wealthy lord

Chapter 913 Brother and Sister Become Enemies

Chapter 913 Brother and Sister Become Enemies
"Your sister and I have been childhood sweethearts since we were young! And you, a girl, were only fit to be a follower! If your old man hadn't refused to agree, I would have been the current emperor's brother-in-law now!"

"By the way, where's Ling Ri? Is he still alive?"

Ye Wanqing said unhappily, "How can you talk like that? Brother-in-law Ling Ri is just less capable and a little lazy! But he is still a good person! Why do you want him to die?"

"Nonsense! If he doesn't die, when will Wanru and I, this pair of star-crossed mandarin ducks, finally get married?"

"Alright! Don't worry about this matter! Lin Yun has already dismissed Ling Ri from his post a while ago! He will never be able to make a name for himself again! When the matter concerning him gradually calms down, I will talk to Lin Yun about it!"

Shi Bao rubbed his hands and smiled slyly: "Then I will wait for your good news!"

As a military general, his ideas are simple and direct.

As long as he can become Lin Yun's brother-in-law, his future will be bright. As long as his Shi family does not plot a rebellion, no one will be able to shake their position in the Great Duan Divine Dynasty!

There is no need to be like Fu Linan and Qi Changyun, keeping fear around Lin Yun all day long.

About half an hour later, Una finally came back, followed by a warrior from the Walian Village. He was holding a pile of Panda clothing in his hands, but these clothes were dirty and smelly, and even attracted flies.

Una said in a deep voice: "Just put these leather armor and animal skin skirts on the ground!"

The members of the Panda royal court were also divided into different levels.

The lowest-ranking members of the tribe are not worthy of wearing normal clothes and can only use leather armor and animal skin skirts to cover their bodies.

If you want to improve your status, you must join the army and serve the royal court.

The warrior also had a look of disgust on his face. He put his leather armor and leather skirt on the ground and turned away.

Shi Bao covered his mouth and nose, frowned and asked, "What the hell is this?"

Una said, "This is what the lowest-ranking people of the Panda tribe usually wear! Didn't Sister Wanqing just say that she wanted to send people to sneak into the Holy City to plant mines? As long as they wear clothes like this, no one will notice. It would be best if the disguised soldiers messed up their hair, peed and mixed mud, and smeared it on their bodies and faces!"

Shi Bao's mouth twitched: "Is it really that exaggerated?"

This time, before Una could explain, Ye Wanqing interrupted and said, "Of course they need it! The lowest-ranking people of the Panda tribe usually wear this kind of leather armor and animal skins, but in order to prevent the exposed skin from being exposed to the sun, they urinate and spit on themselves to protect their skin from being harmed!"

"So, General Shi, don't complain about the dirtiness! Besides, you don't need to wear this kind of leather armor!"

Shi Bao smiled bitterly, bent down to pick up the dirty and smelly leather armor and animal skin skirt, and went straight to the camp of 30,000 Shenji stationed outside Wa Lian Village.

"Sister Wanqing, if you meet Wu Meng later, you must be careful! He used to be unreasonable and would kill people if he disagreed with someone! Now that he has become the Khan, he will definitely be even more excessive! So, don't say anything to provoke him directly! Let me deal with him!"

Ye Wanqing frowned and said, "Third sister, are you sure there is no problem?"

"Don't worry!" Una said calmly, "Even if I can't beat him, I'm wearing the bulletproof vest that my husband gave me last time, and I also have a revolver! Even if he does, I can protect myself!"

As the two sisters were talking, a burst of laughter suddenly came from outside the door.

"Haha! Third sister, the last time we met was last year. How are you doing? Are you feeling comfortable in the Great Duan Kingdom?"

The two girls looked towards the door at the same time, only to see Wu Meng walking in with big strides. Una saw this and sighed inwardly.

It's been just over a year since I last saw him, but this elder brother seems to be becoming more and more like my father.

Whether it's body shape, appearance, or even hairstyle, they are extremely similar.

The only difference is that Utowa’s arms are covered with various totem tattoos, while Wu Meng has no tattoos on his body.

Una sneered, "Since I learned that my father passed away, I have been unable to sleep at night and have been crying all day long! But you seem to be in good spirits, brother! Could it be that you are in a good mood because of the good news?"

"Hey, what can you say, little girl? My father passed away, and I am not happy about it! But as they say in the Great Duan Kingdom, a country cannot be without a king for a day. Although my Panda Royal Court is not as good as the Great Duan Dynasty, it is also a medium-sized country. As the elder brother, I should inherit the throne!"

Obviously, Wu Meng had already thought of an excuse before he came out.

These words were so logical and well-founded that Una couldn't find any fault with them.

After all, Utowa had only mentioned verbally a few times during his lifetime that he would let his second son Uli inherit his throne in the future, but there was no formal edict to prove Uli's legal right of inheritance.

Therefore, since there is no will, the Khan throne will naturally be inherited according to the order of seniority.

"Brother, you have really put a lot of effort into fighting for the Khanship! When my father was alive, he had already said that after his death, he would pass the throne to..."

Before he could finish, Wu Meng snorted angrily, "Alright! Third sister, our father just passed away not long ago, and he certainly doesn't want us three siblings to fight among ourselves! So, whether you agree with this or not, you must accept the fact that your brother has become the Khan!"

"Also, if you are not satisfied with my current attitude, I don't mind talking to you in a different way!"

Wu Meng's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he looked intimidating without even getting angry.

A murderous aura instantly enveloped the small tent.

Una bit her lower lip secretly. One of her hands was always hidden behind her back, holding the revolver given to her by Lin Yun. If there was a suitable opportunity, she would definitely shoot.

"Where's Wu Li? Did you kill him too?"

"Don't worry! The second brother is doing well! Although he was dying when I found him in Bailang Mountain, he is no longer in danger! However, my position as Khan is not stable yet! If I am willing to write a secret letter to my brother-in-law in the Great Duan Kingdom and ask him to publicly acknowledge the fact that I have inherited the Khanate, then I guarantee that the second brother will be safe!"

If the throne of the Great Duan Dynasty was to be changed, there would be no need for recognition from people of other countries because the strength was strong enough.

But the Panda Royal Court is a small and weak country, so he must get the recognition of a big country before he can hold on to this position.

Una's face turned pale. She had a bad temper to begin with, and this time she was coerced by her elder brother, whom she hated to the core, which made Una very unhappy.

Ye Wanqing had been observing Wu Na's reaction. Seeing that she was about to lose control of her emotions, Ye Wanqing quietly pulled her hand and said to Wu Meng with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't worry! For my Great Duan Dynasty, it doesn't matter who becomes the Khan of the Panda Royal Court! As long as our two countries can be as friendly as before, I can make this decision for the emperor!"

No matter whether Lin Yun really admits it or not, at least we have to appease Wu Meng now.

Otherwise, if they really fall out, they will definitely die!
(End of this chapter)

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