Chapter 17 Chasing Troops
Liang Ziweng was still entangled with Guo Jing and Huang Rong when he suddenly heard a gust of wind coming from behind him. He quickly punched Huang Rong away. He turned around and saw that the sky was full of cold sword lights intertwining into a net, shrouding his head. !

In an instant, Liang Ziwen felt a chill rising from his heart. If he were covered by the sword light, he would not be cut into pieces in an instant!
Liang Ziweng's face changed wildly, and he didn't care about anything else. He dwarfed his body, jumped his legs to the ground, and tumbled out of the field.

Then he didn't even dare to fight back, and fled forward with great speed, but in the blink of an eye he had already disappeared.

Unlike Sha Tongtian, Peng Lianhu and others, Liang Ziweng is cautious and timid. If he feels there is any danger, he will always run away very quickly.

This may also be related to his origin and experience. He was originally a pilgrim in Changbai Mountain. Later, he killed a seriously injured senior stranger and got a martial arts secret book and more than ten prescriptions from his pocket. He has just embarked on the road of martial arts, which shows that he has a cunning mind and is accustomed to conspiracy but lacks the confidence to face the enemy head-on.

Later, when he was doing evil, he met Hong Qigong, the evil star in his life. He beat him severely and pulled out the hair on his head as punishment. From then on, Liang Ziwen acted like a man. He became more cautious when he got up. It could even be said to be vulgar.

Once he encounters an invincible opponent, Liang Ziwen will act faster than anyone else.

Just like now, seeing Li Chuan's extremely fierce sword power, Liang Ziwen felt that he was outmatched. He didn't even think about fighting back, and he didn't care about his dignity at all. He didn't even dare to say a harsh word and became dejected. 's escaped.

Not to mention, Liang Ziwen's body and light skills were also very good. Even Li Chuan didn't react at first. When he saw that he was trying to escape, he was already too far behind to catch him.

However, he had no intention of continuing to entangle with Liang Ziwen too much. After all, he had found Guo Jing and Huang Rong at this time, and it was time to leave.

"Daozhang Li." Seeing Li Chuan take action and scare away Liang Ziwen, Guo Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Li Chuan nodded and looked at Guo Jing. He saw that the corners of his mouth and chest were stained with blood, but his face did not look like he had vomited blood and was injured. It should not be his own blood.

In addition, as soon as Guo Jing came closer, Li Chuan smelled the fishy smell of reptiles. Is there a faint medicinal smell in the smell? Is Liang Ziwen's medicinal snake?
Li Chuan probably guessed what was going on and asked aloud: "Brother Guo, are you okay?"

Before Guo Jing could speak, Huang Rong on the side rushed to the front and said: "Brother Jing was entangled by the poisonous python raised by Liang Ziwen. He was unable to break free, so he could only bite the scales of the poisonous python and drink it. Its blood is probably poisoned!"

Li Chuan nodded, stepped forward and said, "I have read some medical skills, and I know a little bit about the Qihuang technique. Can I help you, Brother Guo?"

When Guo Jing heard this, he naturally would not refuse and raised an arm to let Li Chuan feel his pulse.

"How about it, Daozhang Li, is Brother Jing okay?"

Li Chuan retracted his arm and said, "Don't worry, brother Guo is not only fine, but he got a big deal by accident."

"Liang Ziweng's poisonous python must have been raised by him using his secret skills to feed all kinds of precious medicinal materials since he was a child. Its essence and blood has become a treasure. Brother Guo, you have benefited greatly from drinking its blood."

"At this moment, you just feel the blood all over your body is tingling because of the medicinal properties washing through your body. When you turn back, you only need to calm down and guide your Qi, stimulating the internal force to circulate in the meridians for a few days, and then the medicinal properties will be digested."

"The discomfort will subside by then, and one's physical skills will be greatly improved through this."

Huang Rong couldn't help but nodded and said: "No wonder Liang Ziwen went crazy and wanted to suck brother Jing's blood. It turned out to be because the precious snake he cultivated so hard ended up being used as a wedding dress for brother Jing."

Guo Jing was quite honest. After hearing this, he actually felt a little sorry for Liang Ziwen. He thought that he would have to apologize to Liang Ziwen when he had a chance later.

"That's right." Huang Rong suddenly asked, "Since the poisonous python's blood essence is a treasure, its meat should also be a treasure. If cooked and eaten, will it also have the effect of improving one's skills?"

Li Chuan glanced at Huang Rong with a strange look on his face, "You don't want to pack up Liang Ziwen's precious snake, including blood and flesh, for him, do you?"
Is there really nothing left for Liang Ziwen? "It should be somewhat effective." Li Chuan replied with some uncertainty.

Afterwards, Huang Rong turned around and went back to Liang Ziwen's villa, put the poisonous python on her shoulders and brought it out, not even thinking about it for Liang Ziwen.

After another half cup of tea, the three of them had withdrawn from Prince Zhao's Mansion and headed towards the city gate.

Suddenly, Li Chuan seemed to notice something and stopped suddenly.

"Daozhang Li, what's wrong?"

Li Chuan looked behind him and said, "Someone is catching up."

"You go first, I'll stay to hold them off for a while." Before the two of them could say anything, Li Chuan explained to them, "Senior brother and Uncle Wang should have evacuated from the inn by now. You should go out of the city directly. Bar."

Then he informed the two of them of the meeting place they had previously discussed with Zhen Zhibing after leaving the city, and asked them to go and meet the main force.

Guo Jing was a little hesitant. After all, Li Chuan was left alone to face Zhao Wang's pursuers, which really made him a little worried. He thought that he would stay and help Li Chuan.

However, Huang Rong saw clearly and grabbed Guo Jing and said, "Brother Jing, Daochang Li has great skills, so he will be fine."

"If we stay, it will distract Director Li and drag him down."

After Huang Rong persuaded him, Guo Jing gave up the idea of ​​staying with Li Chuan to stop the enemy, and turned around and left with Huang Rong.

And not long after they left, Yang Kang led his men to catch up.

Li Chuan looked at the people coming and saw that in addition to the dead Peng Lianhu, Hou Tonghai, and the seriously injured Master Lingzhi, Yang Kang, Ouyang Ke, Sha Tongtian, and Liang Ziweng who had escaped earlier were all here.

After taking a look at the opponent's lineup, Li Chuan felt a little more at ease. Since these people were all chasing after them, it meant that Zhen Zhibing and the others should have evacuated safely.

As for himself, he is not worried. After all, these people are still unable to defeat him.

"Daozhang Li, what a great trick you made tonight in my palace!" Yang Kang stepped forward and said through gritted teeth.

Li Chuan just smiled and said: "I don't dare to take you for such a compliment, but you are very hospitable. You actually came to see me off after chasing me so far."

"Haha" Ouyang Ke held a folding fan and fanned lightly, and sneered, "How did the little Taoist master know that I am not here to send you to the underworld?!"

Sha Tongtian raised the iron oar in his hand and pointed it at Li Chuan: "Boy! You killed my junior brother and four apprentices, but today you are unable to leave, and you must pay with your life!"

After the exchange of words between the two sides, Sha Tongtian was the first to lose control. He raised the iron oar in his hand and rushed towards Li Chuan.

Previously, Li Chuan killed Hou Tonghai and the Four Ghosts of the Yellow River in the palace, and Sha Tongtian was left alone in an instant. This made him hate Li Chuan so much.

(End of this chapter)

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