Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 12 There is such a stunningly beautiful woman in this world

Chapter 12 There is such a stunningly beautiful woman in this world
While everyone was talking, Yang Tiexin, Mu Nianci and his daughter also came to the room and brought back good news, saying that Mu Nianci bought the medicinal materials Wang Chuyi needed from a remote pharmacy outside the city.

Hearing this, several people showed joy on their faces, saying that Yang Kang and the others had gone out of their way to buy up all the medicinal materials from the medicine shops in the city, but left out all the medicinal materials outside the city.

Only Li Chuan, because he was familiar with the original work, understood that this was also a trap set by Yang Kang and Ouyang Ke for Wang Chuyi.

Guo Jing said with a face of joy: "That's great. Miss Mu is still attentive and not as stupid as me. She only thought about the pharmacy in the city."

Wang Chuyi also smiled and said: "That's good. I also ask Miss Mu to inform the store and ask them to bring a bucket of hot water to the room. Pindao will use this to perform the detoxification method."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Wait a minute." Li Chuan called out to Mu Nianci and said, "Yang Kang and others are acting cunningly, so it's better to be careful. Please also ask Miss Mu to hand over the medicinal materials to me for inspection first."

Hearing this, several people quickly came to their senses. Yes, with the way Yang Kang and others acted, wouldn't they have thought of this?

Mu Nianci glanced at Li Chuan, opened her mouth, but said nothing, and then handed Li Chuan the medicinal materials in her hand.

Li Chuan took the medicinal materials, opened the yellow paper bag, took out a sliced ​​piece of Polygonatum japonica, looked at it, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, but he didn't notice anything wrong.

"How is it?" Wang Chuyi asked Li Chuan, "Is there anything wrong?"

Li Chuan frowned slightly, but he didn't detect anything wrong. After thinking about it, he simply brought the piece of Huangjing to his mouth and took a sip.

Anyway, it's just a superficial experiment, and he has innate body protection, so he is not afraid of this slight toxicity.

Sure enough, as soon as the medicinal material was taken into his mouth, Li Chuan was keenly aware that its medicinal properties were wrong.

If he hadn't been convinced that Ouyang Ke had already tampered with these medicinal materials and tried them himself, he might have concealed them.

All we can say is that Ouyang Ke is worthy of being the nephew (son) of Western Poison Ouyang Feng. His ability and ability to use poison are truly extraordinary.

"There is really something wrong with this medicine." Li Chuan said out loud, "There is a colorless and odorless poison on it. If the medicine is used rashly, I am afraid that not only will the poison not be cured, but more injuries will be caused!"

"Ah?!" Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Mu Nianci was even more frightened and said: "How could this happen?!"

She quickly looked at Wang Chu and said, "Master Wang, I'm sorry, I really don't know."

Wang Chuyi shook his head and comforted him: "Miss Mu, there is no need to blame yourself. This matter is due to the cunning of Yang Kang and others and has nothing to do with you."

After that, he looked at Li Chuan and said: "Zhichuan, fortunately you are alert and wise. Pindao is also in the game. I didn't expect that at this stage, I almost fell into the poisonous plan of Yang Kang and others."

Zhen Zhibing couldn't help but cursed angrily: "This Yang Kang, whom I haven't seen for several years, has become so vicious. He will leave no room for death and want to kill Uncle Wang. When I see him later, I have to clean him out for Master." No!"

Li Chuan didn't react as much as Zhen Zhibing. After all, he and Yang Kang were not familiar with each other at all. Although they were brothers in name, they had never met each other.

Moreover, he already knew what kind of person Yang Kang was, but there was no disturbance in his heart. When he saw him in the future, he could just kill him with one sword and clean up the family, so why bother spending more time on him.

The top priority now is to detoxify Wang Chuyi as soon as possible.

So he spoke out: "Nowadays, no matter whether it is inside the city or outside the city, every medicine shop has either no medicinal materials, or the medicinal materials have been poisoned and cannot be used."

"If you want to find usable medicinal materials, I'm afraid the only way is to find a way from Prince Zhao's Mansion. Since they bought all the medicinal materials in this city, they must have brought them back to Prince Zhao's Mansion for strict supervision." "And there are so many. They definitely don’t have that much poison to poison all the medicinal materials, right? It is estimated that only a few drug stores outside the city were manipulated by them and set up as traps."

"So if you want to detoxify Uncle Wang, you have to go to Prince Zhao's Mansion."

After hearing this, several people felt that what Li Chuan said was reasonable, but Wang Chuyi was a little worried.

"Zhichuan, there are many experts in Prince Zhao's palace. It would be difficult for you just to rely on a few of you. How could you put them in danger for me?"

"Uncle, please rest assured. The disciples naturally know the dangers involved and will not act recklessly. Besides, we are only here to get the medicine. Once we get it, we will leave immediately. As long as we are careful, there will not be too much risk."

As soon as Wang Chu heard this, he didn't say anything more. He just told Li Chuan to be careful. If something cannot be done, don't hesitate and come back immediately and think of a solution.

After some discussion, they decided to sneak into Prince Zhao's Mansion to get the medicine after nightfall.

Soon, the sky became completely dark, and Li Chuan and Zhen Zhibing walked out of the inn together and headed to Prince Zhao's Mansion.

"Two Taoist priests, wait a minute." Guo Jing also followed out of the inn and caught up and said, "I'll go with you too."

Zhen Zhibing frowned. In his opinion, bringing Guo Jing, who had ordinary martial arts skills, to join them would not only be of no help, but might also be a drag. He wanted to refuse and let him stay in the inn to take care of Wang. At one.

But Li Chuan didn't expect that Li Chuan was one step ahead of him and said: "That's good, with Brother Guo helping me, I can take care of him."

As Li Chuan said this, he glanced at the alley to the side without leaving any trace.

And after hearing what Li Chuan said, Zhen Zhibing couldn't say much.

After a stick of incense, the three of them had arrived outside Prince Zhao's Mansion. It was already dark at this time, and there were no pedestrians on the street. It was pitch dark, which was a good time to take action.

"Junior Brother, Brother Guo, I will enter the mansion right away."

"Wait a minute." Li Chuan called out to stop the two of them, then turned his head and said behind him, "This friend, why don't you show up and meet me?"

Hearing this, Zhen Zhibing and Guo Jing both changed and quickly turned their heads to look behind them.

The difference was that Zhen Zhibing was purely shocked, while Guo Jing looked a bit thoughtful.

"It seems you have discovered me a long time ago." In the darkness, a clear female voice like an oriole came out, and then a girl in yellow was seen walking out of the alley behind them.

"Rong'er?" Guo Jing exclaimed, "It turns out you didn't leave before and were following us."

Seeing Zhen Zhibing next to him looking at him inquiringly, Guo Jing quickly explained: "This is Ronger, my friend."

"Earlier, she went to the inn specifically to look for me and reminded me that if I wanted to save Taoist Wang, I could go to the palace to get the medicine."

When Zhen Zhibing heard this, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Huang Rong. At one glance, he was so amazed that he couldn't help but exclaimed: "There is such a stunningly beautiful woman in this world."

For a moment, I was so crazy looking at it.

Li Chuan couldn't help but frown when he saw this, secretly thinking that he seemed to have seen this plot before.
(End of this chapter)

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