Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 150: Your yang finger is not good at heat.

Chapter 150: Your yang finger is not good at heat
Originally, Li Chuan had no interest in Duan Yanqing and the others, and he never thought about going to trouble them specifically.

But since he happened to see Yun Zhonghe doing evil before, he naturally couldn't turn a blind eye, and it was right to kill Yun Zhonghe.

But now Duan Yanqing also took the initiative to come to him for this, and promised that he would also punish him and eliminate evildoers. Li Chuan felt that since Duan Yanqing was so proactive, he could not refuse his kindness, so he simply fulfilled it. Him!

"How brave!" Duan Yanqing made a voice using ventriloquism, but there was no obvious emotion. However, judging from the steel rod he raised his hand to point at Li Chuan, his current mood should not be that bad. Stablize.

"Ha" Li Chuan casually pushed away Duan Yanqing's steel staff that was stabbing him quickly, and sneered, "Senior Duan is a bit unscrupulous, are you going to do it now?"

Duan Yanqing did not answer, but once again raised the steel staff in his hand and swept towards Li Chuan. It was probably because he could no longer speak normally after his throat was injured, so he could only ventriloquism, which was not suitable for distractions in battle. Ventriloquism.

"Boss, let me help you!"

Seeing that Duan Yanqing had a disagreement with Li Chuan and started to take action, Yue Laosan certainly couldn't just watch from the side. He immediately took off the alligator-mouth scissors on his back and held the handles of the scissors with both arms and pulled them outward. , opened the scissor blade full of sharp teeth, and cut towards Li Chuan.

"Boy, just stand there and don't move. Let your grandpa-in-law cut off your head!"

Li Chuan didn't even bother to pay attention to Yue Laosan. He just turned sideways slightly to avoid Yue Laosan's flying body, and then raised his foot and kicked him!
But it was Duan Yanqing who crossed the steel staff in his hand and blocked the blow for Yue Laosan. Then he pushed Yue Laosan's body from mid-air to the ground with his backhand.

"Third brother, I'll just watch from the sidelines for now. With Li Chuan's martial arts, you can't do much to help him."

Duan Yanqing reluctantly distracted himself and used ventriloquism to make Yue Laosan retreat first. Then he raised the steel staff in his other hand and stabbed Li Chuan hard. A sharp yang finger force instantly shot out from the tip of the staff. came out and hit Li Chuan on the chest.

Li Chuan punched out with his backhand, and the Xiantian Qi came out of his body, dispelling the power of Yiyang Finger with one punch.

"Senior Duan, your penis finger seems to be lacking some heat. Why don't you try my penis finger too!"

After saying that, Li Chuan raised his hand and pointed out a Yang finger. With a "pop" sound, a transparent finger force that was almost solidified shot out in the air in an instant.

Duan Yanqing also subconsciously used his Yang Finger to fight back, but the moment the two fingers collided in the air, Duan Yanqing's finger power was instantly defeated!
Duan Yanqing was so shocked that he was forced to raise his steel staffs in both hands and block him in front of him. He barely managed to catch Li Chuan's finger, and then he was pushed back a few steps, almost He couldn't stand firmly and fell to the ground, so embarrassed.

Duan Yanqing stabbed the steel pole behind him hard, and the steel pole sank into the ground for several inches. Only then did he finally stabilize his body.

He raised his head and looked at Li Chuan in disbelief, thinking how could this be possible? !
Li Chuan's Yang Finger cultivation level has reached this high level? !
The strength is as condensed as substance, and the speed is as fast as wind and lightning. It even leaves transparent ripples visible to the naked eye in mid-air. It is unparalleled and can cut gold and jade. This is clearly recorded in his Duan family's classics. One yang finger reaches the first level. A scene that can only be seen in this environment!
But how is this possible? !
Since the ancestor of the Duan family, Duan Siping, no descendant of the Duan family has mastered this Yang Finger skill to the legendary first-level level. Even though he had studied hard for so many years, he could only train the Yiyang Finger to the third level, and even because of his disability, he was still unable to fully unleash its power.

And how old is Li Chuan? Judging by his facial features, he is only in his twenties, so how did he train his yang finger to reach this level? !
You know, even Zen Master Kurong in Tianlong Temple cannot reach such a state!
Duan Yanqing was still in disbelief, wondering if Li Chuan had used some kind of deception to confuse his mind. Then Li Chuan told him with practical actions that sometimes, people really cannot be compared with each other.

Seeing that there was almost a foot of distance between the two of them, Li Chuan directly raised his hand and fired a yang finger force towards Duan Yanqing.

And when Duan Yanqing did not believe in evil and raised the steel staff to receive a blow, even if he no longer wanted to believe it, he had to accept this cruel fact.

Even with a distance of ten feet, Li Chuan's Yiyang Finger Power was still very concentrated and sharp, but Duan Yanqing couldn't do it at all. His Yiyang Finger Power could only shoot out Five or six feet away, it will collapse on its own and lose its power.

Therefore, Duan Yanqing had no room to fight back. He was even forced to take a few punches from Li Chuan, and his arms were sore from the shock, and his breath was a little unstable.

And Li Chuan didn't give him any time to rest, and hit Duan Yanqing like a gust of wind and rain with the force of his Yang Finger, which only made him scream in agony, and he was already a little unable to resist.

Duan Yanqing originally thought that even though Li Chuan's talent was astonishing and he had cultivated this yang finger to such a level at such a young age, using the yang finger would consume a lot of internal energy and energy. At Li Chuan's age, he could not even use his internal energy. Are they all so profound?

So at the beginning, he deliberately showed weakness to the enemy and induced Li Chuan to attack him with a yang finger. However, he calmed down his mind and defended himself, hoping to consume Li Chuan's internal strength and spirit, and then wait for his internal strength. When you are too exhausted and your strength is insufficient, you can counterattack again and then turn defeat into victory.

But he didn't expect that Li Chuan's internal energy was so deep. He fired seven or eight Yang Finger Powers in a row and seemed to be fine. On the contrary, Duan Yanqing himself was almost unable to hold on.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will be defeated if he doesn't use five moves, so Duan Yanqing can only think of ways to remedy the situation and restore the decline.

Duan Yanqing's two staffs were placed heavily, and he instantly moved a few steps laterally, narrowly avoiding Li Chuan's yang fingers, and then with a sway of his body, he rushed towards Li Chuan.

Duan Yanqing flew through the air quickly and brought up a strong gust of wind. The steel staff in his hand was like a spear, and he stabbed straight towards Li Chuan!

He had given up all defenses and struck with his own life. Even though his whole body was full of flaws at this moment, he would definitely not be able to dodge as long as Li Chuan attacked him, but his stick would also hit him when Li Chuan hit him. Stab directly into Li Chuan's chest!

This is a last resort, and only in this way can the decline be restored and the two sides return to the same starting line.

Although if Li Chuan refused to retreat, he would definitely have no chance of survival, but he did not believe that Li Chuan really dared to trade his life for his!
(End of this chapter)

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