Chapter 154 Azi and the Xingxiu Sect
Although there is no clear evidence, Li Chuan has already determined in his heart. After all, there are only a few pedestrians on the street, and they are the only ones worth noting. If all wrong answers are eliminated, what is left in the end is That's the real answer.

And among the two big men, one of them is most likely a Xibei, and he should be a woman inside. Is it a disguise skill?

After pondering for a while, Li Chuan decided to follow him and have a look. After all, the chess club in Leigu Mountain hadn't started yet. If nothing else happened, let's go and have a look. Maybe there would be any surprises. Not necessarily happy.

Li Chuan put down his wine glass and said, "Master Duan, you're almost done drinking this wine. Why don't you go take a few steps to eat?"

Duan Yu nodded and said, "That's fine. Although this city is lively, it can also be boring. It's also very good to go out of the city to see the scenery."

So the two of them got up and left the restaurant, and then Li Chuan took Duan Yu with him and chased after the two bearded men in the direction they left.

It was only then that Duan Yu realized that Li Chuan was going to track those two people.

Li Chuan and Duan Yu hung far behind the two people, following them all the way out of the city. Duan Yu was a little confused about Li Chuan's thoughts, so he asked aloud: "Daozhang Li, do you know those two people?"

Li Chuan shook his head: "No, I have not seen them, at least I have never seen their current appearance."

"But one of them seems to know me and is probably a little hostile to me, so I want to follow them and find out the true identity and purpose of these two people."

What does he look like now? Duan Yu was also a smart man, and he instantly understood the underlying meaning of Li Chuan's words.

"Daozhang Li, are you saying that the appearance those two people are wearing now is not their original appearance? Is it the rumored disguise technique in the world?"

"It should be so. Look, the man on the left doesn't seem to have anything strange, but the man next to him, please take a closer look at his figure and walking posture."

Duan Yu Yiyan carefully looked at the figure and walking posture of the big man on the right, and he also noticed something strange.

He frowned and said, "It does look strange. How can a grown man walk like a lively and naughty little girl? Just like sister Zhong Ling'er."

Li Chuan nodded: "That's why I want to see who these two people are and why they are hostile to me."

While he was talking, Li Chuan suddenly turned his head and glanced in the direction behind him, and then said something like Duan Yu.

"Someone is coming from behind us, and the speed is not slow. Judging from the footsteps, it should be someone from the martial arts world who is using Qinggong to rush. Maybe he is going towards the two people in front. Let's avoid it first and check the situation."

After the two big men left the city, they did not take the spacious official road, but went all the way to this remote and inaccessible trail. Obviously there was something wrong.

And the people behind Li Chuan and the others also chased them all the way to the wilderness. If they said that they had nothing to do with the two people in front of them, Li Chuan would definitely not believe it.

If that's the case, then hide aside and see the situation first.

Soon, a group of people passed by and chased after the two big men in front of them.

After they left, Li Chuan and Duan Yu walked out of the forest nearby.

Duan Yu glanced at the direction in which those people were leaving and said, "Daozhang Li, the group of people just now don't look like good people." Li Chuan nodded and said, "It's true that they are not good people. They are Xingxu." A disciple of the sect.”

Although Li Chuan had never met anyone from the Xingxiu Sect before, they had exchanged a few words with that group of people when they passed by before.

'Elder brother, according to the reaction of the poisonous insects, the Divine Wood King Cauldron should be not far ahead. '

"Go after me. This time I must bring back the Divine Wood King Cauldron, as well as that girl Azi, and hand them over to Master!" '

Although Li Chuan and Duan Yu were still hiding in the forest at that time and were far away from them, Li Chuan's ears were able to hear their conversation clearly.

And these few words alone were enough for Li Chuan to guess their identities.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron, Azi, those people must be members of the Xingxiu Sect and cannot escape.

Through this, Li Chuan also determined the identity of one of the two big men before. If nothing else happened, it should be Ah Zi.

And another person's words
Li Chuan had some vague guesses, but he was not sure, but it didn't matter. Let's catch up first.

So the two of them chased after them again. After burning incense, they caught up with the two groups of people on a mountain road.

I saw that the two groups of people were already fighting at this time, and soon the outcome of the battle was decided. The two big men were naturally no match for the numerous Xingxiu Sect disciples.

At first, they were able to fight with the ordinary Xingxiu Sect disciples for a while, but after the Xingxiu Sect's senior brother took action, he subdued them with only three moves and two moves.

I saw the two big men being suppressed by a group of Xingxiu Sect disciples and kneeling on the ground. Then Zhai Xingzi, the top disciple of Xingxiu Sect, walked forward, glanced down at the two people, and said in amazement: "Azi! , Ah Zi, you are really smart, you actually thought of disguise yourself to avoid us."

"But you don't know that as long as the Divine Wood King Cauldron is on you, no matter what disguise you take, it is impossible to escape our pursuit."

As Zhai Xingzi spoke, he reached out and grabbed the face of the big man in front of him, and with a forceful tear, he immediately tore off a human skin mask in his hand, revealing the true face of the big man, but it was a man with bright eyes. Beautiful girl with teeth.

But Zhaixingzi made a mistake because the girl was not Azi.
"Pfft!" The big man on the other side suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Senior Brother, you are mistaken, Azi and I are here."

Picking the Stars: "."

He turned around and looked around at the Xingxiu Sea disciples present. Those people also quickly suppressed their laughter and tried hard to recall all the tragic things they had encountered in this life, without daring to laugh out loud.

Because they know that if they laugh out loud at this time, their fate will definitely be more tragic than the tragic things they have suffered in their memories!

"Suck!" Zhaixingzi took a deep breath and finally stabilized his emotions. His eyes signaled a Xingxiu disciple to step forward and tear off the human skin mask on Ah Zi's face, and then asked him to remove Ah Zi's face. The sacred wooden king tripod hidden on his body was found.

When the disciple heard this, a look of wretchedness suddenly appeared on his face. He glanced at Ah Zi with evil intentions and then reached out to touch her arms. Ah Zi just looked at him coldly and said, It's like looking at a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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