Chapter 188 Their respective plans

Leader Wang couldn't help but snorted as he listened to Murong Fu's narration.

"Hmph! That retainer of yours happened to be at the foot of the mountain? I'm afraid he was assigned by you to follow Li Zuo and them, right?"

"But forget it, I don't want to argue with you about this for now. Just tell me what you want to say."

Murong Fu prostrated again: "Yes, Master."

"What my disciple wants to say is that although my retainer does not know the young Taoist priest who is following Qiao Feng, my disciple recognized his identity after hearing him talk about the Taoist priest's appearance."

"This person is none other than Li Chuan, who has recently become famous in the martial arts world of the Central Plains!"

"And this person has always been on good terms with Qiao Feng and has helped Qiao Feng many times. This time he was asked to help by Qiao Feng. Although it was unexpected, it is also reasonable."

"In addition, Li Chuan's martial arts is extremely powerful. When my disciple was still at the peak of his martial arts, I fought against him. His strength is probably even higher than Qiao Feng's!"

"As for Ambassador Li Zuo, as well as King Ming and King Mang, they went down the mountain for five days without sending back any information. My disciple thought that Ambassador Li Zuo and the others had probably killed the poisonous hands of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng. Or maybe I missed it and was captured by them!"

Upon hearing this, Leader Wang immediately frowned and said, "Impossible!"

"There are three of them, Li Zuoshi. Even if they fight alone, they are no match for Qiao Feng and Li Chuan. But as long as Li Zuoshi holds back one of them, how can King Ming and King Python join forces to deal with the other one?" defeat?!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but sneer in his heart, secretly thinking that people from the Ming Sect looked down upon the people of the world too much, even though there were many masters in the Ming Sect.

But the only one who can truly be called a top master is the leader Wang. Others, such as Li Zuoshi, Angry Ming Wang Zhang Da and others, can only be regarded as reluctant.

Even if he, Murong Fu, was at the peak of his power, he was sure that he would be able to fight against them undefeated, but if he met Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, even if these three people joined forces, there would be no chance of victory.

What he didn't expect was that none of the three people actually managed to escape, leaving Murong Fu to have no choice but to go out and inform Gang Leader Wang about the matter.

Originally, he was thinking that although those three people could not defeat Li Chuan and the others, they could at least retreat, right? No matter how bad the situation is, one or two can escape and then let them complain to Leader Wang, so that Leader Wang can make up his mind to use the strength of the entire religion to kill Qiao Feng and Li Chuan in one fell swoop.

But unexpectedly, none of these three people came back, and no one else heard the news. When Murong Fu saw this, he could only speak for himself.

Faced with Leader Wang's disbelieving questions, Murong Fu just said.

"Master, I don't dare to speak nonsense. The reason why I make this judgment is also based on my understanding of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng. In addition, there has been no news from Li Zuoshi and them for five days. I can't bear it. Speak up and report this guess to Master."

Hearing this, Leader Wang couldn't help but stare. How could he have imagined that there was no news from Li Zuoshi and the other three for five days? Then he sent out several groups of people to inquire, but no one has responded yet.
Thinking of this, Leader Wang couldn't help but feel a flash of irritation in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Murong Fu with an unkind look.

"Murong Fu! Do you know your guilt?!"

Murong Fu stood up with a look of panic, and quickly knelt down and said: "Master, I don't know what master means by this. Did I do something wrong somewhere?"

Leader Wang said coldly: "How dare you say that you don't know what crime you are guilty of?!"

"Then let me ask you, since you knew that Li Chuan was also with Qiao Feng, why didn't you report it to the teacher in time? So that the teacher could make arrangements and send experts to help." "If you reported this in the morning If there is news, things will not develop to the point where they are now!"

"You think I don't know your little thoughts, do you? You had planned in your heart to let Li Chuan and Qiao Feng work together to severely injure or even kill several of Li Zuo, and then let these two people take advantage of the situation. People have formed a deadly feud with our Ming Cult!"

"This way you can take the opportunity to use the power of the entire religion to avenge your Murong family, right?!"

Facing Leader Wang's questioning, Murong Fu couldn't help showing a look of grievance on his face.

"Master, please forgive me. My retainer came down the mountain due to some trivial matters. Although he saw Li Chuan next to Qiao Feng, he had not seen Li Chuan and did not know his identity."

"In addition, this time Li Zuoji and the two Dharma Kings went down the mountain together, my retainer would not have thought that something unexpected would happen, so he did not take this matter to heart at all from the beginning."

"Then it wasn't until he returned to Guangmingding today that my disciple helped him to catch the wind. When they talked about it in a casual chat, my disciple realized that Li Chuan was beside Qiao Feng."

"Then there are these speculations about Master now. The disciple is wronged!"

"Although I have a sworn feud with Qiao Feng and Li Chuan, how can I deliberately ignore the overall interests of our sect because of my own personal hatred?"

"I hope the master will understand clearly! If the master definitely refuses to believe what the disciple says, the disciple will have nothing to say and let the master handle it!"

Although Murong Fu did what Leader Wang said he wanted to do, how could he leave such an obvious clue?
Leader Wang naturally knew the reason. After taking a deep look at Murong Fu, he hummed softly: "I hope so."

Murong Fu has already spoken to such an extent that Gang Leader Wang cannot continue to pursue the case, otherwise it will just appear that he is harsh and violent.

Leader Wang turned his head and glanced at the Mingjiao disciples in the hall, and said, "I have decided that I will personally lead the Five Elements Banners down the mountain tomorrow to find news about Li Zuo and the others!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Murong Fu and a young man on the other side and said, "Fu'er, La'er, you two will also go down the mountain with me tomorrow."

"Yes, Master!"

"Okay, I get it, old man."

When Murong Fu heard the name of the old man from Fang La's mouth, the sinister look in his eyes became even more intense.

Although they were both nominally direct disciples of Leader Wang, the treatment he received from Fang La and the distance between him and Leader Wang were completely different!

The next day, early in the morning, thousands of people from the Five Elements Flags descended from Guangmingding in a mighty manner. It was impossible for Li Chuan and Qiao Feng not to notice such movements.

Seeing such a battle, the two of them thought to themselves that the main show was finally about to begin!

At the bottom of the mountain, Li Chuan and Qiao Feng stood on the top of a green tree that was more than ten tall, looking at the Ming Cult team marching on the mountain road opposite.

Suddenly, both Li Chuan and Qiao Feng's expressions changed, and they looked at one of the Ming Cult members a hundred meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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