wealthy lord

Chapter 71 The tip of the needle versus the awn of wheat

Chapter 71 The tip of the needle versus the awn of wheat

But Lin Yun didn't see this scene at all. He was squatting to light the fire and added a large gourd of water to the pot.

Finally, the porcelain basin was sunk into the water so that water could not flow into the porcelain basin.

He wanted to do a small and simple experiment, which was to extract distilled water.

Distilled water is actually pure water, which is water without any minerals or impurities. It is perfect for scientific experiments. It does not react with any substances and can blend well.

To extract iodine from kelp, Lin Yun must use distilled water.

On the side, Ye Wanqing looked at it and asked curiously: "Ms. sir, what do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Lin Yun glanced at her and said with a smile, "Just don't understand! I want to extract a kind of pure water!"

"Hmph, isn't this pot full of water? What kind of water do you want to extract? Is there any difference between water and water?"

Lin Yun looked up at her and said, "Of course there is a difference! And the difference is huge!"

"This domestic water is drawn from wells at the entrance of the village. I assume that this water is harmless to humans, but it contains many trace elements and even some parasites and bacteria! Both of these are harmful to the human body. Harmful! What’s more, the groundwater in Niubei Village must contain excessive sulfur!”

Lin Yun talked eloquently and talked a lot, but Ye Wanqing was so confused that she couldn't understand it at all.

"What are bacteria? What are parasites? Sir, where did you learn all this knowledge?"

Ye Wanqing has always been suspicious of Lin Yun. She used to be from a scholarly family and had read a lot of books since she was a child. At her age, she can be described as knowledgeable, otherwise she would not have reached the position of counselor of the National Academy of Sciences at such a young age.

But what Lin Yun did was completely beyond her understanding.

Not only that, these knowledge can also be actually confirmed and proven to be feasible, which makes her three views shake.

Could it be that my husband has been reading different books since he was a child?
  Ye Wanqing's little head was almost turning into mush, but she couldn't figure it out.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said: "How can I explain it to you! Parasites and bacteria are also part of everything in the world, just like ants on the ground and sows in the pig pen! However, they are too tiny and ordinary people are Impossible to see!”

"Besides, the world is so big and full of wonders. If you haven't seen them, it just proves that you are ignorant, but it doesn't mean they don't exist!"

Lin Yun's words deeply shocked Ye Wanqing and left her stunned.

These words were so arrogant that if her teacher at Hanlin College heard them, they would definitely argue with Lin Yun.

The great Confucians in the Guoshiyuan and Hanlin Academy are all arrogant. They believe that they have read all the books in the world.

He is already the most knowledgeable scholar in the world.

Afterwards, Lin Yun placed the lid on the big black pot and waited quietly.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Yun winked at Ye Wanqing, and she immediately opened the door.

The courtyard door opened, revealing the old village chief and Qiu Yi.

Ye Wanqing was stunned. She didn't expect that Qiu Yi would come to visit again, and asked in surprise: "Mr. Qiu, why are you here?"

The old village chief smiled and said: "Second Madam, Mr. Qiu is here to see Mr. Lin!"

Ye Wanqing nodded quickly and made way.

Qiu Yi stepped into the door and said jokingly: "Second Madam, is Mr. Lin here?"

"Here, he is busy in the yard!"

"Busy work?" Qiu Yi looked confused. He didn't understand that if he reached Lin Yun's level, would he still have to work by himself?
  "What are you busy with?"

"Young Master Qiu, you should ask my husband in person!" Ye Wanqing was too lazy to say more. In fact, she was afraid of saying the wrong thing.

After all, Qiu Yi had to ask for something when he suddenly came to visit this time.

If you are deliberately telling a story, you must not say anything nonsense.

Soon, the three of them entered the courtyard and saw Lin Yun squatting on the ground with his back to everyone, using a big cattail leaf fan to fan the flames in the furnace.

Qiu Yi and the old village chief were both surprised when they saw this kind of outdoor stove for the first time.

However, the look of Lin Yun struggling was enough to prove that he was indeed tired.

At this time, the old village chief said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Qiu is here!"

Lin Yun then looked back at him and said with a smile, "Hey, which gust of wind brought Mr. Qiu here again?"

Qiu Yi stepped forward with a smile and said, "What? Mr. Lin seems to be very unwelcome to me?"

"Wherever, Mr. Qiu's coming will also bring glory to Niubei Village! It's too late for me, Lin Yun, to be happy, so how can I not welcome him!"

Lin Yun looked very enthusiastic, and held Qiu Yi's hand with a pair of hands covered with charcoal dust, and specially rubbed his sleeves.

Naturally, Ye Wanqing and the old village chief could see this action clearly.

Qiu Yi looked embarrassed. Although he was unhappy inside, he didn't dare to show it. After all, he was here to talk about business today.

Lin Yun waved his hand and said: "Wanqing, quickly... bring a chair to Mr. Qiu!"

Ye Wanqing suppressed her smile and turned around and entered the living room.

A grand master's chair was quickly brought in.

Qiu Yi then sat down.

Curious about the smoking stove, he asked, "What is Mr. Lin doing?"

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Master Qiu, do you still remember the bet we made last time?"

"Of course I remember! I also heard that Mr. Lin has cultivated wheat seedlings in Niubei Village! However, this is only the first step. It is not so easy to grow food in large quantities!"

Qiu Yi took a sip of the hot tea handed over by Ye Wanqing with a smile.

He and Lin Yun seemed to be getting closer and closer, but in fact, the two of them were at odds with each other during their conversations, each trying to overpower the other.

Lin Yun nodded and said: "Growing food is indeed not easy! But... what others can't do doesn't mean that I, Lin Yun, can't do it!"

"Master Lin, let me tell you first, what does this kind of food have to do with the stove you are cooking?"

Lin Yun pointed to the smoking stove and said with a smile: "This is a big deal! Since Mr. Qiu knows that it is difficult to grow grain in Niubei Village, he must know the specific reasons, right?"

"Of course, Niubei Village's terrain is desolate and the land is barren. Coupled with the extremely rare rainfall all year round, this environment is not suitable for growing food at all!"

"I also admit that Mr. Lin is a capable person! But...manpower is limited after all, and it is absolutely impossible to change God's will!"

Qiu Yi's words contain two meanings.

One is to tell Lin Yun that the natural environment of Niubei Village cannot be changed by human power, and no matter how much you do, it will be in vain. He also wants to bring Lin Yun back to reality and work for him in Yucheng Mansion with peace of mind.

After all, if Lin Yun can really grow food, coupled with the powerful power of black gunpowder, a village of this size, as long as Lin Yun is a little bit ambitious, can make Yucheng Mansion very uncomfortable, and even after it grows, Fengyang County The Lin family will all suffer.

The second is to remind Lin Yun that no matter how far he goes, he will never be able to escape from the hands of Yucheng Mansion. This is fate and God's will.

(End of this chapter)

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