wealthy lord

Chapter 914 Political Blackmail, Wu Meng's Ambition

Chapter 914 Political Blackmail, Wu Meng's Ambition
Wu Meng raised his head and laughed wildly: "Haha!!"

Ye Wanqing and Una looked at each other, both frowning.

"What are you laughing at, Your Majesty? Don't you believe what I said?"

"Of course I don't believe it! Although this is the first time we meet, I am very familiar with your name, Ye Wanqing! Don't try to deceive me with these empty words! I will tell you the truth now. If I can't give you a satisfactory answer today, none of you will be able to leave the land of the Panda Royal Court! I will definitely keep my word!"

Ye Wanqing joked, "Then I wonder, Your Majesty, what kind of answer would satisfy you?"

"It's very simple! Since both of you are Lin Yun's women, just write a letter to him! Let him announce to the world that the legitimacy of this Khan is recognized! In addition, send someone to deliver 100,000 bamboo guns and 10,000 of these new weapons! And 500,000 rounds of ammunition each! Once the news and things are in place, this Khan will not only let you return safely, but also hand over that stinky brat Wu Li!"

Seeing the Wumeng Lion open its mouth wide, Ye Wanqing and Una were stunned.

Only the hundreds of thousands of regular troops in Fengyang County and Jiangxia County are eligible to equip themselves with the weapons and equipment he requested.

Moreover, the manufacture of these weapons will consume an astonishing amount of military expenditure.

There is absolutely no way Lin Yun could accept this.

If they really do as they are told, the Pandada Royal Court will no longer be a threat, but a deadly existence.

Una was furious: "Wumeng! Don't go too far!"

"Haha...bullying? I say, Third sister, when you and the second brother teamed up to deal with me, you were much more excessive than now! It's just that this Khan is blessed by the God of Panda~! Now I, Wumeng, rule and lead the Panda Royal Court! You can refuse, but what awaits you will be endless imprisonment! The water prison that our father spent a lot of money to build can meet all your demands!"

After all, Wu Meng still didn't dare to kill Ye Wanqing and Una.

He knew very well that the only way to compete with a big country was to use politics to resolve the issue.

I feel like I'm walking on a single-plank bridge and there's no turning back.

Therefore, if you want to snatch food from a tiger's mouth, you must be bold and careful, and you must also master the timing.

He couldn't provoke Lin Yun to get angry, nor could he show too weak.

Of course, there is another important reason why Wu Meng is so bold, that is, Lin Yun is secretly wrestling with the Daqian Dynasty and is unable to spare any effort.

At this critical moment, he was sure that Lin Yun would not dare to turn against him.

Otherwise, in the end, the fisherman will benefit from the quarrel between the snipe and the clam. Lin Yun will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

Ye Wanqing finally figured out Wu Meng's true thoughts and sneered, "Your Majesty the Khan really dares to speak! You don't seem to know that the current Great Duan Dynasty has been reborn under Lin Yun's governance? Believe it or not, even if Lin Yun really meets your requirements, you will still end up dead!"

"Jie Jie!"

Wu Meng laughed strangely, "Of course I believe it! This Khan has seen Lin Yun's methods, which are indeed terrifying! But if he really attacks our Panda Royal Court, the Daqian Dynasty will definitely take the opportunity to attack! Hey, this Khan really wants to know, will Lin Yun choose the country or you two beauties?"

Ye Wanqing's face turned pale, and Wu Meng's status in her heart rose sharply.

This guy is definitely a veteran in the officialdom and has great strategic vision.

The fact that he can easily see through the current situation proves that Wu Meng's ability is by no means undeserved.

No matter what time it is, people who know how to judge the situation are often good at seizing opportunities.

Since Utowa’s sudden death, every step Wu Meng took was quite powerful.

Even Ye Wanqing began to suspect that there was an expert behind Wu Meng.

Otherwise, if he was really that capable, why didn't Utova use him?
Ye Wanqing was completely confused by Wu Meng's strange and contradictory behavior.

At this moment, Shi Bao walked in with his hands behind his back. The guards in charge of guarding the gate of the tent immediately stopped him.

"Who are you? How dare you interrupt the conversation between His Majesty the Khan and the envoy of the Great Duan Kingdom?"

Without saying a word, Shi Bao raised his hand and slapped the two guards twice, knocking them to the ground.

"You're just cursing! Open your dog eyes and see clearly! I am the Great General of Pingxi of the Great Duan Dynasty! I am here to deal with you barbarians!"

The two guards covered their faces and stared at Shi Bao angrily, but they didn't dare to say another word.

Although Wu Meng appears to be a domineering person, Shi Bao is no pushover either.

Wu Meng narrowed his eyes slightly and said sarcastically, "General Shi is so arrogant that he actually dares to humiliate my Khan's men in person?"

Shi Bao smiled coldly, ignoring his murderous look, and sat on the chair opposite him, saying playfully: "This general only kills people, never humiliates them!"


Wu Meng stood up and slapped the table into pieces with his strong hands.

"This is too much! Boy, I thought this Khan had just taken the throne and didn't want to kill anyone, but you forced me to do it! This Khan didn't dare to kill these two women because they were Lin Yun's women! But who do you think you are? How dare you challenge this Khan? Someone, come here..."

A group of armed warriors immediately rushed in from outside the door and stared at Shi Bao with unfriendly faces.

Faced with the crisis of life and death, Shi Bao remained calm and composed, with a sinister smile on his face.

Ye Wanqing and Una on the side were both worried for him.

He secretly sighed that Shi Bao was so skilled and bold that he dared to force Wu Meng to lose his temper at this moment.

If they open fire directly, Shi Bao will definitely die.

"Kill this arrogant bastard Wang Jian, the Khan!!"

The warriors immediately loaded their bamboo guns.

At this time, Shi Bao shouted, "Wait a minute! Wu Meng, it's only a matter of a word for you to kill me! But you really underestimated the Emperor Lin Yun of the Great Duan Dynasty! As early as the moment we stepped into the land of the Panda King's Court, the 200,000 elite troops of Fengyang County had already sneaked in secretly!"

As he spoke, he casually pulled out a revolver from his arms, and said with a smile from behind the barrel: "Believe it or not, if I fire a shot, it will send a signal to the outside world, and the Lin family army ambushing around will take action!"

Ye Wanqing and Una's eyes lit up, and they secretly sighed that Shi Bao was a lunatic. He actually dared to use the empty city plan at this moment.

It was something that didn't happen, but he made it sound like it was real.

But in fact, Shi Bao was under tremendous pressure and his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

But he had just heard that Wu Meng wanted to use Lin Yun's two wives for political blackmail.

If you do nothing, it's all over.

Once Ye Wanqing and Una were both detained and imprisoned in this holy city, he would be a sinner.

Even if Lin Yun didn't punish him, he would never be able to raise his head.

Sure enough, after being threatened by Shi Bao, Wu Meng finally panicked and subconsciously looked at the situation outside the tent door.

(End of this chapter)

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