Chapter 25 Ending
After Ke Zhen E calmly accepted Qiu Chuji's salute, he stepped forward and helped Qiu Chuji up.

"Taoist Master Qiu, if that's the case, then the eighteen-year agreement between you and my seven brothers is now over?"

After Qiu Chuji admitted defeat in person, he felt relieved and felt much better. He no longer hesitated and said with a smile.

"That's right, it's over. I lost this eighteen-year contract, and I lost with all my heart, without any resentment at all!"

Hearing this, Ke Zhen E couldn't help but smile, and Zhu Cong and others also had a look of relief on their faces.

Eighteen years have passed since this appointment at Yanyu Tower, and now it has finally been completed. Although the result may be a little different from what they expected, it is not too bad.

If Qiu Chuji could be made to surrender willingly, their efforts over the years would not be in vain.

After Qiu Chuji admitted defeat, the attitudes of Ke Zhen'e and others also changed obviously. They came forward to care about Qiu Chuji's injury, and expressed dissatisfaction with him.

He just said that this matter must not be forgotten, and the six brothers were also willing to lend a helping hand to Qiu Chuji. They would definitely help Qiu Chuji capture Yang Kang and hold him accountable!

After all, one code equals another. The eighteen-year agreement between them and Qiu Chuji was one thing, but the friendship and loyalty between them was another matter entirely.

They had paid so much for this eighteen-year agreement. Not counting the eighteen years, one of them, Zhang Asheng, even died in the desert.

So no matter what, Qiu Chuji must give them a satisfactory explanation for this matter. Otherwise, how can they be worthy of the brothers' efforts over the years, and how can they be worthy of the dead Zhang Asheng?

After the matter is settled, only friendship and loyalty remain.

They had gotten to know Qiu Chuji many years ago. Although they had a misunderstanding at first, the two sides fought and fought.

But as the saying goes, there is no acquaintance without fighting, and it was precisely because of this misunderstanding that they became friends. After the misunderstanding was resolved, the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan also admired and respected Qiu Chuji's martial arts character.

Qiu Chuji also admired the loyalty and pride of the brothers of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, and both sides regarded each other as close friends.

And if something happens to your friend, how can you just sit back and watch?

What's more, Mei Chaofeng, who injured Qiu Chuji in a sneak attack, is still the biggest enemy of their Jiangnan Seven Monsters. Even if Qiu Chuji hadn't been involved, after learning about Mei Chaofeng's traces, the brothers would definitely have wanted to kill him. Someone who came to seek revenge.

Ke Zhen'e said: "Master Qiu, let's be honest, there is an sworn hatred between Mei Chaofeng and my six brothers!"

"That year in the desert, seven of my brothers met the Black Wind Demons. There was a fierce battle between the two sides. My fifth brother Zhang Asheng died in their hands, and the bronze corpse Chen Xuanfeng also died in Jing'er's hands."

"At this point, there are only six of my brothers left, and Mei Chaofeng has also lost her husband. Both sides regard the other as life and death enemies!"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I would learn about the traces of Mei Chaofeng from Taoist Master Qiu."

"My six brothers are naturally going to seek revenge on Mei Chaofeng. It just so happens that Taoist Master Qiu is also going to the palace to capture Yang Kang."

"Why don't we join forces and let the six of my brothers deal with Mei Chaofeng on behalf of Taoist Qiu? Taoist priest Qiu can also take the opportunity to capture Yang Kang."

Hearing this, Qiu Chuji did not refuse the good intentions of Ke Zhen'e and others. After all, there were many people in Prince Zhao's palace, and he was indeed powerless to do it alone. With the help of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, he would be able to act much more calmly.

So the two sides made a plan and discussed it, and they would go to Prince Zhao's Mansion again tonight.

While everyone was talking, Guo Jing noticed that Huang Rong next to him had a strange look on his face, and she turned to look at him in surprise, making him confused. "What's wrong? Ronger?"

Huang Rong shook her head and said it was nothing.

She was just surprised to hear the names of Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng from Ke Zhene, and even more surprised that little Guo Jing, who was only six years old, could actually kill Chen Xuanfeng.

Although she has never met Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng, their names are not unfamiliar to her, and she also knows that they were both from her Peach Blossom Island and her father's apprentices.

So if she had to make a serious calculation, Guo Jing could still be regarded as her 'brother-killing enemy', but Huang Rong had no such idea and didn't care at all.

After all, she had never met Chen Xuanfeng, let alone had any feelings for them. Even Chen Mei and Chen Mei had defected from their Peach Blossom Island. Huang Rong didn't care about their life or death at all.

For Huang Rong, in the whole world, apart from her father Huang Yaoshi, he was the only one she cared about. As for the others, she didn't care whether they were alive or dead.

On the other side, seeing everyone saying goodbye and preparing to leave, Li Chuan also wanted to take the opportunity to leave without leaving a trace, but although Qiu Chuji didn't show it on his face, he had been paying attention to him secretly, so how could he let him slip away.

"Zhichuan, please stay here for a moment. Master, I have something to ask you."

Helpless, Li Chuan had no choice but to respond and stay in the room.

After everyone left, only Qiu Chuji and Li Chuan were left in the room. Qiu Chuji then spoke quietly.

"Zhichuan, what Ke Daxia said before, you tell them that as a teacher, I feel that I am incompetent in teaching, and I am too embarrassed to go to the appointment again."

"Also, as a teacher, I have long wanted to admit defeat to Master Ke and the others and apologize. Is this what I told you before I became a teacher?"

The corner of Li Chuan's mouth twitched, he bowed and apologized: "This disciple made his own decision, please forgive me, master."

Qiu Chuji glared at Li Chuan several times with a straight face, and then suddenly sighed and said: "Forget it, you are actually right. This is what I think in my heart."

"It's just because I can't let go of this face that I sent you there, thinking that it would save me less face."

"It's a pity that as a teacher, I have forgotten that Master Ke and the others have worked hard to cultivate Guo Jing into a talent for the past eighteen years. The hardships are countless. If I seriously run away from the past, then I will really have no face to see them again."

"It's good to be like this now. It can be regarded as settling the grudges we had for so many years."

After sighing a few times, Qiu Chuji said again: "Okay, you go down and prepare first. When night falls, you will go to Prince Zhao's Mansion with my master."

"This time, your unscrupulous junior brother Yang Kang must be brought back to hold him accountable!"

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but curl his lips secretly, "If Yang Kang is like this, master, do you still recognize him?"

Although he also knew that this was because of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo, Qiu Chuji did not formally expel Yang Kang from the house and directly cleaned up the house.

But let’s just say, even if you are willing to give Yang Kang another chance, is Yang Kang himself willing?
This kind of forceful twisting of melons will only end up with nothing but feathers on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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