Chapter 16: Making a fuss in the palace
But in the blink of an eye, the cold blade was in front of him. Peng Lianhu felt a sharp sting of coldness between his brows. Between life and death, he suddenly let out a strange cry and jumped up from the bed. He raised his hands and grasped his claws. The claws struck at Li Chuan's thrusting sword.

In a hurry, he could only do this. Although he tried his best to push aside the long sword thrust by Li Chuan with one claw, half of his right palm was almost cut off by Li Chuan's sword. There was another shrill howl.

"Ah!" In fear, Peng Lianhu immediately put aside his previous rhetoric of revenge against Li Chuan. After landing, he rolled like a lazy donkey and fled out the door.

But Li Chuan would not let him go easily. He swept his sword across with his backhand, forcing Peng Lianhu to dodge and block him in the room.

In desperation, Peng Lianhu had no choice but to fight with Li Chuan, but when he was in good condition, he was not Li Chuan's opponent, let alone now that the injury has not healed, and there are new injuries, and half of his right palm is disabled. The situation has changed.

However, after just four or five moves, Li Chuan spotted a flaw in Peng Lianhu's attack and stabbed his sword from an angle, piercing deeply into Peng Lianhu's right shoulder!

Before Peng Lianhu could cry out in pain, Li Chuan took another step forward, clenched his fist with his left hand, and hit his chest with a 'Zhong Kui Conquering the Demon'. He punched him away, hit the wall behind him, and fell heavily. Hit the ground!
"Uh huh..." Li Chuan's merciless punch had already shattered Peng Lianhu's heart. After struggling on the ground for a moment, he finally stopped breathing with reluctance.

Li Chuan glanced at Peng Lianhu, who had lost his voice on the ground, and raised his hand. With his sleeves fluttering, a strong wind blew out, knocking over the oil lamp in the room, and a burst of fire suddenly ignited in the room.

His purpose was to take advantage of the situation before everyone in Prince Zhao's Palace could react, and try to kill as many people as possible first, and then create some chaos in the Palace, so that they would have no time to worry about, and create trouble for Zhen Zhibing and others. Wang Chuyi and the others bought some more time.

Zhen Zhibing had already returned to the inn with the medicinal materials, and would then evacuate out of the city with Wang Chuyi, Mu Nianci and his daughter.

After all, unlike in the original work, the poison in Wang Chu's body cannot be transferred, and he can only stay in the inn and wait for others to retrieve the medicinal materials to detoxify, so this time they can leave calmly after getting the medicinal materials.

After evacuating outside the city, it would be okay to find a secluded place to slowly detoxify.

Before they could evacuate safely out of the city, Li Chuan had to try his best to hold back these people in Prince Zhao's Mansion.

But on the other hand, Yang Kang spent a lot of effort and with various assurances of admitting his mistakes, he finally coaxed Bao Xiruo to sleep peacefully.

Then, as soon as he walked out of the thatched hut, Yang Kang immediately staged a face-changing drama, and his whole face instantly became gloomy.

'Damn Li Chuan, Xiao Wang will never let you go so easily! '

But before he could give the order to gather men to deal with Li Chuan and the others, he saw a group of subordinates coming to report in a hurry.

"Little prince, it's not good!"

Yang Kang glanced at the man with a sullen expression and asked, "How unbecoming are you in such a panic! What happened again?!"

"Reporting to the young prince, someone came to report that Mr. Peng's courtyard was flooded. It was only after we went to put out the fire that we discovered that Mr. Peng had been killed and his body was almost burnt!"

"What?!" Yang Kang raised his eyebrows, "How could Mr. Peng be dead?!"

Immediately, he thought of something and said angrily: "Li Chuan!"

It must be Li Chuan who went to Peng Lianhu's Villa to kill him while he was being held back by Bao Xiruo and had no time to escape and make arrangements!

Damn it! Yang Kang just felt extremely regretful at this moment. If he had known this earlier, he should have directly gathered people and went to the inn to serve Wang Chuyi and the others one pot at a time. Unexpectedly, just because of this moment of procrastination, the situation developed into what it is now.

"Besides Mr. Peng, was anyone else killed?" Yang Kang quickly asked.

Since Li Chuan had decided to strike first and assassinate the palace masters before they could react, then in addition to Peng Lianhu, others must also be his targets.

As expected, his guess was absolutely correct. In addition to Peng Lianhu, the Three-headed Jiaohou Tonghai, the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River and others were also unlucky enough to be approached by Li Chuan and became the dead souls under his sword.

In addition, Master Lingzhi also met Li Chuan and was injured by Li Chuan after a fight.

Even if Li Chuan had not caused great commotion in the palace at that time, which attracted the investigation of Ouyang Ke and others, and several people took action together to save Master Lingzhi, I am afraid that even Master Lingzhi would have been killed. There is no escape from death tonight!
When Yang Kang heard this, he felt a surge of anger rushing straight to his forehead, burning so much that the veins on his forehead popped out.

"Go and invite Mr. Ouyang and the others over!"

Yang Kang ordered angrily, then thought of something again, and said again: "Wait, in addition to inviting Mr. Ouyang and the others, you can send another group of people to the 'Jiafu Inn' in the city to bring Wang Chuyi and others People were killed!”

When Yang Kang said this, he suddenly paused, and Mu Nianci's face could not help but appear in his mind.

"Miss Mu among them, try to capture her alive. If she insists on resisting, or if nothing can be done, kill her too."

Yang Kang was extremely angry after being killed by so many royal masters by Li Chuan, and his murderous intention could no longer be suppressed.

Li Chuan, on the other hand, was already preparing to withdraw from the palace.

Now that his beheading operation has been discovered, it will be difficult to achieve much success if he continues to stay in the palace.

Moreover, after he made such a fuss in Prince Zhao's Mansion, he might be busy tonight, so he should withdraw, otherwise it would be troublesome for Yang Kang and others to gather together again and launch a siege on him.

But before leaving, he had to find Guo Jing and Huang Rong and take them with him. Otherwise, the anger of Yang Kang and others would be passed on to them.

Li Chuan searched in the direction that Guo and Huang had gone before, and soon found the traces of these two people.

In the open space ahead, Guo Jing and Huang Rong were fighting with a rich old man with white beard and hair and a half-bald head.

The old man's distinctive features made Li Chuan instantly recognize his identity. This man must be Liang Ziweng, one of the five masters of Prince Zhao's palace.

Guo Jing seemed to be injured, and his movements were a little sluggish. If Huang Rong hadn't been trying to protect him, he would have been killed by the rich old man on the spot!

Seeing this, Li Chuan dodged and rushed into the field. With a shock of Qingfeng in his hand, he slashed through the sword light in mid-air and headed towards Liang Ziwen!

(End of this chapter)

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