Chapter 107 Obsessed
In battles between rivers and lakes, victory or defeat often only occurs in a split second. Even if it is just a flaw in a move, as long as the opponent seizes the opportunity, he will be defeated or even defeated.

"I won't lose to you!" However, Yang Kang was not willing to be defeated. In a rage, he directly hit Li Chuan's sword!
The sharp Qingli sword directly pierced Yang Kang's right shoulder, but Yang Kang seemed to not know the pain at all. He rushed forward with a crazy step and raised his hand to clasp Li Chuan's shoulder.

Li Chuan's eyes were focused, and he was about to burst out of his true energy to break Yang Kang's grip. However, he felt a strong suction force suddenly erupted from Yang Kang's palm, making it difficult for him to break free, and it was faintly arousing the true energy in his body. Stable, it seems to be leaking out of the body.

Um? ! Li Chuan's expression changed. He instantly guarded his mind and suppressed the restless energy in his body. At the same time, he looked at Yang Kang expressionlessly.

"I see. It seems that you relied on this method of absorbing people to gain this strong inner strength."

As far as Li Chuan knew, there seemed to be only two martial arts capable of absorbing people's power, Beiming Divine Art and Star Absorbing Technique. He just didn't know which one Yang Kang learned by chance.

Yang Kang paid such a high price and suffered such serious injuries, and finally got the chance to get close to Li Chuan. However, he activated the suction method but could not activate the innate true energy in Li Chuan's body. This made him feel sad. More panic.

"Impossible! Why can't I absorb your inner energy?!"

"Hmph!" Li Chuan snorted coldly, unwilling to continue the stalemate with Yang Kang, so he simply released his suppression of the true energy, and even actively mobilized the innate true energy in his body to flow towards his shoulders, allowing Yang Kang to absorb it.

"Since you want my skills, I will give them to you!"

I want to see if you can stand my pure innate energy!

Whether it is the Beiming Divine Technique or the Dharma Absorption Technique, any method that absorbs other people's inner energy for one's own use is powerful, but its drawbacks are also extremely obvious.

Once you encounter someone with stronger skills than yourself, or if the opponent's internal power is different, the caster will simply not be able to bear it!

It was just like Duan Yu back then, but he only absorbed the internal energy of a few people from the Wuliang Sword Sect, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He almost became obsessed with it and died due to the restlessness of his internal energy.

Another example is Zuo Lengchan's future, in order to deal with Ren Woxing's suction method, he specially trained a body of ice energy. If he dared to suck his internal energy, his body would be frozen immediately and he would die of hypothermia.

And Li Chuan's innate true energy is not only extremely rich, but also extremely pure and concise. It is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Jianghu people. If Yang Kang wants to absorb his true energy, let's see who of them can't hold it first. live!
After Yang Kang finally absorbed Li Chuan's energy, his expression changed instantly. It was different from the previous feeling of comfort and satisfaction when he absorbed other people's skills.

He felt as if a stream of hot lava poured into his body along his arm, making him feel as if he was being tortured, and he couldn't help but let out a cry!

Yang Kang instinctively removed his hand and fled, while Li Chuan did not pursue him, but just stood there and looked at him quietly.

"How about it? Can you bear with my innate innocence?"

Yang Kang rushed forward again with a ferocious expression on his face, pressing down on Li Chuan Tianling with a Nine-Yin White Bone Claw, but Li Chuan just raised his hand and pushed it away.

Then he pointed a Yang finger on his Dantian. With just one finger, the internal energy absorbed by his body was broken by one finger. In an instant, all the internal energy in his body was poured out, and the power was dissipated.

"Uh" Yang Kang staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground, "My internal energy? What...what's going on?!" Feeling the internal energy pouring out of his body instantly like a floodgate opening, Yang Kang was stunned on the spot.

"Haven't you noticed yet?" Li Chuan said indifferently, "You have already gone crazy. If I help you release this inner power that does not belong to you, it will actually allow you to live a few more days."

Yang Kang has absorbed the internal energy of too many people during this period. The internal energy in his body seems powerful and huge, but in fact it is mixed, like a plate of loose sand that has been forcibly condensed.

It wouldn't be so if he immediately went into seclusion after absorbing the old eunuch's power and spent several years finely polishing it bit by bit to refine it for his own use.

After all, he learned the old eunuch's kung fu, and the two have similar internal strength attributes. If he handles it properly, it's not that he can't use it to reach the sky in one step.

However, he was not greedy enough, and later absorbed the internal energy of many people in the world, making the internal energy in his body extremely messy, and he was already on the wrong track.

But he himself was completely unaware of it, only indulged in that false and powerful sense of satisfaction, and didn't even know when he had gone crazy.

If Li Chuan hadn't hit his Dantian with the Yang finger just now, causing the mixed internal energy in his body to drain away, I am afraid that within a few days, he himself would have gone crazy, and his internal energy would have exploded and died.

As all his inner strength was released, Yang Kang could not accept such a result, and the expression on his face became more and more crazy. After struggling to get up from the ground, he roared and rushed towards Li Chuan again.

He is already crazy now!
And Li Chuan didn't hold back any more, and raised the sharp sword in his hand expressionlessly.


The sharp blade penetrated the flesh and the sword penetrated the chest. Only then did Yang Kang calm down from the crazy state.

"Uh. Uh. Uh." He looked up at Li Chuan and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but at this time, he couldn't say anything, and Li Chuan obviously didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. .

Yang Kang collapsed to the ground softly and soon became silent. Li Chuan lowered his head and glanced at his body, then turned and walked into the hall.

Li Chuan searched the temple, and after rescuing Han Xiaoying and Ke Zhen'e, the three of them went to the wilderness behind the Iron Spear Temple and found the bodies of Zhu Cong and others.

But when they found Zhu Cong and others, Zhu Cong and the others had already almost eaten away their bodies by the crows. When Han Xiaoying saw this, she screamed in grief and fainted.

If Li Chuan hadn't used Yiyang Finger and Xiantian Kung to regulate and heal his injuries, I'm afraid she would have been stimulated by this and went with Zhu Cong and others.

One day later, Li Chuan helped bury Zhu Cong and others, and then sent Ke Zhen'e and Han Xiaoying to Li Mochou's villa outside Jiaxing City. He asked her to help take care of them and let them recuperate here before setting off back to their homeland. Nanshan returned to life.

As for Yang Kang's body, he asked a few Beggar Clan disciples to take it to a nearby Yi Village to stay. After all, his body would be used to give an explanation to the murdered martial arts comrades.

(End of this chapter)

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