Chapter 189 The Leader of the Ming Cult
Among the Mingjiao troops, there was a group of burly warriors carrying a luxurious chariot on their shoulders, walking in the middle of the team.

And on top of the chariot, sat an old man wearing a high capital crown. He was tall, wearing a white robe lined with gold. He had a thin face and a beard under his chin. He looked calm and intimidating. If you look at it, you will know that it is not an ordinary person.

In fact, this is also true. This person is the current leader of Mingjiao!

While walking on the chariot, Leader Wang's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly raised his head and glanced in the direction of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, and looked at each other from a distance of dozens of feet away.

The three of them are all accomplished people with internal strength. Even if they are tens of feet apart, the eyesight of the three of them is not much different from what they are right in front of them. The three of them can even clearly see the subtle changes in each other's eyes. .

'Qiao Feng, Li Chuan'

Leader Wang's eyes narrowed slightly. After seeing Li Chuan and the others appearing at the foot of the mountain, Leader Wang was already sure that something had really happened to Li Zuo and the others.

'I didn't expect that things would develop into such a worst-case scenario. I just hope that Li Zuo and the others are still alive. '

At this time, Murong Fu had also discovered the traces of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, and quickly turned around to report to Leader Wang for credit.

"Master! Look at the two people at the bottom of the mountain, they are Qiao Feng and Li Chuan."

However, Leader Wang didn't bother to pay attention to Murong Fu at all, and just said: "Master of the Five Elements Flag, listen to the order."

"My subordinate is here."

"I order you to lead your troops at half-mast first, disperse the team, and surround Qiao Feng and Li Chuan. You must not let those two people escape!"

"I will obey the order of the leader!"

Leader Wang gave an order, and a large number of Five Elements Banners quickly separated from the main force, then dispersed and headed down the mountain. In a short time, they had completed the encirclement of Li Chuan and Qiao Feng.

This is also thanks to the fact that Li Chuan and Qiao Feng had no intention of leaving and stayed where they were. The Mingjiao side was able to surround them so easily.

After those Mingjiao people surrounded the two, they did not attack them directly. They just formed several circles to surround them in the center, and then waited for the arrival of Leader Wang.

After lighting a stick of incense, Leader Wang's chariot arrived at the field and stopped a few feet away from Li Chuan and the others.

Leader Wang sat on the chariot, looked down at Li Chuan and Qiao Feng who had fallen back to the ground, and said.

"I don't like to talk useless nonsense, so I'll get straight to the point. I ask you, are the Li Zuo Shi I taught and the two Dharma Kings dead or alive now?"

Li Chuan and Qiao Feng looked at each other, and Qiao Feng clasped his fists and replied: "I may have to disappoint my seniors. The masters from your sect who came to deal with my two brothers are all dead."

Hearing this, Leader Wang couldn't help but his eyelids twitched. He took a deep look at Qiao Feng and Li Chuan and said coldly: "It seems that you have already made your choice. You will definitely be enemies of our Ming Cult."

"Can I ask why? But because I accepted Murong Fu into the religion and provided him with shelter?"

Generally speaking, in battles and conflicts in the martial arts world, unless one has already prepared to fight to the death with the other party, one would not kill the person so painfully, without leaving any leeway.

Judging from the current attitudes and actions of Qiao Feng and Li Chuan, these two people have obviously decided to fight to the death with their Ming Cult!
But this undoubtedly made Leader Wang very strange. After all, the Ming Cult had no contact with Qiao Feng and Li Chuan before, and there was no enmity at all. Even if the two sides were now hostile because of Murong Fu, it would not be such a big deal. This step, right? Facing Leader Wang's inquiry, Qiao Feng just said calmly: "It's not because of Murong Fu. It's a personal enmity between us and him, and it doesn't concern anyone else."

"And why do we want to be enemies of your Mingjiao? Master Wang, don't you know what your Mingjiao has done? How come the people in this area of ​​nearly a thousand miles are left with no land to cultivate and no home to live in?" Go home, your wife and children are separated?!"

Leader Wang: "."

He was a little surprised, and even glanced at Qiao Feng and Li Chuan in disbelief. Could it be that these two people really wanted to do justice because of the common people? !
He couldn't understand it at all!
"Because of this?!" A look of anger suddenly appeared on Leader Wang's face, "Is there any sect in the world that doesn't do this?!"

"If nothing else, let's just talk about the Shaolin Temple, which is known as the largest martial arts sect in the world in the Central Plains. How much land does it have under its command?!"

"Even the Song Dynasty royal family! Who among the wealthy landlords in the village is not like this?!"

"Why do you have to fight against my Ming Cult?!"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but shake his head. Some things are just wrong if they are wrong, so why bother trying to explain the mistakes as they should be? That would be too shameless!
Li Chuan spoke up: "Master Wang, the matter has come to this, why bother to say anything else."

Leader Wang snorted coldly and said: "Huh! There really is nothing left to say!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted the chariot before sitting down. The figure instantly flew towards Li Chuan and Qiao Feng like a bird!

"The two of you killed my followers, just like you killed my brothers. Today, I will kill you two to pay homage to the spirits of Li Zuo and the two Dharma Kings in heaven!"

Leader Wang was very confident in himself, so he rushed up alone. It seemed that he wanted to fight Li Chuan and Qiao Feng alone.

It’s no wonder that he was confident, after all, because of Murong Fu’s technique of shifting the mind of the universe, his understanding of the great shift of the universe has improved a lot.

Although it still failed to allow him to break through to the sixth level, it actually improved his strength.

So even if Li Chuan and Qiao Feng worked together to kill the Guangming Zuo envoy and the two guardian Dharma kings of their Ming sect, Leader Wang was still confident that he could kill them!

In the blink of an eye, Leader Wang was already close. He raised his hand and pushed his palms towards Li Chuan and Qiao Feng, hitting them respectively.

Li Chuan and Qiao Feng were not going to get used to this leader Wang, so they immediately raised their palms to greet him!


Two explosions exploded from mid-air! Leader Wang's expression suddenly changed slightly. After the four palms intersected for a moment, he took the initiative to withdraw his hand and stepped back instantly.

It has to be said that Leader Wang is a little overconfident. His strength is indeed good, and his palm power is also very powerful and heavy. But he can only think about suppressing Li Chuan and Qiao Feng with two palms at the same time.

In this world, except for the sweeping monk in Shaolin Temple, no one can stop the combined strength of the two of them!

(End of this chapter)

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