wealthy lord

Chapter 79 Artificial Rainfall

Chapter 79 Artificial Rainfall
  Of course, it was more because he didn’t want Lin Yun to take risks.

In her opinion, Lin Yun is her hero. If she wants to make a comeback in the future, she must also count on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun shook his head and said: "No, it has been delayed for several days! We must try today, and it may not be possible to succeed in one go!"

He knew very well that if the rainfall problem could not be solved, even if the villagers improved the land thoroughly, the wheat seedlings finally planted would suffer from drought.

Lin Yun would never do such a stupid thing that harmed morale.

The old village chief and all the villagers also looked up at Lin Yun on the hillside.

They saw the spirit of struggle and perseverance in Lin Yun, which invisibly boosted everyone's morale, and they all began to have a beautiful vision for the future.

Today's Niubei Village has solved the problem of food, but compared with the people in Yucheng City, there is still a big gap in living standards.

At this time, Lin Yun grasped the rain bomb with both hands and thrust it diagonally into the soft ground.

There is yellow sand everywhere, so it’s not difficult.

The yield of black powder in this rain bomb is very large. It is definitely the most powerful experiment Lin Yun has conducted since he created black powder.

If it can successfully fly into the sky and detonate in the air, that will be half the battle.

But if it exploded on the ground, Lin Yun would be unlucky and would be seriously injured if not dead.

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and under the nervous attention of everyone, he took out the fire certificate in his arms.

Immediately, Lin Yun leaned back with most of his body. As long as the fuse was lit, he would run away immediately.

"Success or failure depends on this! If you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

Lin Yun murmured to himself, as if to encourage himself.

Finally, the rain bomb fuse was finally ignited.

Lin Yun rolled like a donkey and fell directly down the hillside. The fuse burned quickly and finally entered the inside of the rain bomb, making bursts of thunder-like sounds.

And accompanied by billowing smoke.

Everyone watching below was shocked by this scene.

Let’s not talk about whether this experiment will be successful or not. The momentum alone is like the smoke ignited on the battlefield.

Ah San was leaning on a crutch, always behind the villagers, looking up at the billowing smoke, feeling filled with emotion.

"Fourteenth Master, it seems that the Lin family really made a mistake this time!"

This seemingly simple sentence revealed Ah San's true feelings, and at the same time, it made him more determined to follow Lin Yun.

As the dead ringer under Lin Xuan, he has a very strategic vision.

It can be seen at a glance that the fire-breathing bamboo tube made by Lin Yun is extremely powerful. If this thing is used in actual combat, it will definitely make the enemy unable to eat it.

Soon, Lin Yun ran to Ye Wanqing's side.

Ye Wanqing immediately helped him dust himself off.

"Ms. sir, is this all over?"

Lin Yun directly hugged her waist and said with a smile: "Of course not! Let's see, whether it succeeds or not depends on whether it can fly into the sky!"

"Fly into the sky?"

This sentence surprised everyone present.

People in this world are still limited to activities on land, and they have not even conquered the ocean, let alone the sky.

Therefore, what Lin Yun said made Ye Wanqing and the surrounding villagers unbelievable.

It's like a dream.

Just as Lin Yun was staring at the hillside in anticipation, yellow sand suddenly flew up on the hillside, like a sandstorm.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, a flame rose into the sky very quickly, piercing the sky and disappearing in an instant.

After that, there was deathly silence again.

Now everyone was dumbfounded.

To say that just now, everyone was still a little concerned about watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously. But seeing Lin Yun actually make the broken bamboo tube fly into the sky, and even rush into the clouds, this completely broke their cognition.

But in fact, Lin Yun is even more nervous now.

He could see clearly that the rain bombs did not enter the clouds. It was just because they flew too high and the refraction of light made it difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.


There was an explosion.

The sound was like thunder, which could be heard clearly by the entire Niubei Mountain for hundreds of miles.

Lin Yun understood that it was not how powerful the rain bomb was.

But at high altitude, sound transmission will not encounter any obstacles, so it can travel farther.

Ye Wanqing thought she had succeeded, and she jumped up and down with joy, baring her teeth and claws.

"Successful! Sir, you are so powerful! You can actually launch it into the sky. If you use this move against the enemy, it will definitely cause huge damage!"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly and said: "You have a beautiful idea! If only it were as simple as you said!"

Regarding physical knowledge, Lin Yun did not intend to go into detail at all.

Because no one can understand it even if I say it.

If the rain bomb was shot forward, it would definitely fall to the ground and explode.

The reason is simple, because the rain bombs fired have no ballistics at all and are completely fired at random.

Moreover, to launch rain bombs in such a crude way, you still need to choose the right weather.

If the wind is too strong, it may change the direction of the rain bomb, eventually leading to failure.

Therefore, Lin Yun chose to test today because the weather was suitable for testing.

It is neither sunny nor windy.

All the villagers were whispering, but they all looked at Lin Yun with eyes filled with admiration.

The old village chief also stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Lin, is this over? Didn't you say you can make it rain? Why hasn't it rained yet?"

It wasn't that the old village chief wanted to deliberately dismantle Lin Yun, but he wanted to find out.

In his opinion, this experiment was considered a complete success.

Even if Niubei Village cannot grow food in the future, Lin Yun's advanced skills will definitely enable every household in Niubei Village to live a good life.

Lin Yun always looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice: "Wait and see, it's too early to say anything now!"

Seeing what he said, everyone felt completely relieved and looked up to the sky like him.

Lin Yun understood that artificial rainfall was just a simple piece of physical knowledge, and the technical content was not very high.

But he was in a different world, and without any tools, he had to try his luck if he wanted to succeed.

Moreover, it takes a certain amount of time for physical changes to occur in the clouds, and a large number of ice crystals to change the air temperature and humidity to achieve the purpose of rainfall.

Time passes minute by minute.

It can be said that this is the first time that Lin Yun has been so nervous since he came to this world.

Whether he can succeed this time will directly determine Lin Yun's next plan and development direction.

Suddenly, a thunder sounded high in the sky.

This time it was real thunder.

Lin Yun's eyes lit up. The possibility of thunder proved that physical changes had begun to occur in the clouds, which was a precursor to rain.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of pattering suddenly came from the originally dead sky.

The sound was very dense, making people feel uncomfortable listening to it.

At this time, Ye Wanqing, who had been looking up, suddenly felt a drop of water fall on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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