Chapter 110 Duan Yu and Jiumozhi
The deputy leader of the Beggar Clan, Ma Dayuan, is also rumored to have died due to his special skills. With his identity, the Beggar Clan must go all out to find the real culprit in order to avenge their deputy leader.

If Qiao Feng hadn't felt that there was something unusual and strange about this matter and was full of doubts, and had been pressuring his brothers from the Beggar Clan not to act rashly, I am afraid that the members of the Beggar Clan would have been unable to bear it and came to Murong's house to investigate.

But now that Ma Dayuan has been murdered for so long, his murderer has still not been found. Qiao Feng can no longer suppress the emotions of his brothers in the beggar gang, so he can only personally lead everyone to Gusu to look for Murong. Ask the family to find out.

But he didn't know. He only thought that Ma Dayuan's death was because someone was deliberately framing the Murong family, but he didn't expect that the person behind the scenes was actually targeting Qiao Feng!
Ma Dayuan was actually killed by his wife Kang Min and Kang Min's lover Bai Shijing.

As for these two people, one was Ma Dayuan's widow and the other was the law enforcement elder of the Beggar Clan. No one suspected them. Moreover, it was Bai Shijing who was responsible for the investigation of Ma Dayuan's murder. It was strange that he could do so.

But Qiao Feng knew nothing about this. He only thought that the murderer was cunning and difficult to investigate, but he didn't know that all this was Kang Min's design. She had even prepared a series of excuses and perjury in order to He wanted to frame Qiao Feng and put him to death.

And the reason why she hasn't taken action yet is that she is just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity that will make Qiao Feng's reputation in front of the world ruined!
For example, the Beggar Clan Conference is about to be held in the apricot forest outside Wuxi, Suzhou!
All her calculations were not known to others, but Li Chuan knew it, so he came to Wuxi city in advance to wait in order to get the best viewing position in the front row so that he could get up close. Watch Na Kang Min's movie-level performance.

Then at the right time, come forward to expose her conspiracy!
This is what Li Chuan wanted to do when he saw the plot of the Apricot Forest Conference on TV when he was still very young!
Wuxi City, North and South Inns.

Li Chuan was eating in the hall when he suddenly saw a foreign-dressed monk pulling a young man in white to sit down next to him, wanting to share a table with him.

"Taoist Priest, there are many diners in the store right now, but there are no empty tables. I wonder if I can let this poor monk share a table with you, Taoist Priest?"

Li Chuan raised his head and glanced at the monk and the young man in white, and a strange look appeared on his face.

This combination has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Li Chuan didn't respond to the monk, but turned to look at the young man in white and asked: "This young man, may I ask if your surname is Duan, but are you a descendant of the Duan family in Dali?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the young man in white and the monk changed slightly.

"That's right, my surname is Duan Guangrong, and I am a member of the Duan family in Dali. I wonder who you are, this Taoist priest. Are you an acquaintance of someone from my family?"

As expected, it was Duan Yu, so this monk should be Jiumozhi.

Li Chuan nodded: "Yes, I did get to know an elder of Young Master You's family well in the past years, and I have been looked after by him a lot."

Duan Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "It turns out that he is an elder and old friend in the family. Duan Yu is polite here."

Duan Yu was about to stand up and salute Li Chuan, but Jiumozhi pulled him down and sat down. Then Jiumozhi looked at Li Chuandao with a serious look on his face.

"The Taoist Priest, the poor monk, and Mr. Duan have other important matters to attend to, but they don't have time to chat with you here, so we'll say goodbye."

With that said, he wanted to directly pull Duan Yu away.

"This great monk, please stay." "Oh?" Jiumozhi looked at Li Chuan expressionlessly and said, "This Taoist priest is also a monk. I would like to advise you, it is easiest to meddle in your own business." Why should you seek trouble for yourself as soon as you are born?"

Duan Yu also reminded him aloud: "Taoist Priest, this great monk is very skilled in martial arts, so please leave me alone."

Li Chuan nodded to Duan Yu, and then said to Jiumozhi: "I want to correct you, the great monk. I have not officially become a monk, so I cannot be considered a family member."

"On the contrary, you, the great monk, are the real monks, right? But why is it that you, the great monk, don't have any compassion or peace in your body, but you look very violent?"

Being ridiculed by Li Chuan in this way, Jiumozhi's face turned ugly.

"Little Taoist Priest, the poor monk has good words to persuade, but you ridicule the poor monk like this. Do you really think that the poor monk can let you slander and insult him? You must know that even the Buddha has the look of a vajra glaring with anger!"

Li Chuan shook his head, not bothering to argue with Jiumozhi anymore. He suddenly raised his hand and pushed away his right hand that was grabbing Duan Yu's shoulder, and then punched him in the chest with his backhand, knocking him down. Force back.

Jiumozhi's expression suddenly changed. Although he had already expected it when Li Chuan asked Duan Yu, the young Taoist priest might want to do something to save people.

But he didn't take it seriously at all. He just didn't want to cause any trouble in this busy city, so he wanted to take Duan Yu away directly.

Then Li Chuan stood up to block the road, and Jiumozhi couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He thought that if the Taoist priest insisted on getting entangled, he would have to teach him a profound lesson and let him know that in this world, some things should not be done noisily. No matter.

But who would have thought that before he could take action, Li Chuan took the lead and punched himself. The ferocious punch made even him feel a shiver in his heart. He lost the opportunity. , and did not dare to make a direct connection, so they could only retreat backwards.

Li Chuan punched Jiumozhi back, and then stepped forward, blocking Duan Yu behind him. At the same time, he raised his hand to attack Jiumozhi again. The power of a set of big demon-subduing fists was frightening. Mo Zhidu was forced to be unable to fight back for a moment, so he had to retreat continuously.

But this was in a downtown restaurant after all. There were many diners in the restaurant now. Li Chuan was also afraid that if he really fought with Jiumozhi, he might accidentally hurt an innocent person, so he just attacked Jiumozhi with a fierce attack. Force away for now.

Then he saw his feet turn around, quickly turned around, grabbed Duan Yu, and took him directly out of the restaurant, and then all the way out of the city.

"Go away!"

Jiumozhi shouted angrily and quickly followed him, but his Qinggong and body skills were obviously inferior to Li Chuan. Even if Li Chuan had a person on his hand, he couldn't catch up and could only hang on tightly. Behind Li Chuan, he chased him all the way out of the city.

"Daozhang Li, thank you for your help." Duan Yu thanked Li Chuan.

Li Chuan nodded: "Young Master Duan, you don't have to be polite."

After all, as he said before, Master Yideng took good care of him, and considering his affection, he naturally could not just sit idly by and ignore Duan Yu's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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