.

Once the emperor is killed, the entire Daduan Dynasty will immediately fall apart.

At that time, all the vassal kings with different surnames will definitely rise up, and the world will be in chaos.

Lin Yunhan said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not that crazy yet, I just want to show them some color! Just arrange for your men to lay mines, and don't worry about other things! Remember, do things cleanly. If something unexpected happens, Just go find Ma Ji and Wang Chuanzhong!”

Yang Lin clasped his fists and said: "I obey the orders of this humble official. Once they are caught, they will commit suicide immediately!"

Lin Yun was then satisfied and watched Yang Lin leave.

At this time, Zheng Li worriedly said: "Fourteenth Master, are you playing too big this time?"

"Is it big? I still think it's not enough! Don't they want to take action? I want all of them to understand that the price of annoying me is not something they can afford!"

The next day, after Lin Yun arranged everything, he took his three ladies and hurried back to the capital slowly.

Along the way, they would stop to rest whenever they encountered a city, and then go sightseeing.

My little life was quite nourishing.

Zheng Li and the accompanying soldiers were also used to it. They could originally travel a hundred miles a day, but in reality they might not even be able to cover fifty miles.

No one understood why Lin Yun deliberately slowed down.

Only Zheng Li knew best that Lin Yun was stalling for time, just waiting for the incident to happen in the capital.

At the same time, Yang Lin personally led several confidants and rushed all the way, arriving in the capital in only eight days.

They disguised themselves as date vendors and successfully checked into the inn.

At this moment, four people were sitting around an Eight Immortals table. Except for Yang Lin, who had a slightly rough and dark appearance, the other three looked very ordinary. If they were not familiar people, they would never have guessed that they were killers. They really looked like traders. .

Yang Lin knocked on the table with one hand and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I told you on the way that our mission this time will be quite difficult and dangerous! But I have promised the Fourteenth Master that you If I can’t hold my head high in front of the Fourteenth Master, don’t blame me for disregarding our old friendship! But if the mission is successfully completed, your family will be treated well even if you die!”

The three of them nodded seriously. At this time, one of them clasped his fists and said, "Sir, you are joking. I am just laying mines. Compared with the previous assassination mission, it is much simpler! But we still don't know the specific location of the mines?"

"Hmph! You'd better not relax your guard. This mission seems simple, but after all, you have to sneak into the palace and lay mines. If anything goes wrong, you will only die! In addition, there is no specific place for laying mines. As long as those high-ranking officials of the imperial court often Just go in and out! But one thing is that the mines must be detonated before the Fourteenth Master enters the capital! If you fail to complete the task, you will not survive. This is a rule set by our Jinyiwei when it was established, and there is no need for it. I’ll say more!”

The three of them knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "I obey my orders!!"

Yang Lin waved his hand: "Go! If you don't come back before dawn, I will treat you as dead in the line of duty!"

After that, the three of them turned and left.

Yang Lin sighed inwardly, he could no longer imagine what would happen next.

Once a landmine explodes, it will cause a huge sensation even if no one is harmed.

Therefore, he is ready to evacuate at any time, and he will not risk his life in the capital.

At dawn the next day, Yang Lin drank some wine and waited all night.

At this time, the window on the side was suddenly opened, and three black figures rushed in and bowed to Yang Lin.

Yang Lin held the wine glass in one hand, looked behind him sideways, and said, "Have the landmines been laid?"

"Yes! We encountered some difficulties on the way into the palace, but fortunately we succeeded in the end!"

Yang Lin then smiled with satisfaction and said, "Come here and have a drink. When the curfew is over, we will leave the city immediately!"

The three of them had been hungry and thirsty for a long time. In order to find a suitable opportunity to lay mines, they didn't even drink a sip of water that night, let alone eating. They immediately gathered around the table and sat down to eat and drink.

Yang Lin asked: "Where are the landmines buried?"

One of the killers said: "It's on the only way those officials must pass when entering the palace every day!"

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden explosion outside the window.

Although the palace is still far away from here, the curfew has not ended yet and the entire capital is still very quiet.

Therefore, the explosion sound was particularly harsh.

For a time, the entire capital was boiling.

Some uninformed people thought it was thunder.

Yang Lin's face turned very ugly. Before they left the capital, the landmine was detonated.

Next, the people in charge of the infantry army will definitely seal off the city as soon as possible to thoroughly investigate the matter.

He quickly came to the window and watched a large number of soldiers downstairs, fully armed, heading straight towards the palace.

"Damn it! It was detonated so quickly! You three, stop eating! Clean up and let's get out of here!"

The killer just said: "Sir, the defense in the capital must be very strict now. If we leave the city now, wouldn't we be falling into a trap?"

Yang Lin looked calm and said: "Who said you want to escape from the city? Okay, stop talking nonsense and follow me!"

After that, the four people escaped directly through the window.

(End of this chapter)

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