Chapter 153 Leigushan Chess Club
After Li Chuan stayed as a guest in Zhennan Prince's Mansion for more than half a month, he began to think about leaving.

Although he had good food and accommodation in Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and Duan Zhengchun had arranged all the food and clothing for him, but after all, he was just visiting as a guest, and it was okay to stay for a few days, but he couldn't Do you really want to live here permanently?

So Li Chuan found Duan Zhengchun early that morning and bid him farewell.

"Prince Duan, in the blink of an eye, I have been harassing you in the palace for more than half a month. I think it's time to leave. I came here to inform Prince Duan today."

Duan Zhengchun heard this and asked, "Why is Taoist Li leaving now? But is there anything wrong with Duan's reception?"

Li Chuan explained aloud: "Of course that's not the case. For more than half a month, Prince Duan has always entertained me warmly. How can I say he is neglectful?"

"It's just that while I'm still thinking about it, I can't stand it any longer in this royal palace. After all, I have such a restless temper."

Duan Zhengchun nodded and said: "I see, is Daoist Li going back to the Central Plains this time? Or are you planning to continue traveling in Dali?"

After Li Chuan thought for a while, he replied: "I will probably go back to the Central Plains directly, and then I will wander around in the rivers and lakes, travel around, and gain some knowledge along the way."

Hearing Li Chuan say that he wanted to return to the Central Plains, Duan Zhengchun suddenly thought of something and said.

"By the way, Daozhang Li, do you know the chess club in Leigu Mountain, Tian Deaf and Di Mute Valley?"

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but raise his brows, "Leigu Mountain, the sky is deaf and the earth is mute valley?" Isn't it the Zhenlong chess game? Why was Duan Zhengchun talking to him about this now?
He replied with some confusion: "I have heard something about it. I heard that there is a Zhenlong chess game in the Valley of the Heaven Deaf and the Earthly Mute in Leigu Mountain."

"That's right." Duan Zhengchun nodded and said, "Every once in a while, the Zhenlong chess game will be widely posted in the world, inviting people who are proficient in chess skills to go to the Leigu Mountain to watch the chess game. Discuss the art of chess.”

"And the person who set up the chess game in Leigu Mountain is Su Xinghe, a well-known smart speaker in the world. He is also the teacher of the Eight Friends of Hangu, and the miracle doctor Xue Muhua is one of the eight."

"It is also because of this that most people in the martial arts world will take advantage of Mr. Congbian. Whenever a chess club is held, they will go to watch chess. Over time, over decades, the chess club in Leigu Mountain has gradually developed into a It’s a martial arts event.”

"Whenever a chess club is held, a large number of people from all over the world come to participate... It just so happened that a few days ago, Duan received a post from Mr. Congbian."

"But Duan is busy with things and has no time to go there, so I am going to send Yu'er to go there in my place, and let him gain some knowledge about the world."

"It just so happens that you, Daozhang Li, are going back to the Central Plains now, so why not go to the Leigushan Chess Club with Yu'er to join in the fun."

When Li Chuan heard this, his expression also changed. Leigushan Chess Club, Zhenlong Chess Game... weren't they the beginning of Xu Zhu's adventure and rise in the original work?

Thinking of this, Li Chuan had some thoughts in his heart.

Although the Zhenlong chess game and Wu Yazi's adventure behind it were of little use to Li Chuan, it was good to join in the fun. He didn't have anything important to do right now, so he just went to take a look.

Li Chuan said: "If that's the case, why don't you join in the fun? I wonder how long it will be before the Leigushan Chess Club?"

Duan Zhengchun replied: "There is still plenty of time, because Mr. Congbian wants to invite all the talented chess players in the world, so he cannot prepare too hastily. There are still more than a month before the chess club will be held. , it’s enough for you, Daozhang Li, and Yu’er to rush over.” So, early the next morning, Li Chuan and Duan Yu left the Zhennan Palace and returned to the Central Plains.

Shortly after they left, Duan Zhengchun also left the palace with several retainers.

However, his trip was not to go to the Leigushan Chess Club, but to meet an old lover.

His previous excuse that he was too busy to leave Dali was just an excuse.

What he really thought was that now that Duan Yanqing and the four evil men under him were dead, he no longer had to worry about being ambushed and killed by Duan Yanqing if he left the palace rashly.

For him, this is like the ocean is wide enough for fish to jump, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly. From now on, whenever he wants to find his old lovers, he can go there at any time, and he no longer has to worry about whether he will meet Duan in the way. It’s Yanqing.

It just so happened that in order to rescue Duan Yu some time ago, they specially dug the tunnel to Wanqiu Valley. After rescuing Duan Yu, the tunnel was not blocked again. He felt that it was time to go to Xun Bao Bao and renew his old relationship. .

That's why he had no interest in the chess club in Leigu Mountain, so he simply sent Duan Yu to go there on his behalf while he went to meet his old lover.

Because of that period of Yanqing, he has not dared to leave the palace or Dali easily over the years. Now that this period of Yanqing is finally dead and the threat is finally eliminated, of course he must enjoy it.

On the other hand, Li Chuan and Duan Yu had already left Dali and returned to the Central Plains. Since there was still some time before the chess club was held, the two of them were not in a hurry and planned to travel around the world first.

On this day, Li Chuan and his two men came to Wudu and planned to wait here for a while, waiting for the Leigushan chess club to be held.

In Wudu City, on the second floor of a restaurant, Li Chuan was drinking with Duan Yu. Suddenly, Li Chuan's expression changed inexplicably, and he lowered his head and glanced at the street.

"Huh? Director Li, what's wrong?" Duan Yu couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw this.

Li Chuan glanced down at the street, then shook his head and said, "It's nothing, maybe I felt wrong."

At that moment, Li Chuan, who was extremely sensitive, seemed to feel that someone on the street was staring at him with malicious intent. But when he lowered his head and looked based on his feeling, he didn't see anyone at first glance. What a strange person.

It wasn't until he saw the backs of the two bearded men walking past on the street for the second time that a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Something was wrong, the appearance of the two big men didn't quite match their body shapes, and judging from the way one of them walked, it was clear that he looked like an out-of-touch girl.

Whose big man with a beard can unconsciously twitch his hips while walking?
And with Li Chuan's keen perception, it is unlikely that he would feel wrong. Someone must have looked at him in a different way just now, otherwise it would not have caused his Qi induction.

So...are they those two people?

(End of this chapter)

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