wealthy lord

Chapter 72 Benefits 37 points

Chapter 72 The benefits are three to seven

Lin Yun and Ye Wanqing both understood these words, but the old village chief did not understand the meaning at all.

He smiled and said: "Young Master Qiu made a mistake this time! We, Young Master Lin, always do things before we act. If we don't do something, we will do our best if we do it!"

The old village chief's words were undoubtedly flattering.

Lin Yun, Ye Wanqing and Qiu Yi all knew it well.

However, his words could be considered as speaking to Lin Yun's heart.

Smiling: "You still understand me!"

The old village chief immediately smiled awkwardly.

Immediately, Lin Yun looked at Qiu Yi again and said, "There is some truth to what Mr. Qiu said, but I cannot agree with it! Human ability is related to knowledge! When a person's knowledge reaches the level of crushing everything, then human power will It can completely defeat God and even change the rules!”

Lin Yun's words were also full of profound meaning.

Qiu Yi already understood what Lin Yun meant, so he no longer dwelled on this topic.

He deliberately looked at the stove and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, please tell me why you want to build this stove!"

Lin Yun said with a smile: "With Mr. Qiu's knowledge, I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly!"

"You!!" Qiu Yi was speechless and furious in his heart, but he suppressed his anger and said with a smile: "Young Master Lin has such a powerful mouth! If you can join the Guoshiyuan, I'm afraid you can fight against all the scholars on your own!"

Qiu Yi gave way again, which made Lin Yun secretly admire. It seemed that he had underestimated him.

If Qiu Yi doesn't know how to be patient, this kind of person is no threat at all.

But what he said just now was so unpleasant, yet Qiu Yi could pretend that nothing happened. This was not something ordinary people could do.

On the side, Ye Wanqing quietly raised her heart, fearing that Qiu Yi would fall out on the spot, and secretly sighed that her husband was really brave.

It would be unwise to take the initiative to provoke this local snake.

But Lin Yun had already figured out the Qiu family's father and son.

Qiu Guangri is a completely corrupt official with a huge appetite.

But Qiu Yi has a desire to climb up, but his structure is too small and his vision is not good.

Knowing that he now has cards in his hand, he still dares to use guns and sticks in his words. This is no longer a matter of structure, but a matter of short-sightedness.

Lin Yun directly opened the lid of the pot, and a large amount of water vapor suddenly came out and surged into the sky.

Lin Yun looked at Qiu Yi and said, "Master Qiu, look what's inside?"

Qiu Yi and the old village chief both came forward to watch, and even Ye Wanqing was staring at the pot.

The porcelain basin that was empty before was half filled with hot water this time.

Qiu Yi frowned and said, "Isn't it just a basin of hot water?"

"That's right! What I want is this basin of hot water! But this is no ordinary water!"

Lin Yun deliberately put the lid on the pot to collect more distilled water.

Qiu Yi was stunned and asked: "It's not ordinary water? What is that? Is the water poisonous?"

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Where did the poison come from! This water will be of great use in the future! By the way, Master Qiu came here this time, isn't he just here to reminisce with me?"

"Of course not! Mr. Lin, didn't we reach an agreement last time and you promised to send four people to help suppress the bandits?"

Qiu Yi had his own little plan. After negotiating with Lin Yun last time, he went back to do business and received praise from his father.

But after waiting for a few days, Lin Yun didn't send anyone, which made him very uneasy, always thinking that Lin Yun had changed his mind.

Lin Yun slapped his forehead and said with a bitter smile: "Look at my brain! I have been so busy these past few days that I forgot about this matter!" Qiu Yi had a bitter look on his face. He regarded the last negotiation as a big deal, but Lin Yun But he simply forgot about it, which made him feel very unhappy.

At this time, Lin Yun looked at the old village chief and said, "Can you please help me call Zheng Li?"

The old village chief immediately nodded and agreed to leave.

Qiu Yi asked: "Mr. Lin, are you sure you will only send four people?"

He knew that Lin Yun had a powerful weapon like black gunpowder in his hands, but four people were too few.

Lin Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Qiu, four people are enough to fight against those robbers! I wiped out the Black Wind Village and the Yellow Turban Alliance before, and I didn't need a few people!"

Qiu Yi nodded.

Lin Yun asked again: "Master Qiu, there is something I don't know whether to talk about or not!"

"Master Lin, it's okay to say so!"

"That's right! This time Yucheng Mansion came out to suppress the bandits. Since our Niubei Village has also sent people to help, the benefits of the seizure..."

Lin Yun could not work in vain, let alone allow the Yucheng Mansion to enjoy these benefits.

He wiped out the Black Wind Village and the Yellow Turban Alliance, and the silver and various supplies he seized amounted to nearly two thousand taels of silver. It was impossible for Lin Yun to miss such a large amount of wealth.

Qiu Yi cursed secretly in his heart, but he smiled brightly and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, my father once told us that we should divide the proceeds from the suppression of bandits 30-70!"

"We in Yucheng Mansion have put in many people and efforts, so naturally we have to take the majority. Is it okay for Niubei Village to take 30%?"

Lin Yun lowered his head and thought for a while, then nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay!"

He had long thought that there were not a hundred but dozens of robber dens within a thousand miles of Yucheng. These large and small robber dens had accumulated wealth for so many years. It was conservatively estimated that there would be tens of thousands of taels of silver. Even if If it was 37 points, he would get at least 10,000 taels of silver.

He had previously promised the Lin family to pay off all debts within three years, and this amount of money was considered the beginning of debt repayment.

On the side, Ye Wanqing was also secretly stunned. Even if it was 30 to 70 cents, it would still be a big sum of money to Niubei Village, and with only four people sent, it would definitely make a profit without losing any money.

It can also allow Qiu Guangri to intuitively understand the powerful power of black powder, which will play a vital role in the subsequent sale of arms.

The most important thing is that Lin Yun wants to formally establish his position in Qiu Guangri's heart through this bandit suppression.

As long as Qiu Guangri can't leave him, the two of them can be bound together more firmly.

Instead of worrying that one day in the future, he will become fat and be betrayed by Qiu Guangri to the Lin family.

Lin Yun's calculations are far-reaching. Let alone Qiu Yi, I'm afraid Qiu Guangri wouldn't be able to take them into consideration.

At this time, Zheng Li and the old village chief came side by side.

Zheng Li glanced at Qiu Yi, then bowed to Lin Yun and said, "Master Lin, are you looking for me?"

Lin Yun nodded and said: "It's good, you immediately bring three of your most trusted men to accompany the Yucheng Mansion to suppress the bandits! During this period, you must obey the Yucheng Mansion's orders! Do not disobey. What will happen if I learn that you are messing around? I don’t need to say more about the outcome, right?”

Zheng Li's eyes lit up. He had been free for a long time and was looking forward to a battle. Unexpectedly, he was sent to his door.

As a military attaché under Lin Yun, he needs to rely on fighting to enhance his status and influence.

He would also feel uncomfortable if he spent all day in Niubei Village eating and waiting to die.

Zheng Li clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, sir! I will never disgrace Niubei Village by holding such a humble position!"

"Very well, go down and pick someone!"

Lin Yun was satisfied, and his words were naturally intended to hit Zheng Lili.

(End of this chapter)

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