Chapter 127 First Grade Hall
Outside the apricot grove, Helian Tieshu was still waiting for Li Yanzong to capture Master Zhiguang, but to his surprise, Li Yanzong did not wait for his return, but instead waited for Li Chuan and Qiao Feng.

With a muffled sound, a Xixia warrior who was on guard outside suddenly flew into the field and fell heavily to the ground. Blood continued to flow from his mouth, and he was no longer alive.

"Who?!" All the first-grade masters in the field were suddenly startled. They all turned to look in the direction where the Xixia warrior flew out before, and then they saw Qiao Feng and Li Chuan walking out of the forest.

The moment he saw Qiao Feng, Helian Tieshu couldn't help but narrow his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Qiao Feng!"

Qiao Feng also glanced at Helian Tieshu and said: "It turns out to be General Helian Tieshu of Xixia, but shouldn't the general be recruiting in Bianjing City at this time? How could he come to this Wuxi Apricot Grove? Well, could it be that the general doesn’t know the road and got lost here?”

Of course, Helian Tieshu heard the ridicule in Qiao Feng's words, but he didn't care. He just rolled his eyes and spoke again.

"Master Qiao, you came just in time."

A warm smile suddenly appeared on Helian Tieshu's face and he said: "I heard earlier that these beggars from the Beggar's Gang actually wanted to put Hero Qiao on trial in this apricot forest, and even forced you, Hero Qiao, to resign as the leader of the gang and leave. Beggar gang."

"These beggars really don't know what is good or bad. After all, you, Master Qiao, are a figure that even the King of Xixia admires. You have lamented many times that I wish you, Master Qiao, could have been born in Xixia."

"Even this general, in his heart, feels grievances for Hero Qiao, so he specially brought people here to teach these beggars a lesson."

"But now it's just a coincidence that you, Master Qiao, are no longer the leader of this beggar gang. Even because of your birth and bloodline, your identity is not recognized by these hypocritical Song people."

"Everyone in the Beggar Clan has been captured by this general. If Master Qiao is interested, I can give them as gifts to Master Qiao for your disposal."

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Oh? General Helian treated Qiao so politely, is he just asking for something?"

Helian Tieshu said with a smile: "To be honest, ever since I learned about Master Qiao's current situation, I have deliberately wanted to recruit Master Qiao into my First Grade Hall."

"As long as you, Mr. Qiao, are willing to join me in Xixia, how about I grant you the position of the leader of this grade hall, Mr. Qiao?"

"Anyway, now in the martial arts world of the Central Plains, there is no place for you, Master Qiao. Instead of being jealous and ostracized by these hypocritical Song people, why not just switch to Xixia and enjoy endless wealth and wealth from now on? Isn't it better than Is it much better to suffer the cowardice from those people here?"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he just raised his hands to Helian Tieshu with a calm expression and clasped his fists: "General Helian, I would like to thank you for your kindness."

"But now Qiao has no intention of winning, and Qiao still has some important things to do next, but he has no choice but to live up to the good intentions of General Helian."

"In addition." Qiao Feng turned his head and glanced at the Beggar Clan members in the forest who were caught by the Xixia warriors, and said, "Although Qiao has left the Beggar Clan now, these Beggar Clan brothers are still Qiao's We are old acquaintances, and Qiao cannot just sit idly by and ignore them.”

"So, how about asking General Helian to make it easier and let my brothers go?"

The smile on Helian Tieshu's face gradually faded, and he said coldly: "Master Qiao, you are no longer a member of the beggar gang, why do you still care about the life and death of these beggars?"

"Why don't you listen to my general's advice and turn around and leave? We won't offend the river. Otherwise," Li Chuan, who had been silent all along, suddenly shook his head helplessly, then raised his hand and threw out a sleeve. The wind roared towards Helian Tieshu and others in front.

"I asked you, the people of Xixia Yipintang, do you all have this kind of virtue? The methods of poisoning are all the same."

Helian Tieshu's expression changed instantly. While quickly backing away, he reached out and took out a porcelain bottle that looked like a snuff bottle, put it under his nose and took a deep breath.

That's the antidote to the sad breeze.

This Helian Tieshu's style was almost carved out of the same mold as the previous Murong Fu. While talking to Qiao Feng to delay time, when the wind blew towards Li Chuan and the others, the hands behind his back instantly Being dishonest, he secretly released the sad breeze again.

It's a pity that his tricks couldn't be hidden from Li Chuan. Before the poisonous gas of the sad breeze could reach Li Chuan and the others, they were slapped back by Li Chuan's sleeve wind.

However, Helian Tieshu and the others had the antidote for Sadness Qingfeng in their hands, so they were not attacked. However, the poison failed, so they had to confront Li Chuan and Qiao Feng head-on.

But Helian Tieshu, who had seen Qiao Feng's bravery on many frontal battlefields, could not help but have doubts. Although Qiao Feng and Li Chuan were just two people, they were not as powerful as the large number of people on their side.

But the problem is, even if it's just Qiao Feng, it's not that easy to deal with. If you want to capture him, more than half of the dozens of Xixia warriors under his command will inevitably be killed or injured.

After all, although these Xixia warriors are all good players, compared with top experts like Qiao Feng, they are a bit inferior.

Worried about casualties, Helian Tieshu did not dare to order the attack easily. He just said: "Master Qiao, you have to think carefully. Even you, facing so many masters of the First Grade Hall like me, will not be spared."

When Qiao Feng heard this, he just smiled and said, "Then let's see what abilities your subordinates have!"

After saying that, Qiao Feng took the initiative and rushed towards the Helian Iron Tree. It was obvious that he wanted to capture the thief first and capture the king first, and wanted to capture the Helian Iron Tree directly.

Helian Tieshu's expression turned cold and he didn't say anything else. He just took a step back and let the Xixia warriors beside him push forward.

When Li Chuan saw this, he couldn't help but sigh. As expected of Qiao Feng, he was not afraid of such a battle. However, you are injured now, so it is better to take it easy.

Li Chuan also took a step forward, followed Qiao Feng and charged forward with him, and soon fought with those Xixia warriors. Due to the difference in numbers, the two of them were already defeated by those Xixia warriors in just an instant. The warriors surrounded him.


Bang bang! Among the crowd, Qiao Feng shouted loudly, stretched out his palms, and flew up and down. The Xixia warriors who were attacking him flew back faster than when they rushed up.

Qiao Feng's palms shook him so hard that his bones and tendons were broken, he vomited blood, and he was slammed into the crowd behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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