Chapter 24 Qiu Chuji surrenders

Everyone in the Jiangnan Seven Monsters was very emotional and could not accept such a result.

After all, they have sacrificed so much in the past eighteen years for this appointment at Yanyu Tower!
In order to find Guo Xiaotian's widow, the seven brothers went to the desert. After finding Li Ping and Guo Jing, in order to train Guo Jing, they stayed in that bitter cold place of the desert for eighteen years!

That's a whole eighteen years!

Even because of this, Zhang Asheng among them lost his life and stayed in the desert forever!
And they had put in so much effort and prepared carefully for eighteen years just to fulfill their agreement with Qiu Chuji and have another fight in the Yanyu Tower in Jiaxing eighteen years later.

But now Li Chuan told them that Qiu Chuji had given up in advance? This eighteen-year contract has not even begun yet, but it is about to end in such an anticlimactic manner. It’s strange that the Jiangnan Seven Monsters can accept it!
When things came to a close, Qiu Chuji simply admitted defeat. How could they feel so embarrassed? !
What has become of their sorrow and sacrifice over the past eighteen years? !
Obviously, this result did not satisfy the Jiangnan Seven Monsters. Ke Zhen'e suppressed the rage in his heart and asked Li Chuan in a cold voice: "Is this how your master perfunctory us?"

Li Chuan sighed secretly, secretly thinking that the master really arranged a 'good job' for him.

But the master has something to do, and the disciple has to do his job. Since Qiu Chuji assigned this matter to him, he must do his best to complete it.

"Master Ke, please calm down for now."

Li Chuan quickly reassured Ke Zhen'e and others: "Master has no intention of teasing or perverting the seniors. In fact, due to various reasons, Master has no face to come back for this eighteen-year appointment."

Ke Zhen E turned his head, opened his eyes, looked at Li Chuan with his white blind eyes, and sneered.

"Boy, although I am blind, my heart is not blind. You said that your master has no face to come to the appointment. I want to hear it. Why does he have no face?!"

"If you deceive us with lies, the old blind man will really have to talk to you!"

Seeing that Ke Zhene was determined to ask questions clearly, Li Chuan could only secretly apologize in his heart.

'Master, I'm so sorry. At this point, my disciple can only dismantle you and expose your background. '

"Great Hero Ke, please." Li Chuan clasped his fists and said, "This matter must start with Yang Kang."

"Back then, Master searched all the way to Yanjing, the capital of the Jin Kingdom, and finally found Mrs. Bao and her son. But by that time, Mrs. Bao had already become the sixth prince of the Jin Dynasty, the beautiful and powerful princess, and Yang Kang had also become the young prince of the Jin Kingdom. "

"It's also my fault that Master made poor arrangements and didn't pick up their mother and son, but let them stay in Prince Zhao's Mansion."

"Later, Yang Kang gradually grew up, but he turned into a treacherous and vicious man. Later, he even deceived his master to destroy his ancestors and assassinated my uncle Wang!"

"At this point, Master is extremely disappointed. When he thinks about how many seniors went to the desert for 18 years for the agreement they made back then, they have trained Brother Guo so outstandingly and uprightly that even I, the Master of Quanzhen, can It’s also full of praise.”

"At that time, Master had already had the idea of ​​admitting defeat in his heart. After all, compared with the seniors, Master felt inferior, and he had already admitted defeat in his heart."

"It's just because I'm still thinking about the appointment at the Yanyu Tower that I haven't taken any action. I just want to wait until the agreed date arrives, and then come to the Yanyu Tower in person to attend the appointment, explain my thoughts to the seniors, apologize and admit defeat."

Hearing this, Ke Zhen'e asked, "Is this really true?"

Li Chuan cupped his fists and saluted: "This junior does not dare to deceive me in the slightest. Master has long been convinced that he has lost. When this matter is agreed upon, Master will definitely come to Yanyu Tower and explain everything clearly to all the seniors."

Ke Zhen'e frowned, and after half a minute he said, "Huh! Even if you didn't lie about this, this eighteen-year contract is not that easy to end!" They, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, wanted to do this. It took so many years to make an agreement, but he really couldn't accept it, so he just broke it off hastily.

He said: "No matter what happens in the end, I will go and explain to your master face to face!"

"You said earlier that your master has now gone to Yanjing City, the capital of the Jin Kingdom, to settle accounts with Yang Kang."

"Okay! Old blind man, let's go to Yanjing to find your master and make it clear to him face to face!"

"If it doesn't work out by then, even if we tie Yang Kang to Yanyu Tower in Jiaxing, we will definitely fulfill this eighteen-year agreement!"

This Ke Zhen E also has a stubborn temper, otherwise he would not have fought with Qiu Chuji back then, but now he must complete this eighteen-year agreement, even if Qiu Chuji admits defeat!

With no choice, Li Chuan and the others had just arrived in Jiaxing, and before their buttocks were even hot, they had to accompany Ke Zhen'e and the others to set off for Yanjing again.

In just a few months of walking down the mountain, Li Chuan had traveled almost thousands of miles!

Everyone traveled all the way under the stars and under the stars, and after running non-stop, they returned to Yanjing City in just over ten days. After a search, they found Qiu Chuji in a ruined temple outside the city.

Qiu Chuji was actually injured. There was a bandage on his right arm, which had been stained dark brown by blood. It looked like the wound was not shallow.

"Master, why are you injured?!" Li Chuan asked aloud.

Logically speaking, even with the combined efforts of those people in Prince Zhao's Mansion, they could not stop Qiu Chuji. Could it be that Qiu Chuji fell into their scheme just like Wang Chuyi did before?
Qiu Chuji shook his head and sighed: "But I was careless. I didn't expect that Yang Kang had already betrayed the master and turned to the iron corpse Mei Chaofeng from the Black Wind Twin Evils as his master."

"I broke into Prince Zhao's Mansion earlier and wanted to capture Yang Kang and bring him out. Then he deliberately led me to a dry well in the backyard."

"When I saw him jumping into the dry well, I followed him, but I didn't expect that Mei Chaofeng was hiding in the dry well and brazenly attacked me!"

"I was injured by his Nine Yin White Bone Claws without checking for a moment. In addition, Ouyang Ke and others also chased me. I had no choice but to escape from the palace, leave the city and come to this ruined temple to recuperate. .”

After listening to Qiu Chuji's story, Ke Zhen thought to himself in disgust, no wonder Qiu Chuji had to admit defeat in advance. How could he have the nerve to come to the appointment after teaching a disciple like Yang Kang who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors?
The same goes for Ke Zhen E and Qiu Chuji, but he still deliberately asked.

"Taoist Master Qiu, I didn't expect Yang Kang to be so disloyal and unjust!"

"It's just a matter of betraying the master and turning to others. Instead, he went so far as to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors. He plotted against you."

"Then, can Taoist Master Qiu still keep the appointment at Yanyu Tower as scheduled?"

When Qiu Chuji heard this, he couldn't help but his face turned green and white. After half a minute, he stood up and straightened his expression. He raised his hands and clasped them together, bent down halfway, and saluted Ke Zhen'e and the others.

"Master Ke, and all of you, Qiu Chuji can't keep the appointment at Yanyu Tower. Having taught such a disciple, he doesn't have the face to keep the appointment again. I lost this eighteen-year appointment, and I am convinced that I lost. oral!"

(End of this chapter)

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