Chapter 169 Opportunity
The sky is deaf and the earth is dumb.

Everyone in the valley was still wondering where Li Chuan and Su Xinghe had gone and what they were doing, but then they saw the two of them reappearing in the valley quickly.

"Daozhang Li, Mr. Congbian, you are back." Duan Yu stepped forward and greeted Li Chuan.

Azi, who was following him, also looked behind them a few times. Seeing that they did not bring Ding Chunqiu back, she couldn't help but ask.

"Daozhang Li, my master...where is that old thief Ding Chunqiu? You should have killed him, right? That old thief is very cunning and vicious. Keeping him can only be a disaster. You must not be soft-hearted and spare him." .”

Obviously, Ah Zi has a very 'filial piety' towards Ding Chunqiu. She doesn't want Ding Chunqiu to suffer the pain of having his arm broken at all. She just wants him to reach bliss as soon as possible and not have to suffer in this mortal world again.
Su Xinghe nodded and said, "That traitor Ding Chunqiu has been killed by me myself."

Hearing this, Ah Zi felt at ease and tried to control her expression, but she still couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth, and her eyes curved into crescents.

Great! The old thief is finally dead!

Li Chuan also said: "Well, Ding Chunqiu's matter has been resolved, so there is no need to mention it anymore. Now, there is another matter, which may be an opportunity for Brother Duan."

"Ah?" Duan Yu was a little curious as to what kind of opportunity Li Chuan was talking about, so he asked, "What does Director Li mean by this? Does he need me to do something?"

"If there is anything you need, Daozhang Li just ask. As long as I can do my best, I will not shirk the responsibility."

Li Chuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Brother Duan, come with me and Mr. Congbian, and we will take you to meet a senior."

Duan Yu nodded when he heard this, then turned to A'Zhu and A'Zi and said: "A'Zhu, and A'Zi, you two wait here for me for a while, don't run around, I'll go with Daochang Li and the others. , I’ll come back to see you later.”

A'Zhu nodded and said, "Well, brother, don't worry, I will keep an eye on A'Zi and won't let her get into trouble and run around."

Azi curled her lips: "What? It's so mysterious that you won't take us with you. Forget it if you don't take us with you. Then my sister and I will have fun by ourselves in this valley."

"Okay, Ah Zi, be good and be obedient." Duan Yu said with a smile, "I'll go back as soon as possible."

Later, under the guidance of Li Chuan and Su Xinghe, Duan Yu walked alone through the secret passage on the cliff and arrived at the bottom of the cliff, where Wu Yazi lived in seclusion.

Huh... Duan Yu fell from mid-air, took a small step to land steadily, and then heard a voice coming from above.

"Lingbo Weibu. You really have some talent. You are proficient in the principles of the Book of Changes at such a young age. You are indeed a good talent."

The Lingbo Weibu of the Xiaoyao Sect evolved based on the Zhouyi. If one does not understand the principles of the changes in the Zhouyi, it is impossible to learn it even if there is a secret book.

Duan Yu mastered this footwork through self-study at a young age without anyone teaching him, which is enough to illustrate his talent and knowledge.

Duan Yu followed the sound and saw an old god-like figure in white sitting in mid-air, looking at him with a smile on his face.

'Yes, yes, this person is also a rare talent. If he inherits the inheritance of my Xiaoyao sect, it is also a good choice. '

The Xiaoyao Sect's criteria for selecting disciples are very stringent in all aspects. Appearance, temperament, talent and knowledge are all indispensable. Duan Yu meets their Xiaoyao Sect's criteria for accepting disciples in every aspect.

What's even better is that Duan Yu himself carries part of the inheritance of their Xiaoyao sect. He even learned the secret Beiming Magic Technique and Lingbo Weibu of their Xiaoyao sect, and he did so without any guidance. Those who started on their own can be considered to be very close to their Xiaoyao sect. So looking at it this way, Duan Yu does seem to be somewhat more suitable as a successor than Li Chuandu.

When Duan Yu saw Wu Yazi, he was also shocked. He secretly thought that there was such an old god-like figure under the cliff. He must be the one Li Chuan had mentioned before, asking him to come. The senior I met.

Duan Yu quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists in salute, "Young Duan Yu, I have met my senior."

Wu Yazi nodded with a smile. He saw that Duan Yu had the temperament of a gentle gentleman, and his every move and etiquette contained nobility. He must have a good status, and he couldn't help but feel more satisfied.

"Good boy, did you get your Beiming Magical Skill and Lingbo Weibu from the Langhuan Jade Cave in Wuliang Mountain in Dali?"

Duan Yu couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this: "Senior, how do you know? This kid really got this martial arts from Wuliang Mountain. Does it mean that senior knows the origin of this Beiming Divine Art?"

When he had just landed on the ground, Wu Yazi had noticed that the footwork he used was Lingbo Weibu, and now he specifically mentioned it. This old man probably knew the origin and inside story of this Beiming Divine Art, and maybe he could still do it. Through this old man, I found out some things about the fairy sister.

Wu Yazi nodded and said: "Of course I know, after all, this Beiming Divine Art is the secret of my Xiaoyao Sect."

"Ah?!" Duan Yu was shocked, "Senior, are you a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect? This Beiming Divine Skill is also a martial art of the Xiaoyao Sect?"

Wu Yazi saw Duan Yu's reaction so fiercely that he couldn't help but asked: "My child, when you first obtained this Beiming magic skill, wasn't it mentioned in the secret book?"

Duan Yu shook his head and said, "This junior really doesn't know."

"This scroll of Beiming Magic was obtained by this junior after seeing the statue of the fairy sister in the cave. He kowtowed to the fairy sister a thousand times, broke the futon under him, and then obtained it from the futon."

"The secret book does not record its source or origin. It only records that the junior should practice this technique diligently every day, and then"

He raised his head and glanced at Wu Yazi before continuing with some hesitation: "Then after I have achieved this skill, I will kill all the Xiaoyao sect disciples on behalf of the Immortal Sister."

Wu Yazi: "."

When Duan Yu saw this, he quickly explained: "Of course, this junior will not do this. After all, this junior has no enmity with the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect, so how can he kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Wu Yazi sighed and said: "Oh, that's it. It seems that Qiu Shui still refuses to forgive me, so much so that she even wanted to pass on this Beiming Divine Skill and deliberately left a message asking you to kill them all after you succeed in the practice. A disciple of my Xiaoyao Sect."

Duan Yu didn't know what happened back then, so he didn't understand Wu Yazi's sigh.

But Wu Yazi didn't do anything as a Riddler, and explained to Duan Yu bit by bit what happened that year.

"My child, the Beiming Divine Art you obtained was deliberately left in the Langhuan Jade Cave by my junior sister Li Qiushui."

"And the jade statue you mentioned was carved by me in the image of my junior sister Li Qiushui."

(End of this chapter)

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