Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 111 Fierce battle outside the city

Chapter 111 Fierce battle outside the city
Li Chuan took Duan Yu all the way out of the city, but Jiumozhi was still chasing after them. Li Chuan simply stopped when he saw this.

The reason why he didn't want to fight Jiumozhi in the busy city before was purely because he was worried that innocent people might be hurt, but it didn't mean that he was afraid of the great monk.

"Master Duan, please stay here for a while while I go and send the great monk away."

After explaining to Duan Yu, Li Chuan turned around and faced Jiumozhi.

When Jiumozhi saw this, his face turned cold and he flew over. Before he arrived, he raised his hand and swung an invisible sword energy towards Li Chuan. It was one of his special skills, the flaming sword.

"Return Mr. Duan to the poor monk!"

"Oh, you, a great monk, are really domineering and brutal. You still have the nerve to say such things when you threaten and kidnap others."

Li Chuan sneered, and raised his hand to point out a Yang Finger, and the finger force shot out, hitting the flaming sword force swung by Jiumozhi.

Just hearing a bang, a burst of explosions exploded in mid-air. Amid the strong wind, Jiumozhi was also forced back by the oncoming impact, which was quite embarrassing.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword?!" Jiumozhi looked at Li Chuan in disbelief, and then thought of something else, "No, this is a Yang Finger! A Yang Finger can actually emit such sharp sword energy. Finger strength?!”

Li Chuan didn't bother to discuss anything with Jiumozhi, so he raised his hand and pointed at him with another Yang finger.

At first, Jiumozhi wanted to use his flame knife to fight Li Chuan in the air, but Li Chuan directly used his hands to fight each other, using both hands to open the bow left and right, instantly suppressing him and making him unable to resist, so he had to He ducked and dodged again and again.

With Li Chuan's current cultivation skills, coupled with his unique special system bonus, over the years, he has already cultivated Yiyang Zhi to the first-level level, which is not far behind Master Yideng.

Although Jiumozhi has mastered the flame sword to an advanced level, if he wants to use it to fight Li Chuan from a distance, he can only say that he is asking for trouble.

Jiumozhi was unable to dodge, and was hit by Li Chuan's yang fingers on the wide sleeve robe. The fierce force immediately tore the sleeve robe of his right arm into pieces, and he was stunned.

"Master monk, do you want to continue?" Li Chuan asked calmly.

Jiumozhi glanced at his torn sleeves, and the expression on his face instantly darkened.

"Your Excellency's yang finger really makes this young monk admire you. Even Zen Master Kurong of Tianlong Temple is far behind you in terms of the achievements of this yang finger."

"But..." Jiumozhi said halfway when he suddenly got angry again and rushed towards Li Chuan, "If you want the monk to admit defeat, that alone is not enough!"

Jiumozhi was a very good thief. Seeing Li Chuan Yiyang's extremely sharp finger power, he knew that it would be difficult to compete with him at a distance from him, so he deliberately made noises to delay Li Chuan, and then suddenly rushed towards him. , wanting to fight Li Chuan up close.

He didn't believe it. With Li Chuan's young face, he was only in his twenties at most. Even if he had practiced the Yang Finger to such an extreme level, could he still be so powerful in close-quarters boxing and kicking? !
"Taoist Master, be careful!" Duan Yu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, quickly shouted a warning when he saw Jiumozhi suddenly coming.

"Hmph!" Li Chuan snorted coldly, raised his hand and struck Jiumozhi with a palm, "Great monk, you are really not a gentleman to behave like this."

"The young monk is just a monk. Naturally, he dare not claim to be a gentleman." As Jiumozhi said this, he hit Li Chuan with several palms. The moves were cruel and left no room for mercy. There is no mercy for a monk. mind.

Li Chuan said no more, and struck back with an ice-breaking palm. For a moment, there was only a crackling sound in the field, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already fought with each other for more than a dozen moves.

Jiumozhi became more and more frightened as he fought. He thought that no matter how strong Li Chuan was at his age, he would definitely not be able to compete with his advanced cultivation over the past decades.

But it wasn't until after he fought that he realized that even though he had shown his strength seriously, he still couldn't defeat Li Chuan. Whether it was fists, kicks, palms, or internal strength, Li Chuan actually didn't fall behind.

In fact, he had a vague feeling that Li Chuan hadn't even used his full strength.

In fact, for the sake of caution, Li Chuan did most of the testing. He just fought with Jiumozhi with ice-breaking palms, thinking to test the depth first.

After all, this Jiumozhi is one of the beings known as the Four Heavenly Dragons. Not even Li Chuan dares to underestimate him.

But after a fight, Li Chuan felt that Jiumozhi's reputation seemed a bit exaggerated.

Although he has strong skills and is proficient in various martial arts, after the two of them briefly exchanged more than thirty moves, he used at least four excellent skills.

But the feeling he gave Li Chuan was that it was a bit mixed but not refined. Although his moves were exquisite and complicated, they did not put much pressure on him.

And Jiumozhi also felt that Li Chuan was very difficult and mysterious. Except for the Yiyang Finger at the beginning, he had never heard of the other martial arts he used before.

You must know that although he is from Tubo, he has been involved in the Central Plains martial arts all year round. He has studied the martial arts of various schools and sects in the Central Plains martial arts. He has also stolen heads and learned many Central Plains martial arts. However, But he had no idea about Li Chuan's martial arts skills.

It was precisely because of this that he was inevitably a little cautious, wanting to see Li Chuan's martial arts skills first and become familiar with them before proceeding.

So the two fought several times in the field, but still couldn't decide the winner.

In the end, Li Chuan saw that it was getting late, so he changed his offensive and directly used the two-hand fighting technique, forcing Jiumozhi back and ending the fierce battle.

After the two sides exchanged palms, Li Chuan no longer held back. As soon as he used his hands to exchange skills, he used the Kongming Fist in his left hand and the Demon Subduing Fist in his right hand. One was hard and the other was soft, one was yin and the other was yang. Jiumozhi instantly became somewhat intelligent. Sweat poured down my back.

For a moment, he felt as if Li Chuan's two clones were attacking him together. However, it only took a dozen moves, and he was already a little overwhelmed.

boom! Li Chuan fired a Kong Ming punch, and with a feint, Jiumozhi was tricked into using his palm to parry, and then he backhanded a big demon-subduing fist towards Jiumozhi's chest, but Jiumozhi couldn't parry it. He had no choice but to raise his energy and resist Li Chuan's punch.

With just one punch, Jiumozhi was struck with a tightness in his chest, his vision went dark, and he almost breathed his last. He quickly pulled away and retreated several feet away.

"Ugh!" Jiumozhi snorted, covering his chest and saying with an ugly face, "You are really good at it, but this battle is just one move away from the little monk. Let's leave it alone for now. I will come back to teach you about your clever moves in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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