Chapter 11 Guo Jing
Hearing this, Zhen Zhibing nodded and said, "Then let's go find out about Uncle Wang first."

Afterwards, the two of them left here and headed towards the city.

Because of the previous attack, the two of them were much more careful this time. They deliberately covered their bodies and paid attention to the surrounding movements all the way, in case the two of them summoned their companions to help find them again.

In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed. Seeing that the sky had darkened and the two of them still could not find out the news about Wang Chuyi, Zhen Zhibing couldn't help but feel a little anxious and suggested.

"Junior brother, the city of Yanjing is so big. It will be difficult for the two of us to find out about Senior Uncle Wang. Why don't we go find your Senior Brother Yang Kang and ask him to help."

"He is the young prince of Prince Zhao's Mansion. He should have many people under his command. With his help, the search will be faster."

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Zhen Zhibing strangely.

Are you serious?
Zhen Zhibing asked in confusion: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Li Chuan asked: "Brother, who do you think the two people who attacked us earlier were?"

"We had just entered the city when someone came to our door. And in broad daylight, they dared to attack us directly. This is the capital of the Kingdom of Jin."

"So the identities of those two people are probably not as simple as ordinary Jianghu people, but more like the master retainers supported by the powerful men of the Jin Kingdom. And in Yanjing City, how many dignitaries can recruit the service of such masters? Where is this?"

Hearing this, Zhen Zhibing couldn't help but change his face slightly: "Junior Brother, do you mean to suspect that it is Junior Brother Yang?!"

Li Chuan just said lightly: "Who knows, besides, Senior Brother Yang has always regarded himself as the young prince of the Kingdom of Jin, so he is not from the same group as us."

"Senior brother, you don't understand that people who are not from my race have different minds, right?"

Zhen Zhibing pursed his lips and said, "I took it for granted."

He only thought that Yang Kang was their senior brother, but he forgot that he preferred to think of himself as the young prince of the Jin Kingdom rather than as a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect.

So Zhen Zhibing also gave up the idea of ​​going to Prince Zhao's Mansion to seek help from Yang Kang.

The two of them explored the city for a while, and Zhen Zhibing suddenly saw something, and finally let out a light sigh.


"What's wrong, senior brother?" Li Chuan asked aloud.

Li Chuan followed Zhen Zhibing's gesture and looked over, and saw a simple-looking young man in front of a pharmacy on the street ahead, talking to the pharmacy owner through the door.

"That person is Guo Jing." Zhen Zhibing and Li Chuan explained, "I didn't expect that he was also in Yanjing City."

Zhen Zhibing had met Guo Jing. A few years ago, he was ordered by Qiu Chuji to go to the desert to find the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan to discuss the eighteen-year agreement with Yanyu Tower. He also tried to test Guo Jing, so he was naturally dissatisfied with him. strangeness.

When Li Chuan heard this, his heart moved slightly.

"Since Guo Jing is here, it means that the seniors of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters should also be nearby. Maybe we can go to them for help and complete the master's instructions."

Zhen Zhibing thought about it and thought it made sense, so he said, "That's fine. Let's go, junior brother, let's meet that Guo Jing together."

On the other side, Guo Jing asked the drug store owner, but just like the previous pharmacies, he did not have the medicinal materials he needed.

Previously, when he and Wang Chuyi went to Prince Zhao's Mansion for a banquet, they were framed by Yang Kang, which caused Wang Chuyi to fall into the poisonous sand palm of Master Lingzhi.

Fortunately, Wang Chu had an extraordinary experience and knew how to detoxify the poisonous sand palm, so he made a list of medicinal materials for him and asked him to come to the drug store to get the medicine.

But it is a pity that Yang Kang and others are treacherous. They have already anticipated this, so they sent people to buy all the antidote medicines in all the pharmacies in the city in advance. Guo Jing almost visited all the pharmacies in the city and bought them all. No medicinal materials available. 'This is a bad situation. We can't buy any medicinal materials. How can we save Taoist Wang? '

Just when Guo Jing was anxious and felt like there was nothing he could do, a greeting came from behind him.

"Brother Guo Jing, long time no see."

"Huh?" When Guo Jing heard the voice, he quickly turned around and looked over, and saw two young Taoist priests in blue robes standing on the street looking at him.

"You are Taoist Master Zhen Zhibing!" Guo Jing also recognized Zhen Zhibing immediately. After all, he was beaten hard by Zhen Zhibing back then. Even though he has a simple temperament, he does not hold any grudges, but Zhen Zhibing But the appearance is unforgettable.

Zhen Zhibing nodded towards Guo Jing and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for several years, but Brother Guo Jing still has the same style."

Seeing Zhen Zhibing being so polite, Guo Jing quickly put on a smile on his face and wanted to respond, but he was too stupid to say anything auspicious, so he could only laugh.

"Haha, so is Taoist Master Zhen..."

Then, he suddenly thought of something. Yes, isn't Zhen Zhibing also a member of the Quanzhen Sect?
So he hurriedly said: "By the way, Master Zhen, your Quanzhen sect's senior Wang Chuyi has been poisoned and injured. Come and have a look with me!"

Zhen Zhibing raised his eyebrows. He really didn't expect that he was looking for Guo Jing just to ask him and his master Jiangnan Seven Monsters to help find Wang Chuyi, but he didn't expect that he happened to know about it.

From what I hear, Wang Chuyi is still with them.

But this is just right, and it saves effort.

"Do you know where Uncle Wang is now? Take us there quickly."

"Okay, two Taoist priests, please follow me."

Under the leadership of Guo Jing, the three people soon arrived at an inn in the city and met Wang Chuyi who was poisoned.

"Zhichuan, Zhibing, why are you here?"

"Uncle Master." Li Chuan and the two of them also hurriedly greeted the king.

Wang Chu nodded quickly and said, "No need to be too polite."

Zhen Zhibing asked aloud: "Uncle Master, what's going on? Why are you poisoned?"

Wang Chuyi shook his head and sighed: "This matter is a long story."

He briefly told them about how he met Yang Kang and Guo Jing in the city, then went to Prince Zhao's Mansion for a banquet, was besieged by a group of masters from Prince Zhao's Mansion, and was struck by Master Lingzhi's poisonous sand palm.

Hearing this, Zhen Zhibing couldn't help but said angrily: "This Yang Kang deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors. He is really an unfaithful and unjust person. I will definitely report this matter to master and severely punish this traitor!"

Wang Chuyi just sighed softly and said, "Let's talk about this later."

Then, he turned to look at Guo Jing and asked, "Brother Guo, have you bought the antidote medicinal materials?"

Guo Jing felt ashamed and said, "Daoist Wang, I'm really sorry. I've visited all the pharmacies in this city, but I can't find any detoxifying herbs. It's all my fault."

Wang Chuyi was kind and indifferent. Hearing this, he just chuckled and said, "Brother Guo, you don't have to blame yourself. I can't blame you for this."

"It must be that Yang Kang and others had a premeditated plan and deliberately bought up all the medicinal materials in this city. It is not your fault."

(End of this chapter)

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