Chapter 173 Secret Passage
Li Chuan really didn't know much about Mingjiao in this era. Apart from some of the most basic information, he didn't know any more than Qiao Feng.

However, he clearly remembered that there was a secret passage leading directly to the bottom of the mountain above the bright summit.

Moreover, even among the Ming Cult, not many people know about this secret passage. Except for the contemporary leader, no other disciples of the Ming Cult are allowed to enter the secret passage privately.

So if Li Chuan and the others could find the secret passage, it would be much easier to sneak into Guangmingding.

Otherwise, it would not be that easy to reach the top of the light head-on.

Guangmingding is located on a peak in the Kunlun Mountains. It is surrounded by nearly vertical cliffs on three sides. It is more than a thousand feet high and is difficult for birds to cross. Even a master of Qinggong with excellent Qinggong will never be able to climb it.

Therefore, if you want to go up to Guangmingding, you can only go up the mountain path in front. But the mountain path in front is not only defended by the Mingjiao's Five Elements Flag Army, but it is also full of traps and hidden sentries.

It is almost impossible for people who are not from the Ming Cult to sneak into Guangming Peak secretly. Even Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, without knowing the arrangements of the Ming Cult, are equally unlikely to do so without alarming the Ming Cult followers. In this case, quietly climbed to the top of Guangming Peak.

So infiltrating head-on is simply not feasible!

As for forcing their way in, it might be possible with the strength of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, but even if they force their way in, it would be meaningless.

After all, when the time comes, those Mingjiao masters on Guangmingding will definitely unite to resist Li Chuan and Qiao Feng. Under the siege of many masters, let alone investigating, the two of them will have to think of something to do. How to escape.

Therefore, if they want to quietly climb to the top of the Bright Summit without disturbing the Ming Cult members, they have the only option to find the secret passage.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Feng felt that Li Chuan's proposal was indeed a good choice.

It is obviously not advisable to climb the mountain head-on, so we can only think of other ways. If we can go up the mountain through a secret road, we can also save a lot of trouble.

Of course, because even Li Chuan doesn't know the detailed location of the secret passage, this plan may not work in the end. After all, no one can guarantee that they will be able to find the secret passage.

But now that you have an idea, you must give it a try. If you really can't find the secret passage in the end, there is nothing you can do. You can just think of another way.

In the following days, Li Chuan and Qiao Feng roughly searched the area within fifty miles along the foot of the mountain, and finally selected a few places with the greatest potential for careful exploration.

When the secret passage on Guangming Summit was first built, it was designed so that one day in the future, if Guangming Summit was besieged and the church members were defeated, they could quietly evacuate Guangming Summit through the secret passage.

After considering its original use, it is impossible to guess that no matter how mysterious and hidden this secret passage is, there are at least two things that can be determined.

First, the entrance and exit at the foot of the mountain cannot be built in such a large and open place, otherwise, it will lose its function of secret evacuation.

Therefore, its entrance and exit must be designed in a hidden place that is inaccessible to people, so that it cannot be discovered by the enemy and allows the believers to evacuate calmly.

The second is that although the distance between the entrance and exit of the secret passage and Guangmingding cannot be too close, it is definitely not too far. Otherwise, the purpose of rapid evacuation will not be achieved. And considering that the secret passage is responsible for evacuating the entire Mingjiao congregation, the space inside the secret passage must not be built too small. Therefore, the amount of work required to build this secret passage is definitely not small, and the Mingjiao side also It is unlikely that this secret passage was designed to be too long.

Otherwise, the Mingjiao would definitely not be able to bear the huge amount of manpower and material resources that the huge project would consume.

In summary, it was Li Chuan's consideration, so the location of the entrance and exit of the secret passage can be roughly calculated. The only question is how long it will take Li Chuan and the others to find it.

In fact, it didn't take much time for Li Chuan and the others to find the entrance to the secret passage in a hidden valley on the south side of a mountain.

"Is this the entrance to the secret passage?" Qiao Feng turned to Li Chuan and asked.

Li Chuan looked at the long tunnel that penetrated into the mountain at the entrance of the cave in front, and said, "I'm not sure. It might be a trap specially created by the Ming Cult. Let's go in and explore first."

Li Chuan had never entered the secret passage at Guangmingding before, so naturally he could not guarantee that this was the real entrance to the secret passage.

But now that such an entrance has been found, no matter whether it is the real entrance to the secret passage or a suspicious trap set by the Mingjiao, let's go and see it first.

Anyway, with his and Qiao Feng's martial arts, as long as they were careful, even if there was really a trap for Jedi in this cave, it would be impossible for them to be left alone. If something went wrong, they could just turn around and withdraw immediately.

Qiao Feng obviously had the same idea. He nodded and said, "Then let's go into the cave to find out what's going on. Even if this cave is really a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, what do you and I have to fear if we join forces?"

So, after the two briefly prepared, they walked into the cave, and then followed the tunnel in the cave all the way deeper.

After burning incense, the two of them had reached the depths, but the passage in front was still not cut off, and the space in the cave was much larger. The surrounding corridors expanded to a height of one foot, and the width was even more. More than ten feet.

And judging from these signs, they should have really entered the secret passage of Guangmingding.

Otherwise, if it was really just a trap to lure the enemy into, why waste so much effort, dig so deep, and expand the passage so much.

It is also worth mentioning that the two of them were very careful at first to watch their steps and surroundings, guarding against possible dangers and traps.

But until the two of them arrived here, they didn't encounter any traps along the way. But after thinking about it, it seemed normal.

After all, this Guangmingding secret passage was originally built to prepare for a rainy day and prevent Guangmingding from being encircled and suppressed by the army in the future. When the enemy is unable to defeat it, it is necessary to evacuate the cult members. Although it is inevitable to build some traps in the secret passage, it is also It is absolutely impossible to build too much.

Otherwise, when the time comes, hundreds of Mingjiao followers will pour into this secret passage. With so many people in a hurry and panic, they may inevitably run into some kind of trap. Wouldn’t that be harmful to themselves? Already?

Therefore, the traps in the secret passage are unlikely to be built directly in the passage. In other words, those traps are unlikely to be triggered casually. They should be triggered under human control.

(End of this chapter)

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