Chapter 151 Defeat Duan Yanqing

It is indeed impossible for Li Chuan to trade lives with Duan Yanqing. After all, he only needs to fight steadily to capture Duan Yanqing, so why would he take such a risky move?
Moreover, Duan Yanqing could only use this tactic that was equivalent to death once at most. Now that he was prepared, it would not be so easy for him to do this trick again.

Li Chuan took a step back, but Yanqing was still pursuing him. The steel rod in his hand was pointed directly at Li Chuan's chest, pressing all the way, but he was thinking of taking the opportunity to turn passive into active and counterattack.

However, Li Chuan was not in a hurry. He just chuckled and retreated while wearing down the momentum and power of Duan Yanqing's attack.

As the saying goes, one burst of energy will fade away, and three times it will be exhausted. Duan Yanqing missed one hit, but still insisted on pursuing and attacking. Although he could barely maintain his power at the beginning, how long can he keep up the inner strength of this true energy? Woolen cloth?

Therefore, even though Li Chuan's light kung fu skills were able to escape Duan Yanqing's lock and attack range, he deliberately did not escape directly and instead hung Duan Yanqing.

Only maintaining an ambiguous distance, Duan Yanqing only needs to extend the steel stick in his hand half an inch forward, and the tip of the stick can directly pierce Li Chuan's chest. However, even this short half-inch distance is like The natural chasm, but Duan Yanqing could not cross this short half-inch gap.

This was because Li Chuanyi was so bold that he dared to act like this. Although it seemed very dangerous, in fact everything was under his control.

Duan Yanqing also quickly reacted and understood Li Chuan's thoughts and ideas. However, he was already riding a tiger and could only grit his teeth and continue to hold on, maintaining all his internal strength and continuing to attack Li Chuan. Sichuan.

Because he could feel that Li Chuan's Qi had been locked on him. As soon as the momentum of his move weakened and his internal power dissipated, Li Chuan would immediately counterattack!

When the time comes, Li Chuan, who has been preparing for a long time, will surely make a shocking blow!
It was like a spring being squeezed downwards by constant force. No matter how hard he attacked, he could not completely suppress it.

On the contrary, the harder he exerts force, the greater the rebound force will be. Once he can no longer support it and the force is removed, the force he previously exerted on the spring will rebound back doubled in an instant!

Duan Yanqing was secretly anxious and thought hard about countermeasures. On the contrary, Yue Laosan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, could not see the calculations and tricks involved. He thought Duan Yanqing had the upper hand, and suddenly smiled happily for Duan Yanqing. Boosted the power.

"Hahaha boy, do you know how powerful our boss is? Let me tell you, daring to provoke our four villains will be the biggest mistake you make in your life."

"Boss, stop playing with this kid and kill him quickly with one stick."

Duan Yanqing was in trouble and couldn't tell. If he could kill Li Chuan, he would have done it long ago. But the problem now is that he really can't hold on anymore!

As soon as Duan Yanqing's momentum was released, Li Chuan instantly caught the decline in his moves and thought to himself, it's time.

Li Chuan's retreating figure suddenly stopped, and then he raised his hand and pointed towards Duan Yanqing.

When Duan Yanqing saw this, he had no choice but to forcefully use up his inner strength again, and reluctantly urged the steel staff in his hand to greet Li Chuan.

With a muffled sound, Li Chuan pointed his finger at the tip of the steel staff that Duan Yanqing thrust at him.

It was obviously a collision between flesh and blood and cold steel, but it was Duan Yanqing who showed signs of decline. The two sides clashed with Yang Finger. Duan Yanqing still had the strength of the steel staff weapon in his hand. However, this confrontation only took an instant. The power of Li Chuan's Yang Finger defeated Duan Yanqing's steel staff. The added strength.

Then it rushed straight up along the steel staff, instantly pouring into the meridians of his right arm, and even rushed all the way, attacking his heart meridians and Dantian!

The next moment, Duan Yanqing suddenly raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood mist. The steel staff in his hand flew out of his hand, and his whole body was instantly thrown into the air. He flew backwards half a foot away, and then he fell heavily to the ground. Seriously injured.

When people fight in the world, especially between masters, it is not easy to compete with each other's internal strength, because this is the most dangerous thing. If you are not careful, it will hurt your heart. In serious cases, it may even directly endanger your life!

Duan Yanqing lost to Li Chuan in a duel of finger strength, and his heart and heart were injured by Li Chuan's finger strength!

The reason why he lost was not only that his internal strength was not as good as Li Chuan's, but more importantly, Li Chuan had deliberately reduced his momentum and internal strength before. He was now at a weak stage when his old strength had been exhausted and new strength had not yet emerged.

Li Chuan, on the other hand, had been building up his momentum for a long time, and only took action suddenly when Duan Yanqing's momentum weakened. With this increase and decrease, it was natural that Duan Yanqing would be defeated.

"Uh ho... ho..." Due to an old injury on his neck, Duan Yanqing was no longer able to speak normally. At this time, he could only utter a series of unsyllable painful groans.

He struggled to get up from the ground, but he was seriously injured at this time, and his legs were already disabled. After struggling several times, he could not get up from the ground.

Li Chuan took one look at Duan Yanqing's miserable and embarrassed appearance and couldn't help but sigh, it was a pity for Yanqing.

The fact that he was able to develop this powerful martial arts with this disabled body and hard training shows his talent and hard work.

It's a pity that he became obsessed with evil and then embarked on this evil path. Although it is pitiful, it is also hateful, and we cannot let him go.

Li Chuan stepped forward. When Yue Laosan saw this, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Boss!"

Originally, Duan Yanqing was still chasing Li Chuan, but unexpectedly, in just an instant, the situation on the court suddenly changed. Instead, Duan Yanqing was defeated by Li Chuan in an instant. inside!
Yue Laosan couldn't even react for a while. It wasn't until he saw Li Chuan stepping forward, seemingly trying to harm Duan Yanqing, that Yue Laosan suddenly came to his senses, screamed, and picked up the gun in his hand. Crocodile Scissors rushed towards Li Chuan, trying to rescue Duan Yanqing.

Li Chuan grabbed the crocodile-mouth scissors that Yue Laosan was swinging at, and pulled hard, pulling Yue Laosan until he couldn't stand still and knocked him towards him.

Then I saw Li Chuan's other hand backhand and slapped Yue Laosan on the chest. He immediately opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood. He flew out upside down. When he landed, blood gushed out from his mouth. The blood is no longer alive.

Although once upon a time, while watching TV, Li Chuan thought that Yue Laosan was quite cute and didn't look like a bad villain.

But in fact, this Yue Laosan was an out-and-out evil person, a bad guy, and someone who deserved to die, so Li Chuan didn't hold anything back and directly killed him with one palm.

(End of this chapter)

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