Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 170 Becoming a disciple and passing on skills

Chapter 170 Becoming a disciple and passing on skills

"Back then, I lived in seclusion in the Langhuan Jade Cave in Wuliang Mountain in Dali with my junior sister Li Qiu Shui. The two senior brothers and sisters were deeply in love at the beginning. Sometimes we would hold swords under the moonlight, and sometimes we would compose poems in front of flowers. We were so happy. It was a very unhappy time."

"It's a pity that I later turned my attention to miscellaneous subjects such as music, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, and horoscopes, so I became somewhat alienated from my junior sister."

"After she gave birth to our beloved daughter Qingluo, I specially found a piece of flawless white jade that was more than ten feet long, carved it into the appearance of my junior sister, and stood it in the cave."

"Perhaps I was too obsessed with carving and craftsmanship. I lingered on the motionless jade statue every day, but I neglected and neglected the real person, Junior Sister."

"Later, junior sister got angry and deliberately brought back many handsome young men from the outside world."

"In the end, even my traitor Ding Chunqiu had an affair with him. Later, the traitor attacked me secretly and knocked me off the cliff. All my bones were broken in the fall, and I could only hide at the bottom of the cliff where I couldn't see the light of day. Under the circumstances, just lingering."

As Duan Yu listened to Wu Yazi's story, the expression on his face kept changing.

He didn't care much about the "teacher's kindness and disciple's filial piety" between Wu Yazi and Ding Chunqiu. What he cared about more was the fairy sister he longed for.

It wasn't until he heard Wu Yazi talk about it that he realized that the jade statue of the fairy sister was actually carved by the old man Wu Yazi in front of him.

And the fairy sister really has a real prototype, named Li Qiushui. But the prototype of this fairy sister is not as beautiful as he imagined.
Judging from Wu Yazi's narration, Li Qiushui may have become a fairy grandmother at her current age, and her private life when she was young was also quite unrestrained.

For a moment, Duan Yu felt a sense of disillusionment in his heart, as if he had suddenly heard that the idol star he liked was an innocent and innocent house that had been destroyed. His emotions were inexplicable.

Fortunately, Duan Yu prefers the jade statue of the fairy sister to the prototype of Li Qiu Shui, and the fairy sister he imagined in his heart.

After all, he had never met Li Qiu Shui. Even if the fairy sister's jade statue was carved in Li Qiu Shui's likeness, the two were completely different.

There is a bit of a concept that the virtual anchor leather case of later generations and the person in the middle are not the same person. And to be serious, the person who created the jade statue of the fairy sister was actually Wu Yazi, so Wu Yazi is more like the person in the middle. man of?
After thinking about it like this, Duan Yu quickly adjusted.

Wu Yazi also continued: "My child, although you learned the Beiming Divine Art from my junior sister Li Qiushui in the Langhuan Jade Cave and learned the inheritance of my Xiaoyao sect, logically speaking, you should be regarded as her successor. "

"But this Beiming Divine Art can only be practiced by the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, and you and she have never really become a disciple."

"So I intend to accept you as a disciple, take you under my Xiaoyao Sect, and inherit the inheritance of my Xiaoyao Sect... My child, is it possible for you to agree to this?"

When Duan Yu heard this, he couldn't help but hesitate a little: "To be fair to my seniors, in fact, this junior has never had any intention of practicing martial arts and winning since he was a child. He only acquired this martial arts by chance."

"Now that the senior wants the junior to become his disciple, the junior has some doubts for a moment."

Wu Yazi sighed softly: "You don't even want to? Do you really want the inheritance of my Xiaoyao Sect to be cut off from now on in my hands?"

Seeing Wu Yazi's expression of sadness, Duan Yu couldn't help but feel a little bit unbearable.

"Old senior, this junior is not talented, and I really don't want to do that kind of fighting and killing. If this junior becomes your disciple, it may damage the reputation of Xiaoyao Sect. Even so, senior is willing Will you accept me as your disciple?"

