Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 174: The Secret Room, the Holy Fire Order, and the times are changing.

Chapter 174: The Secret Room, the Holy Fire Order, and the times are changing.

Li Chuan and Qiao Feng continued to walk along the secret passage. As they continued to go deeper, the secret passage under their feet gradually began to go upwards, and from time to time, several forked roads would branch out in front.

Because they didn't know the road, the two could only move forward according to their feelings. After walking forward for a while, they finally entered a dead end.

"Daozhang Li, there is no road ahead, let's turn back." Qiao Feng said.

Li Chuan turned his head and looked aside thoughtfully. He felt a slight breeze blowing through the passage, but logically speaking, in such a dead end, it is impossible for air to flow and form wind. of.

"Brother Qiao, wait a minute."

Li Chuan stepped forward, raised his hand and knocked on the stone wall aside.

"Dong dong..." There was something wrong with the sound coming from the stone wall. There was nothing behind it.

Qiao Feng also reacted and said, "Is there a secret passage behind this stone wall?"

As he said that, he turned around and looked around, trying to find if there was any mechanism in the passage, but after searching, he found nothing.

When Li Chuan saw this, he simply raised his hand and pressed it against the stone wall, pushing it away with all his strength. He remembered the secret passage in the Valley of the Deaf and the Earthly Deaf, and wondered if there was also the kind of secret passage in the Guangmingding Peak that could be passed through human power. The opened secret door.

But after he pushed hard, the stone wall still didn't move at all. Li Chuan raised his eyebrows, and used his innate skills unbelievingly. He poured his true energy into his arms and pushed against the secret door again.

"Kaka..." Li Chuan was already successful in practicing external arts, and his strength was far beyond ordinary. Coupled with the blessing of the innate true energy, the strength on his arms was beyond the limit. The previously motionless stone wall finally made a sound. The sound of moving and rubbing.

As Li Chuan slowly pushed forward, the stone wall in front of him also slowly rotated, and a secret door opened directly on the stone wall.

Then Li Chuan and Qiao Feng also followed the secret door and walked in, entering a spacious stone room.

I saw that the stone room was equipped with tables, chairs and benches, and in the southeast corner, there was a stone bed with a fine white tiger skin spread on it.
This stone room is actually a bedroom!
Qiao Feng also exclaimed: "This stone room is actually a place of residence?"

No wonder he was so surprised. After all, after the two of them entered the stone room, they determined that the secret door on the stone wall could not be opened by any mechanism and could only be opened by manpower.

In other words, every time the people who live in this stone room enter or leave, they need to use a huge amount of force to open and close the secret door on the stone wall.

And even Li Chuan, let alone other ordinary people, could push the secret door by using his innate skills with all his strength.

The person who can live in this stone room is either a top external martial artist who has cultivated his external skills to the pinnacle and bursts out with all his strength, or someone like Li Chuan who has reached the pinnacle of internal and external training. Even if you look at the whole world, you will never find a few such people.

Li Chuan said: "This stone room is probably the residence of the current leader of the Ming Cult."

Qiao Feng also nodded in agreement. After all, according to Li Chuan, only the leader of the Ming Cult can freely enter and exit the Guangmingding secret passage.

Moreover, the martial arts of the people who can live here have definitely reached the highest level in the world. Apart from the leader of the Ming Cult, Qiao Feng cannot think of anyone else who can place his residence in this stone room. Li Chuan turned to look at Qiao Feng and said, "Brother Qiao, since the two of us came here by mistake, why not search this stone room to see if we can find anything useful."

When Qiao Feng heard this, he didn't hesitate and nodded in agreement.

Although it was a bit rude to break into someone else's house without permission and rummage through the cabinets, he and Li Chuan did not want to steal like the little thieves. They just wanted to find out the details of the cult. Qiao Feng was not that kind of pedantic person. I won't feel anything wrong.

Then the two of them started searching in this stone room, and they discovered some interesting things.

Li Chuan raised his hand and picked up a two-foot-long black card from the table, put it in his hand and looked at it.

I saw that the material was somewhat like crystal, and the texture was very transparent, but it was a bit heavy in the hand, and the texture was different from crystal jade.

Moreover, there are words engraved all over the black card, and there is still a faint feeling of flames flying inside. As Li Chuan turns, the color of the flame pattern will change accordingly.
'Holy Fire Order! Li Chuan instantly recognized the identity of the black card. It was the sacred object of the Ming Cult, the Holy Fire Token!

Although he had never seen this Holy Fire Token with his own eyes before, he had seen its description in novels. Coupled with the other five Holy Fire Tokens of different lengths and sizes on the table, how could Li Chuan not guess it?
Qiao Feng also asked out of curiosity: "Daozhang Li, do you know what this is? And the lines on it seem to be the writing of some foreign country?"

Li Chuan nodded and said: "Yes, what is engraved on it is in Persian, and what these Persian words record is a martial arts. As for this token, it is the sacred object of the Ming Cult, the Holy Fire Order."

Qiao Feng glanced at Li Chuan in surprise, "Can Daoist Li still understand this Persian?"

"A little research."

Not only Persian, but also Tubo, Uighur, Tibetan, and Sanskrit, Li Chuan studied them quite a bit.

This was what he learned while looking through Master Yideng's collection of books when he was in Taoyuan County to help him translate the Sanskrit outline of the Nine Yin Manual, in order to avoid encountering these foreign texts in the future. do not know.

Qiao Feng saw that Li Chuan was quite interested in the Persian text on the Holy Fire Order, so he didn't ask any more questions. He just nodded and went to search on the other side.

Li Chuan just checked the martial arts on the six Holy Fire Tokens, and he had roughly mastered the martial arts recorded on them.

It has to be said that although the martial arts in these Holy Fire Orders are not very sophisticated, they are extremely weird. It can be regarded as opening up Li Chuan's ideas and gaining something.

Li Chuan conveniently put away the six Holy Fire Tokens. It happened that his Dark Iron Heavy Sword and Qingli Sword were not brought to this time and space together. He had no weapons to use, but they could be used as weapons.

Then, Li Chuan turned to look at other things on the desk, and saw something extraordinary.

It was a scroll written on silk. It could be seen that the ink was still very new and the writing must not have been more than half a year old. But this is not important. What is important is the content written on it.
Isn't this the unique skill of the Murong family in Gusu that changes with time? How come it appears here?
The content written on that scroll of silk is clearly the Murong family's mind-changing technique! It was probably written by Murong Fu himself, but for some unknown reason, it appears in this stone room now.

(End of this chapter)

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