wealthy lord

Chapter 78 Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind

Chapter 78 Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind
  Ah San looked surprised. Lin Yun's words were so big that he couldn't believe it was true.

At this time, Ye Wanqing heard the commotion in the courtyard and walked out of the house. When she saw a layer of white ash all over the courtyard, she was surprised and said, "Ms. sir, what just happened?"

Black powder burned in the air, and the flames it erupted contained a layer of burnt ash.

But there would be no explosion in this situation. Lin Yun knew this, so he dared to be so crazy.

"It's okay! I just added some black powder to the furnace!"

"What?" Ye Wanqing took a breath.

"Ms. sir, are you crazy? If there is an explosion, our family will be gone!"

Ye Wanqing has experienced so much and has already gained a certain understanding of the power of black powder.

"Isn't this okay? Don't worry!"

After that, Lin Yun stepped forward and opened the lid of the pot. He saw that the ten taels of silver were already melting, but they were not completely melted. Instead, they stuck together and faintly oozed out silver liquid.

Ah San and Ye Wanqing also came forward to watch.

Lin Yun murmured: "It seems the temperature is still not enough!"

Ye Wanqing frowned and said, "Ms. sir, are you trying to melt the silver?"

"Yes! What I want is liquefied silver water!"

After saying that, Lin Yun brought a large amount of charcoal and poured it into the furnace, and used a clamp to put the silver that had not melted completely into the crucible, and let the crucible sit on the fire.

Lin Yun sighed inwardly. Compared with gold, copper, and iron, silver has the lowest melting point and is also the easiest to melt.

But it still failed to succeed, which shows that the power of the stove is still too low.

Then he would have to melt iron and copper next, which would definitely not be possible.

At this time, Ye Wanqing said: "Mr. sir, do you remember the blacksmith shop in Yucheng? His furnace can even melt iron sand, and it must be able to melt silver as well!"

Lin Yun's eyes lit up and he said: "Wanqing, you are really smart and clever! How could I forget this!"

After that, Lin Yun kneaded the soil piled in the corner of the yard into a thin mud again, and plated it up in the style of a blast furnace in a blacksmith shop.

Because the stove is still burning, the mud on the stove will dry quickly and become stiff.

A chimney one foot high was soon built. The burning space inside became larger and the relative temperature increased.

On the sidelines, Ye Wanqing and Ah San saw this and felt inwardly that Lin Yun's hands-on ability was really strong.

Whatever he wanted, he could make it immediately, as if he already had the manufacturing drawings in his mind.

As the blast furnace was completed, the furnace burned even more vigorously, and the billowing heat waves could be felt as far away as three meters away.

Lin Yun added charcoal again. After about half an hour, he opened the lid of the pot, and the ten taels of silver in the crucible were completely melted into silver water.

"Great! It finally worked!"

Ye Wanqing nodded secretly and asked, "What should we do next?"

Without explaining, Lin Yun turned back to the workroom, took out the iodine stored last night, poured it directly into the silver water, and stirred it quickly.

What he wants is the powder of silver iodide, not the weight again.

This process sounds simple, but in practice it is quite physically demanding.

After working for another full hour, it was officially successful at noon.

Ye Wanqing and Ah San looked excited as they watched Lin Yun come out of the workroom in a hurry.

Although they didn't know what Lin Yun was trying to accomplish with so much effort. But looking at Lin Yun's expression, he understood that this must be a good thing that would be of great benefit to the subsequent planting of crops, otherwise Lin Yun would not be so happy.

Ye Wanqing stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. sir, are you done? Can you tell me now what you are studying?"

Lin Yun nodded and smiled, and said solemnly: "Isn't Niubei Village drought-free all year round? Today I will make the entire Niubei Mountain regain dew after a long drought!"

Ye Wanqing and Ah San took a deep breath and looked at Lin Yun in surprise.

Ah San said in surprise: "Ten...Fourteenth Master, do you mean you can control the weather and make it rain?"

"Not bad! I'm not sure yet whether it will succeed, but even if there is a 10% chance, I will still put in 100% of my efforts!"

After saying this, Lin Yun took out a broken bamboo tube half a foot long in the workshop.

The two of them were dumbfounded on the spot.

Ye Wanqing asked: "Isn't this just a bamboo tube? This thing can make it rain? My husband, even if you are joking, you have to be moderate! You must be bragging this time!"

Ye Wanqing was very willing to believe Lin Yun, and facts proved that Lin Yun was not a big talker.

But the idea proposed by Lin Yun this time is so crazy that people born in this world cannot accept it.

If people could control the weather and force it to rain, that would be enough to leave a mark in history.

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said, "It's useless to talk now! You'll know after you try it!"

After saying this, Lin Yun took the simple version of the rain bomb he had made and walked straight out of the village.

The villagers in the village had also heard that Lin Yun had been conducting a major research project in recent days, and they followed him out curiously.

To put it simply, the production process of this rain bomb is similar to that of making ammunition.

The only difference is that ordinary ammunition only contains black powder, which is enough to produce huge power.

The rain bomb not only contains black powder, but also contains silver iodide, a special ingredient.

After the rain bomb successfully explodes in the sky, countless silver iodide particles can be formed in the air after the silver iodide is heated.

At relatively low pressure at high altitudes, these silver iodide particles produce countless ice crystals in the clouds.

Thereby changing the meteorological environment and achieving the purpose of artificial intervention in rainfall.

The principle is very simple. Lin Yun had learned relevant knowledge when he was in junior high school in his previous life.

However, at first he only studied from books, and this was his first attempt.

Soon, Lin Yun came to a hillside alone in full view of everyone.

The terrain at this location is higher, although it is not as good as the top of Niubei Mountain. Rain bombs can be fired here and the effect will definitely be the best.

Of course, he had also thought about going directly to the top of Niubei Mountain.

But in the end, we gave up. The top of Niubei Mountain was covered with sulfur sand. This stuff was inherently flammable and explosive. Once a spark ignited, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even though the possibility of such an accident was extremely low, Lin Yun still did not dare to take the risk.

Niubei Mountain has special strategic significance for him. Whether he can completely turn over in the future depends on the mine on this mountain.

Ye Wanqing followed immediately. Lin Yun frowned and said, "Don't come up! It may be dangerous when I light the fire later!"

"Ms. sir, don't scare me! If the danger is too great, just take it easy first! Anyway, the banker hasn't planted it on a large scale yet, and there's no rush!"

Ye Wanqing was naturally most worried about Lin Yun's safety.

(End of this chapter)

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