Hearing Duan Yu's vague agreement, Wu Yazi's expression suddenly changed and he smiled.

"Hahaha, my Xiaoyao sect is different from ordinary Jianghu sects. It belongs to a semi-hidden sect. We, the Xiaoyao sect, don't care at all about the battles in the Jianghu and fame and prestige!"

"And the people in my sect are the most carefree and wanton. They can do whatever they want, and they won't ask you to strengthen any force. With your temperament, you are really suitable for joining my Xiaoyao sect!"

Duan Yu was overjoyed when he heard this. If this was really the case, then he would no longer have any doubts about accepting this senior Wu Yazi as his teacher.

Since he doesn't have to fight or fight for fame in the world, he naturally doesn't have to bear any psychological burden.

Moreover, he and the Xiaoyao Sect are very destined, and now he is willing to join Wu Yazi's sect. Thinking of this, Duan Yu no longer hesitated, and immediately knelt down towards Wu Yazi and said, "Senior Wu Yazi, and junior Duan Yu, I would like to accept you as my teacher."

After saying that, Duan Yu kowtowed to Wu Yazi directly.

Seeing this, Wu Yazi finally showed a relieved smile, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, good boy, get up."

"Yes, senior."

"You still call me senior?"

Duan Yu smiled and immediately changed his words: "Disciple Duan Yu, pay homage to Master."

Wu Yazi nodded with a smile: "Okay, from today on, you will be the last disciple of my master. From now on, the position of head of Xiaoyao Sect will also be passed to you."

Duan Yu said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for my disciple to take on such a big responsibility. Master, why not pass on the position of head to Senior Brother Congsu, and my disciple can just become an ordinary Xiaoyao Sect disciple."

Wu Yazi shook his head: "Xinghe, he is not good. His talent is not enough to be the master."

He glanced at Duan Yu again, feeling both happy and a little reluctant.

The more he saw this new disciple, the more he liked it, but it was a pity that he did not have the time to slowly teach him to become a talent.


"Disciple is here. Master, what are your orders?"

Wu Yazi said: "It is really a happy thing to take you under my sect today, but it is a pity that I don't have time to teach you. But before I leave, I have a gift for you. "

"Come forward."

Duan Yu stepped forward according to the words, and then suddenly felt a huge suction force, which made him fly up into the air involuntarily, and then the world started spinning. When he came back to his senses, he was already standing upside down in the air. It counterbalances the Wuyazi Tianling.

"Disciple, use the Beiming Divine Kung Fu method, and I will pass on all of Beiming's true energy to you as a master."

Having said that, without waiting for Duan Yu to react, Wu Yazi had already started teaching the skills.
In the blink of an eye, an hour had passed. When Duan Yu appeared in the valley again, the aura on his body was completely different from before.

Looking at the tears still wet on his face and the jade ring on his right thumb that represented the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, Li Chuan and Su Xinghe both understood. At this time, Wu Yazi was probably gone. passed away.

Su Xinghe couldn't help but his eyes turned red, but he resisted not losing his composure. Instead, he turned around and gave orders to the disciples beside him, and then they all stepped forward and knelt down to Duan Yu in worship.

"Xiaoyao disciple Su Xinghe/Xue Muhua. Meet the new leader!"

Li Chuan also clasped his fists and congratulated Duan Yu: "Congratulations, brother Duan, for succeeding as the head of Xiaoyao."

Duan Yu suppressed all the emotions in his heart, nodded to Li Chuan, then turned to Su Xinghe and others.

"Senior Brother Su, and everyone else, please get up quickly."

He stepped forward and pulled up Su Xinghe and said to him: "Master, he has passed away now. According to Master's orders, I will take his body back to Wuliang Mountain in Dali and bury it in the Langhuan Jade Cave. Senior Brother Su, you Come with me to collect Master's body."

Su Xinghe lowered his head and replied: "Okay, please wait a moment, master. After I finish hosting this Zhenlong chess match and send off all my martial arts comrades, I will follow the master to send the master's body back to Dali for burial." ."

(End of this chapter)

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