Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 108 Why did you attack me again? !

Chapter 108 Why did you attack me again? !

A month later, the turmoil caused by Yang Kang in the world gradually subsided, but those who died because of it could no longer survive.

After Li Chuan returned to the mountain this time, he never went down the mountain again.

After returning to Zhongnan Mountain, Li Chuan went into seclusion for a long time and lived in seclusion for several years. Three years passed in a flash.

Then, one night three years later, there was a sudden heavy rain on Zhongnan Mountain, thunder bursts, and a bolt of thunder fell directly on Li Chuan's residence, destroying the roof and falling into the house.

When Qiu Chuji and others heard the noise and came to check, Li Chuan in the room had disappeared.

Just as Li Chuan appeared on the Zhongnan Mountain Road following the thunder, today, sixteen years later, Li Chuan also disappeared again amid the thunder.

When Li Chuan came to his senses again, he had already appeared in a mountain forest. After he was stunned for a moment, even with his current temperament, he couldn't help but secretly uttered a curse word.

What the hell!

Is Tian Lei sick today? How many times have you hit me? !

This won't allow him to travel through time again, right? !

At the last moment, he was just sitting in his room meditating, but with a bang, another thunder fell from the sky. After a burst of dazzling thunder, when he came to his senses again, a person appeared in this mountain forest. .

At this moment, a gust of mountain wind blew by, and Li Chuan couldn't help but feel a chill all over his body. When he looked down, he saw that the Taoist robe he had previously worn had been turned into powder by the thunder, but now there was no trace of it.

On the other hand, he himself was not injured at all, not even a hair was missing, but he was completely naked, which was very rude.

Then Li Chuan turned around and looked around again. He saw that the mountains and forests within a few feet of him had turned into scorched earth. It was impossible to tell where he was now just based on the scene here.

After thinking about it, Li Chuan decided to walk around and investigate first, at least to find out where he was now, and then get some clothes to wear.

One day later, Li Chuan had figured out where he was now. He was still on Zhongnan Mountain. To be precise, it was Zhongnan Mountain more than a hundred years ago!

Zhongnan Mountain, Laojun Temple.

Li Chuan had been searching in the mountains before, and finally found a Taoist temple called Laojun Temple in the mountains. He came outside the temple for help, explained his purpose, and asked the old temple owner in the temple for a blue robe to cover his shame. .

Later, during a conversation with the old temple owner, Li Chuan learned that he was actually in Zhongnan Mountain!

And the reason why he failed to recognize this place as Zhongnan Mountain was because it was more than a hundred years away from his previous time and space, and even Patriarch Wang Chongyang had not yet been born. This Zhongnan landform was Naturally they are not the same.

As for other more things, I couldn't find out. After all, the old temple master practiced Taoism in the mountains all year round. His food, clothing, housing and transportation were all provided by his family. He rarely went down the mountain, and he didn't know much about the situation down the mountain.

Afterwards, Li Chuan thanked the old temple owner again and went down the mountain, ready to go down the mountain to inquire.

More than two months later, Bianliang, Tokyo.

It has been more than two months since Li Chuan came to this time and space, and he has a preliminary understanding of this strange time and space. What can be confirmed is that the world he is in now is the same world as the world he was in more than a hundred years ago, but the time and space are different.

This point has been confirmed since he heard the words "Northern Qiao Feng, Southern Murong" from those people in the world more than a month ago.

The time and space he is currently in is the 'Tianlong Period' of that year. As for the specific time period, he is not very clear, but from the chats of those in the world, it is not difficult to guess that it should still be in the early stage of Tianlong.

After all, there is no rumor in the world that anyone has died due to his famous stunt, and the names of Bei Qiao Feng and Nan Murong seem to have just begun to rise, indicating that they have developed into the period when the plot he is familiar with has begun.

Then, after some thought, Li Chuan came to Bianliang, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, and prepared to see what the most prosperous period of the Song Dynasty was like.

On the canal, Li Chuan stood on the bow of the boat. Looking at the bustling scene in Bianliang City along the way, he couldn't help but sigh. This vivid scene is indeed not something that can be fully depicted in the Qingming River Scene. You have to see it with your own eyes to know it. This is a prosperous scene.

"Taoist Master, we've arrived." The boat docked and the boatman greeted Li Chuan.

Li Chuan nodded, turned around and thanked: "Thank you to the boatman for sending me this. This is the shipping fee."

Fortunately, no matter what age it is, there are always bandits and bandits who dominate the mountain and block the roads. Otherwise, Li Chuan, who came naked, might not even be able to pay the ship's fare of more than ten yuan.

The middle-aged boatman didn't answer, but smiled and said: "Haha, how can the young man accept the Taoist priest's money? Isn't this a blessing for the young man?"

The Northern Song Dynasty worshiped Taoism, and the royal family of Zhao and Song Dynasties took the lead. Even ordinary people in the city had many people who believed in Taoism. In the past two months, Li Chuan had a deep feeling of this.

Now even if he takes a boat, the boatman won't charge him the fare.

Of course, the main reason is that Li Chuan is good-looking. Although he has been in seclusion for several years and has long hair that reaches his waist, it is no longer suitable for a bun. He can only tie it into a ponytail and hang it loosely behind his back. Unlike He is dressed like a serious Taoist priest.

But Li Chuan's many years of Taoist practice on Zhongnan Mountain were not in vain. In addition, he is now considered to be successful in cultivation, and he really has the demeanor of a real Taoist.

Li Chuan smiled and said: "You take me across the river, and I will pay for the boat with you. This is a matter of course, and there is no such thing as a loss of fortune. You'd better accept it, boatman, and buy a fish for your family to make soup." "

As he spoke, Li Chuan leaned over and put the boat money at his feet. Then he lifted his feet and was already on the shore. In just a few breaths, he had disappeared into the crowd.

All the way into the city, Li Chuan didn't have any clear destination, so he just wandered around Bianliang City for a while.

It has to be said that Bianliang, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, was much larger and more prosperous than Lin'an Prefecture of the Southern Song Dynasty in later generations.

After wandering around the city for more than an hour, Li Chuan felt a little hungry. Then he turned and walked into a restaurant on the street, preparing to order a few bowls of Yangchun noodles to fill his stomach.

There was no other way. Now that he didn't have the support of his disciples to provide expenses, the money he had obtained from the robbers was about to be used up. He didn't dare to ask the waiter to cut ten kilograms of braised pork as soon as he entered the store. Meat, sift a jar of wine and come over.

I can only order a few bowls of Yangchun noodles to fill my stomach for now. If I want to be full, I might go out of the city to hunt some game in the mountains and forests.

I wonder if there are any bandit camps entrenched near Bianliang City?

(End of this chapter)

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