Chapter 171 Qiao Feng invites you
The reason why Su Xinghe held the Zhenlong Chess Club for so many years in the Dumb Valley of Deafness was originally to select disciples for Wu Yazi on the basis of practicing chess skills.

And now that Wu Yazi has accepted Duan Yu as his successor, there is naturally no need to hold this Zhenlong chess game again.

Although Su Xinghe selfishly still hopes that someone can solve Wu Yazi's Zhenlong chess game, at least it is no longer so urgent. Even if it still can't be done now, it will be passed down to future generations, and they will wait for the wisdom of future generations to solve it.

The top priority now is to finish hosting the chess match, send off all the martial arts comrades, and then, together with the new leader Duan Yu, send Wu Yazi's body back to Wuliang Mountain in Dali for burial.

So after several Jianghu people tried to crack the Zhenlong chess game to no avail, and no one came forward to try, the Zhenlong chess meeting ended in a hurry.

Outside the Valley of the Deaf and the Earthly Dumb, Li Chuan bid farewell to Duan Yu and his party, and then turned around and headed to Kunlun Mountain, preparing to look for Qiao Feng.

Previously, when he was in the Valley of Deafness and Mute, Elder Wu Changfeng of the Beggar Clan had specifically found Li Chuan, told him about Qiao Feng's recent whereabouts, and helped Qiao Feng bring him a message.

Wu Changfeng only said that more than a month ago, Qiao Feng paid homage to his biological mother outside Yanmen Pass. After returning to the Central Plains, he went to Yanziwu to investigate, preparing to look for traces of Murong Fu.

After all, even if the grievances of the old thief Murong Bo were not placed on Murong Fu, when Murong Fu used the pseudonym Li Yanzong and lurked in the Xixia Yipin Hall, he had many grievances with the Beggar Clan led by Qiao Feng.

Therefore, both publicly and privately, it was impossible for Qiao Feng to let Murong Fu go, so he made a special trip to Yanziwu to investigate the situation.

Then he did not find Murong Fu or any of his Murong family retainers in Yanziwu. He just happened to run into Jiumozhi who was lingering in the Shishui Pavilion at Yanziwu.

After Qiao Feng asked Jiumozhi, he found no trace of Murong Fu from him. He only had a fight with Jiumozhi, and both parties left separately.

Then Qiao Feng began to search for news about Murong Fu in the rivers and lakes, and finally traced it all the way to the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Region. Then he was besieged by the retainers of the Murong family and a group of unfamiliar masters. After several battles between the two sides, Qiao Feng was able to Get away.

What is worth mentioning is that the martial arts used by those unfamiliar masters made Qiao Feng feel somewhat specious and familiar.

The skills of those people, whether it is fists, palms, kicks, or weapons, swords and spears, are very vicious and cruel, which is very different from the martial arts of the Central Plains. When they first met, they were still besieged. Even Qiao Feng initially All suffered a few small losses.

But after he barely figured out a few of those people's moves, he inexplicably felt a sense of familiarity.

Until he suddenly had an idea and suddenly remembered the Jiuyin Zhenjing martial arts that Li Chuan had used when he had previously competed with Li Chuan.

Then he subconsciously imitated the 'True Martial Demon Fighting' move in Li Chuan's Great Demon-Suppressing Fist, breaking through one of the moves with one punch and injuring him before he suddenly reacted.

No wonder it was just the first time for me to fight against these unfamiliar masters, but I still felt inexplicably familiar with their martial arts and moves.

The reason why I feel this way is entirely because the Jiuyin Martial Arts used by Li Chuan was born out of the martial arts of these people, and was specially created to break their moves!

After thinking about this, Qiao Feng immediately had a countermeasure. He and Li Chuan had competed against each other many times, and had sat down to discuss martial arts with each other, discussing their respective martial arts skills. Although they had not exchanged martial arts training, they were not unfamiliar with each other's martial arts and moves.

So Qiao Feng imitated the Jiuyin martial arts that Li Chuan had used and faced off against those unfamiliar masters.

Although he only imitated Li Chuan's moves and did not know the method of movement, Qiao Feng was a natural combat genius. Even if he had not practiced any martial arts, he only knew the moves. , it is also amazingly powerful when used in actual combat.

You know, in the original work, Qiao Feng only relied on a basic set of Taizu Changquan to defeat a group of martial arts heroes from the Central Plains in Juxianzhuang. Although he now uses Li Chuan's Jiuyin martial arts moves, he still uses them to his fullest extent. It showed considerable power and successfully pushed back those unfamiliar masters.

Then, Qiao Feng secretly investigated the origins of those strange masters, and the results of the investigation were indeed shocking.

Those strange masters turned out to be members of the same force. They called themselves the Ming Cult, and they gathered on the bright summit of the Kunlun Mountains. They vigorously developed ordinary followers and strengthened their strength. Their power was even far greater than that of Shaolin and Beggar. help!

What worries Qiao Feng even more is that those members of the Ming Cult are completely different from the general Jianghu forces. Judging from their frantic behavior of recruiting ordinary people as followers, they are clearly plotting rebellion in secret!

No wonder Murong Fu would get involved with the Ming Cult. After all, they were both ambitious people who wanted to subvert the world. With the same purpose, it was not surprising that they would get involved.

If Qiao Feng hadn't come all the way after Murong Fu and accidentally discovered this group of Mingjiao followers hiding in the Kunlun Mountains of the Western Region, he might not have discovered that such an ambitious force was actually lingering here.

If they are allowed to continue to develop secretly like this, I am afraid that within ten years, when this group of people have accumulated enough power and foundation, they will directly and openly rebel!
As for such an ambitious rebellious reserve sect, Qiao Feng would undoubtedly not tolerate it!

It's not that he is loyal to the Song Dynasty court or anything. After all, he is not an official in the court, and he is not even of Han descent. He just has a pure chivalrous heart and does not want to see the world in chaos and the people suffer.

As a result, Qiao Feng immediately started to stop him, wanting to eliminate this disaster before the Ming Cult accumulated enough strength to cause trouble.

But he also knew very well that it was obviously impossible for him to do it alone.

That's why he specially sent a message to Wu Changfeng, who was acquainted with him, and asked him to report the news to the Great Song Dynasty Hall, so that the Great Song Dynasty Hall could make plans in advance.

Those Mingjiao believers have secretly developed many believers in the Song Dynasty over the years, most of them are ordinary people. For these ordinary believers, Qiao Feng cannot deal with them by himself, so he can only leave it to the Song Dynasty Chaotang solved.

And those high-ranking Mingjiao people and martial arts masters who are entrenched on the Bright Summit of Kunlun Mountain are his primary targets.

However, the other party had a large number of people and many masters. It would be difficult for him to cope alone, so he asked Wu Changfeng to help him send a message to Li Chuan, inviting him to come and help.

(End of this chapter)

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