Chapter 13 Entering the Palace

"Senior brother." Li Chuan raised his hand and put it on Zhen Zhibing's shoulder, waking him up.

Zhen Zhibing came back to his senses and turned his head in a panic, not daring to look at Huang Rong again. But after a moment, he couldn't help but secretly raised his head and looked at Huang Rong with the corner of his eye, thinking See what the reaction is.

Then he discovered that Huang Rong had not paid attention to him from beginning to end, and her eyes did not linger on him at all. She was just talking to Guo Jing with a smile.

For a moment, Zhen Zhibing felt that his chest was inexplicably congested.

Zi, seeing Zhen Zhibing's appearance, Li Chuan couldn't help but secretly sigh that it was troublesome. Could it be that his cheap senior brother started to have a weak heart more than ten years in advance?

Wake up, senior brother! Neither the Dragon Knight nor the Rong Knight has a good future!

Women will only affect how quickly you draw your sword! Even my uncle Zhou Botong said so!
On the other side, after Guo Jing and Huang Rong talked for a while, Guo Jing came over and said that Huang Rong followed a few people because of him and was willing to help them go to Prince Zhao's Mansion to get medicine.

Hearing this, Li Chuan just glanced at Huang Rong and nodded in agreement.

After all, he had discovered Huang Rong's existence a long time ago. If she could help, it would be a good coincidence that with the help of this female Zhuge, they would probably be able to get the medicine much more smoothly.

Also, Huang Rong has a special identity, she is the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, and Mei Chaofeng, the abandoned disciple of Peach Blossom Island, is also hiding in Prince Zhao's palace. If the situation is urgent, she can make some articles about it.

Li Chuan nodded and said, "In that case, I'll thank Miss Huang first."

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but glance at Li Chuan and asked, "How do you know my surname is Huang?"

Li Chuan just said: "To be honest, I have guessed a lot about Miss Huang's origins. Otherwise, I would not have believed you so easily, Miss Huang."

Huang Rong took a deep look at Li Chuan and said, "You, this little Taoist priest, are really thoughtful."

Li Chuan did not explain: "Without further delay, let's enter the house now."

Although the gate wall of Prince Zhao's Mansion was towering, how could they stop the four people? The four of them easily jumped from the top of the wall into Prince Zhao's Mansion, and then moved all the way towards the palace.

"Senior brother." Li Chuan greeted Zhen Zhibing.

Zhen Zhibing also knew Li Chuan's thoughts, nodded and said: "Follow me."

Among the four of them, only Zhen Zhibing had followed Qiu Chuji to Prince Zhao's Mansion and knew the route inside the Prince's Mansion, so everyone naturally followed him.

After half a cup of tea, several people had reached the backyard of the palace, and even Zhen Zhibing didn't know the route here.

After all, when he and Qiu Chuji came to Prince Zhao's Mansion, they only wanted to teach Yang Kang Quanzhen martial arts, and their scope of activities was only in the front section of the Prince's Mansion. It was inconvenient to enter the backyard house where the female family members lived.

In addition, in recent years, Wanyan Honglie has recruited many martial arts masters to repair their houses in the backyard of the palace. The backyard has changed greatly, and Zhen Zhibing certainly doesn't know the way around.

Seeing this, Huang Rong rolled her eyes and suggested that the troops be divided into two groups. She and Guo Jing would go together, and Li Chuan and Zhen Zhibing would go to investigate separately.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Chuan agreed, and agreed that after the good things were done, they would meet in the forest outside the palace and then separate.

Li Chuan and Zhen Zhibing searched the back house all the way, but found nothing. Obviously Yang Kang and others should have thought that they might sneak into the palace to find medicine, so they made some preparations and hid the medicine. .

Seeing that a long time had passed, Li Chuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious. After all, the longer this time went on, the easier it would be for accidents to happen.

I thought, if that doesn't work, I might as well take the initiative to make some noise and attract people over, so as to do something good.

At this moment, Li Chuan suddenly noticed that a thatched house made of loess had appeared in front of him. In the back house of the royal palace with its carved beams and painted decorations, there is a thatched house that is incompatible with the surroundings. Everyone can see the problem.

"Junior brother, look, why is there such a thatched cottage in this palace?"

Li Chuan's eyes flickered slightly and he said, "Maybe I can find a way."

After that, he didn't explain anything to Zhen Zhibing and walked directly towards the thatched hut.

Seeing Li Chuan walking over so recklessly, Zhen Zhibing couldn't help but said: "Junior brother?!"

"It's okay." Li Chuan said, "That thatched house should be the residence of Mrs. Bao. Let's go ask her for help."

Hearing this, Zhen Zhibing also suddenly remembered something. He and Qiu Chuji had been to Prince Zhao's Mansion several times before, and he also accidentally heard people in the palace talking about it, saying that the princess did not want to stay in a good room, but she liked it. Live in a thatched hut.

And this princess turned out to be Yang Tiexin's widow and Yang Kang's mother, Bao Xiruo.

Moreover, Qiu Chuji had told him back then that Mrs. Bao was a gentle and kind-hearted person. If he told her about the matter, she would definitely not sit idly by and ignore it.

Knock knock knock..
Li Chuan came outside the thatched house and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Wu Nong's soft words with Jiangnan characteristics came from the room.

"Li Chuan, a disciple of the Quanzhen sect Changchun Zhenren Qiu Chuji, and senior brother Zhen Zhibing have something to do and would like to meet with Mrs. Bao."

On the other side, there is the reception room of the palace.

Yang Kang was drinking and chatting with Ouyang Ke, who was dressed in white, in the hall.

Ouyang Ke raised his hand and placed a white jade wine glass in front of his eyes, playing with it with a slight smile on his face.

"According to reports from people below, that Miss Mu has bought medicine from a pharmacy outside the city and brought it back. If nothing else happens, Wang Chuyi should be dead by now, and the young prince doesn't have to worry about anything. It will reach the ears of your master."

Yang Kang was not as confident as Ouyang Ke, so he just asked: "Brother Ouyang, are you sure your poison can kill Wang Chuyi?"

"He is not a simple person. Even if he was poisoned, his skills are extremely profound. I'm afraid of another accident."

When Ouyang Ke heard that Yang Kang questioned his ability to use poison, he couldn't help but feel a little impatient, secretly thinking that Yang Kang had no knowledge.

He, the majestic young owner of the White Camel Villa in the Western Regions and the descendant of the Western Poison Ouyang Feng, could he still poison Wang Chuyi to death?
But on the surface, he didn't show anything, he just looked calm and indifferent.

"Young prince, don't worry. The poison of my White Camel Villa in the Western Region is unparalleled in the world. Even if Wang Chongyang, the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, is resurrected and is poisoned by the poison of my White Camel Villa, he can only surrender and be slaughtered by others. , let alone a mere Wang Chuyi."

"As long as he takes our medicine, I can guarantee that even if he doesn't die immediately from the poisonous gas attack on his heart, he will definitely have no power to resist anymore."

"If you are still uneasy, young prince, wait a while and send a few people to collect the body from the prince's office and eradicate the root cause."

Yang Kang nodded after hearing Ouyang Ke's repeated assurances.

"In this case, I feel relieved. Brother Ouyang, please drink this cup to the full."

(End of this chapter)

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