Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 126: Picking up weak persimmons and pinching them

Chapter 126: Picking up weak persimmons and pinching them
Although the rumors in the world have always been that of Nan Murong and Bei Qiao Feng, Murong Fu and Qiao Feng are placed in the same league. They are both the strongest two among the younger generation in the world in recent years. between.

But in fact, the gap between the two is actually quite big. Whether it is martial arts or character, Murong Fu is far apart.

Even if Qiao Feng was injured and could not fully display his strength, Murong Fu was still no match for Qiao Feng. After a fierce battle, his decline was already evident and he was about to lose.

Even though Murong Fu was unwilling to admit that he was weaker than Qiao Feng, the cruel reality was this. He had to find a way to escape, otherwise, he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to without using a stick of incense. No more!

At this moment, Li Chuan also caught up and came to the field. Murong Fu caught a glimpse of Li Chuan's arrival and suddenly had a plan in mind.

This person seems to have a close friendship with Qiao Feng. If he is used to distract Qiao Feng, it will definitely distract Qiao Feng, and he will be much more relaxed when he leaves.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu suddenly changed his moves, and used his family's special skill "Star Shift". He used Qiao Feng's powerful Dragon Subduing Palm to use his strength to force a palm fight with him!
There was an explosion, and a blast of strong wind suddenly erupted in the field. Murong Fu suppressed the churning energy and blood in his body, and forcibly stabilized his body. Then when his feet hit the ground, he suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Li Chuan. !

Qiao Feng was shocked when he saw this, but after he had exchanged palms with Murong Fu before, he subconsciously took a step back to dispel the force of the shock, which gave Murong Fu a chance to escape and attack Li Chuan. Neutral.

"Daozhang Li, be careful!"

When Li Chuan saw Murong Fu coming towards him, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Of course he knew Murong Fu's plan, but Murong Fu endured the backlash of Qiao Feng's palm and resisted the backlash to attack him. Under such force, he might not be able to use even 60% of his skills. Does he treat me like a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will?

Murong Fu rushed forward in an instant and slapped Li Chuan on the chest with a cold look. He even deliberately put away his hand because he was afraid that Li Chuan would be shocked to death with one slap, which made Qiao Feng even more sad and angry to pursue him. He lost some strength in his hand.

After all, he only wanted to injure but not kill Li Chuan, not because he was compassionate or anything, but because if Li Chuan was seriously injured, Qiao Feng would be dragged down by Li Chuan and had to stop to treat his injuries, and Murong Fu He can take the opportunity to escape.

And if he directly kills Li Chuan with one palm, it will be self-defeating. At that time, Qiao Feng will definitely feel sad and angry. He is afraid that even if he chases him to Yanziwu, he will kill himself to avenge Li Chuan. Obviously, It was not what Murong Fu wanted to see.

But he missed one point. In his opinion, an unknown person like Li Chuan who has no reputation in the world is probably a low-level character. However, he did not expect that Li Chuan actually It's an iron plate that can break his head and bleed!

Facing Murong Fu's surprise attack, Li Chuan just raised a hand with an indifferent expression, and then pushed it out with an ordinary palm.

The next second, the two people's palms met instantly!

The moment the two palms touched, the expression on Murong Fu's face changed instantly. He felt an overwhelming and terrifying palm force attack him instantly. That incomparably powerful innate energy was even stronger than Qiao Feng's. The Dragon Subduing Palm is no less generous, and even more domineering!

In just an instant, the power attached to Murong Fu's palm was instantly defeated head-on. He didn't even have time to use his family's fortune to transfer the power, but he felt a tightness in his chest and his whole body flew up!

"Poof!" Murong Fu spat out a mouthful of blood mist in the air. His entire right arm twisted unnaturally into a weird shape and flew upside down more than ten feet away. Then he hit the ground heavily and was seriously injured. He didn't even have the strength to get up.

"Daozhang Li, what a strong kung fu!" Qiao Feng couldn't help but cheered when he saw this.

Qiao Feng had personally experienced Murong Fu's martial arts before. Although it was not as good as his own, it was still rare in the world, otherwise he would not have hurriedly warned him before.

As for Li Chuan, although he had shown his hand in the apricot forest before, he was able to knock down Wu Changfeng with just one finger from a few feet away, which shows that his internal strength is quite good.

But Qiao Feng is not very clear about what level Li Chuan's martial arts has reached, and there is no comparison between Wu Changfeng and Murong Fu. Therefore, even though he knew beforehand that Li Chuan was equally strong, he still felt It is inevitable to worry.

But now it seems that he underestimated this world hero. Based on Li Chuan's record of defeating Murong Fu with one palm, his martial arts and strength may be even better than his own.

Although it was also because he was injured before that he was unable to capture Murong Fu for a long time. Moreover, in order to escape, Murong Fu took a slap from him and the force backfired. His condition must have been very bad at that time.

When Li Chuan heard this, he just smiled and said, "Brother Qiao is so complimentary, but it is Mr. Murong who underestimates me."

He saw it more clearly than Qiao Feng, a bystander. Murong Fu probably wanted to only hurt himself, so he deliberately spared a lot of his hands. Otherwise, even if he was in poor condition, he wouldn't have been like this. degree.

It's a pity that if you underestimate others too much, sometimes you will suffer big losses.

"Ugh!" Murong Fu who was on the ground struggled to get up from the ground, but as soon as he moved, he felt severe pain all over his body. When he tilted his head, he vomited out another mouthful of blood.

Li Chuan stepped forward, raised his hand and touched several important points on Murong Fu's chest with one finger. While restraining him, he also stabilized his injuries.

After all, his previous palm did not spare any effort. Not only was Murong Fu's right arm broken by the shock, but he also suffered severe internal injuries. If he did not receive treatment, he might have dragged on for another two days. Wei Nan Murong will be removed from the world from now on.

At this time, Qiao Feng also walked up and took a careful look at Murong Fu's face. However, he didn't see any flaws, so he just started and pulled off the beard and disguise on his face. , revealing the true appearance below.

All he could see was his sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, his nose as high as a gallbladder, and his pair of slender red phoenix eyes staring intently at Li Chuan and Qiao Feng. Underneath his rough disguise, he was actually a rare handsome man.

"Now, do you have anything else to say? Master Murong?" Qiao Feng looked at Murong Fu expressionlessly and said.

Murong Fu didn't answer. He just glanced at the two of them and then lowered his gaze. At this point, he couldn't explain anything.

And now he has fallen into the hands of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng. Whether he lives or dies is not up to him.

(End of this chapter)

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