Chapter 172 Talking about Mingjiao

Qiao Feng also had some considerations in inviting Li Chuan to help.

First of all, Li Chuan's martial arts and strength are even faintly superior to his own. Even when faced with the siege of those Mingjiao masters, he has the ability to protect himself. This is the most important point. If Li Chuan is not strong enough, he will not be able to do it. Invite him to come to help and put yourself in danger.

The second thing is that Li Chuan knows many secrets of the world, and they have all been confirmed.

Coupled with Li Chuan's martial arts, which is extremely restrained by the martial arts of those Mingjiao masters, it is impossible for anyone to believe that there is no connection between them and it is purely a coincidence.

Therefore, Li Chuan must know a lot about those Mingjiao masters, at least about their martial arts inheritance, and maybe he can get some detailed information from him.

As for whether Li Chuan might have anything to do with the Ming Cult, it was certainly possible, but Qiao Feng believed in Li Chuan's character and was sure that he would never be the same type of person as those who intended to rebel.

Therefore, even if there were many coincidences and doubts, Qiao Feng did not doubt Li Chuan because of this, but took the initiative to ask Wu Changfeng to invite Li Chuan to come and investigate together.

By then, if we can really get some detailed information from Li Chuan, or if the two of them go to the Guangmingding to find out something, they can then prescribe medicine accordingly.

Not mentioning Qiao Feng, but saying that after Li Chuan received the message from Qiao Feng to Wu Changfeng, he immediately set off towards Kunlun Mountain. Under the stars and nights, in just ten days, he had already Arrive at the boundary of Kunlun.

In a small border town, Li Chuan and Qiao Feng reunited after being separated for several months. Then they found a tavern as usual and had a drink before finally starting to talk about business.

"I don't know much about Mingjiao." While drinking, Li Chuan told Qiao Feng everything he knew about Mingjiao.

"I only know that the Middle-earth Ming Cult, whose real name is Manichaeism, came from distant Persia, just like Buddhism in the Han Dynasty."

"But unlike Buddhism, Mingjiao's structure is more rigorous, and its teachings are also different."

"As for the teachings of Mingjiao, I know a little bit about them. Generally speaking, they punish evil and promote good, and save the world. The highest ideal is to build a harmonious society where everyone has enough food and warm clothes."

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "So, this Mingjiao is still a good sect, but why do they associate with Murong Fu and even want to subvert the world?"

Li Chuan sneered and said: "Don't most of the sects in the world lead people to do good? Isn't this the case with Taoism and Buddhism? But the problem is, they say good things with their mouths, but they do bad things with their hands. Brother Qiao, have you seen too few of these people?"

"The Ming Cult is different from ordinary sects in terms of organizational structure. It has the leader, the left and right light messengers, the four guardian Dharma kings, the five scattered people, and the five elements flag as the main structure. This personnel structure and composition is similar to that of the emperor and prime minister of the imperial court. , what is the difference between officials at all levels and the Imperial Guards?"

"So no matter what, the existence of secret societies like the Mingjiao are inherently rebellious. However, if the Qingming Dynasty were the prosperous era, they would not be able to incite the people and cause no trouble."

"But if the situation in the world changes and chaos breaks out, the Ming Cult will be the first to be unable to sit still."

"And no matter how noble and beautiful their teachings are, the ones who ultimately control the actions of those believers are the leader, the Messenger of Light and other high-level officials. If those high-level officials are ambitious, even now when they were still in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, they should rebel. There must be a rebellion." Upon hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but reveal a thoughtful look on his face.

Indeed, as Li Chuan said, this Ming Cult is naturally an unstable factor just in terms of its organizational structure, coupled with their methods of attracting believers. Put another way, if Qiao Feng lived in the Great Song Dynasty Hall Above that, I'm afraid the sect's orthodoxy will definitely be destroyed!
"If you put it this way, this Mingjiao is probably not another Yellow Turban Taiping Dao in the late Han Dynasty!"

Li Chuan glanced at Qiao Feng and curled his lips secretly, is this Mingjiao worthy of being compared with the Tao of Peace of the Great Sage? It’s really a nonsense metaphor!

"By the way." Qiao Feng asked again, "Daozhang Li, when I fought with those Mingjiao masters before, I found that the martial arts they used were somewhat restrained and targeted with Daozhang Li's. Does Daozhang Li know this? The inside story?"

Li Chuan's expression changed, and he secretly thought that the Mingjiao masters Qiao Feng met were not Huang Shang's enemies in the future, right?

Calculating the time, it seems to be quite right.

If the development of the original work is followed, Huang Shang will be ordered to lead troops to wipe out the Mingjiao about ten or twenty years later. He will kill many Mingjiao masters and be besieged by the remaining Mingjiao masters. In the end, even his family will be tired of it, leaving only He alone survives.

It is precisely because of this that Huang Shang spent decades studying the martial arts moves of his enemies and deciphering their moves, thus laying the foundation of martial arts in Jiuyin Lower Volume.

However, by the time Huang Shang had cracked all the enemies' martial arts skills and was ready to go out for revenge, decades had already passed. Almost all the enemies back then were dead, but there was no chance for revenge. .

But now, Li Chuan has learned the unique knowledge of the Nine Yin Scriptures left by Senior Huang Shang, and then reversed time and space to come to the current era, and happened to meet those enemies who have not yet formed a grudge against Senior Huang Shang.
'If those Mingjiao followers are really the ones who deserve to die'

Li Chuan's eyes flashed slightly and he said, "I don't know much about those Mingjiao masters."

"However, a large part of my martial arts comes from a unique book called the Nine Yin Manual, and the senior who created the Nine Yin Manual actually had a lot of grievances with the Ming Cult. After years of painstaking study, I created this set of Nine Yin techniques that can defeat all my enemies."

Hearing this, Qiao Feng nodded: "So, if Taoist Master Li can use the martial arts created by that senior to defeat those Mingjiao masters this time, the gift of teaching him will be in vain."

Li Chuan also nodded and said: "That's the case."

"By the way." Li Chuan suddenly remembered something again and said, "I have heard that there is a secret passage directly to the bottom of the mountain above the bright summit of the Mingjiao General Altar."

"If we can find that secret passage, it might be much easier to sneak into the top of the light to investigate."

Today's Mingjiao is not the fragmented Mingjiao that existed at the end of the Yuan Dynasty in later generations. Today's Guangming Summit has many masters. Even if Li Chuan and Qiao Feng want to force their way into the Guangming Summit, it will never be that easy. .

(End of this chapter)

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