Chapter 3 Vendetta
Many times, if you want to resolve conflicts and clarify misunderstandings with others, words alone are not enough, especially with an angry woman, it is even more difficult.

So Li Chuan could only restrain Li Mochou first, and then slowly explain. In this way, even if she didn't want to communicate or listen to Li Chuan's explanation, it wouldn't work.

"In fact, I only came to this cold pool because of the hot weather and unbearable heat. I wanted to take a bath to cool off."

"But I didn't expect that the girl had already arrived at the cold pool first. Also, when I was halfway there, I saw the girl's clothes and skirt on the peach branch, so I didn't go forward."

"So I actually didn't do any peeping or overstepping the rules. It's just that you, girl, were so embarrassed that you didn't give me any room to explain. So I had no choice but to restrain the girl and then apologize."

"This is a helpless move. I hope the girl will understand."

After some explanations, Li Chuan looked at Li Mochou's reaction. Although he was still staring at him with an annoyed expression, the cold murderous intent in his eyes had faded away, and he seemed to be calm after all. Came down.

So Li Chuan spoke again: "Now that I have explained my explanation to the girl, I believe the girl should calm down, right?"

"The misunderstanding has been resolved. I will let the girl go now. I just hope that the girl will not continue to fight with swords."

After saying that, Li Chuan stepped forward to untie Li Mochou's acupuncture points, then stepped aside and looked at her quietly.

"Hmph!" Li Mochou snorted coldly, slowly got up from the ground, stared at Li Chuan and asked, "You are such an awesome little Taoist priest, judging from what you are wearing, you must be from the Quanzhen Sect, right? "

There is nothing to hide. Li Chuan responded: "I am indeed a member of the Quanzhen disciples."

"Haha..." Li Mochou sneered, "I'll explain the peeping thing."

"But you, a bastard of the Quanzhen Sect, broke the rules by secretly coming to the back mountain of Zhongnan!"

"Didn't your master tell you that Wang Chongyang, the old man, lost the Zhongnan back mountain to the founder of the Ancient Tomb Sect?"

"It must be true that you trespassed on my Tomb Sect's territory, right?"

Li Chuan's expression remained unchanged and he said, "I hope the girl will be careful with her words. I teach Chongyang Patriarch and I am also your senior. How can the girl speak so rudely?"

"Also, even though Patriarch Chongyang lost a bet with your Ancient Tomb Sect, Senior Lin Chaoying, he only gave the ancient tomb to your Ancient Tomb Sect, not to this Zhongnan Back Mountain."

"The reason why I, the disciples of the Quanzhen Sect, don't go to the back mountain easily is because I don't want to disturb the purity of your Ancient Tomb Sect."

Hearing this, Li Mochou raised her eyebrows and obviously wanted to refute, but at this moment, there was a movement in the forest behind her, which attracted her attention.

Li Chuan also noticed something strange happening in the forest above him. He turned around and looked in the direction Li Mochou was looking at, and saw a young man covered in blood suddenly running out from the cliff above the cold pool.

Then he saw another shouting and yelling coming from the forest behind him, and a spear suddenly shot out from the forest, hitting the young man in the back shoulder!


Hearing the young man's cry of pain, he was instantly knocked off the cliff by a dart and fell straight into the cold pool below.

Um? Li Chuan couldn't help but stare. Is this a vendetta?

But which blind man would come to Zhongnan Mountain to seek revenge and fight? This is the territory of their Quanzhen Sect. If those Jianghu people didn't have mental problems, why would they come to Zhongnan Mountain to cause trouble? Or maybe the person who was being hunted escaped here on purpose? The purpose is to seek help from their Quanzhen Sect and make those people fearful and give up the pursuit?

After all, judging from the direction the young man came from, he should have come from the mountain range on the other side. If he wanted to escape normally, he would have gone deep into the dense forest. Why bother to go all the way around to the front mountain? .

Just as Li Chuan was thinking secretly, several more people appeared on the cliff above the cold pool. They all had knives and swords in their hands. They had fierce looks on their faces. Just looking at their appearance and temperament, they didn't look like good people.

"Brother, there are people down here, a little girl, and a little Taoist priest who looks like he's from the Quanzhen religion!"

Li Chuan and the others could see the people on the cliff, and those people could naturally see Li Chuan and the others. A thin middle-aged man said this to the man with a curly beard behind him.

The big man with a beard who was called the boss just glanced at Li Chuan and Li Mochou and said, "Don't let them go, otherwise the news will be leaked and they will be killed together!"

Well, Li Chuan initially thought that he might be judging people by their appearance. Maybe those people just have fierce faces but are actually good people. But now it seems that the saying "love comes from the heart" still sometimes has some meaning. Reasonable.

Who is a good person who can casually involve unrelated innocent people and then kill them all together?
"Understood, brother!"

"Brother, that little bitch is so handsome. It would be a waste to kill him like this. How about I capture him and let the brothers have some fun?"

"You, Third Brother, should change your lustful habits! This place is only a dozen miles away from the Chongyang Palace of the Quanzhen Sect. Don't cause more trouble. Solve the matter quickly. After you go back, go to Chun Nuan Pavilion to have fun. How to play!"

Several people talked loudly and jumped down from the cliff.

The cliff on Hantan is said to be a cliff, but it is actually only a foot high. Those Jianghu people obviously have martial arts skills, and they can jump down from this height with just one leap.

"Second and Third, you two go kill that little bitch and the little Taoist priest from the Quanzhen Sect, and I'll go deal with Lu Zhanyuan."

The three of them had a brief chat and then assigned tasks, and Li Chuan also got some useful information from the chat between these people.

The person who fell into the cold pool before was Lu Zhanyuan?

For a moment, he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Li Mochou.

Yes, he remembered that there seemed to be a brief mention in the original work of The Condor: when Li Mochou was young, it was because he rescued Lu Zhanyuan who was being chased by the enemy in the Zhongnan Mountains, and then recuperated and treated him, that the two fell in love. , and then developed into such a bad fate.

At this time, Li Mochou looked at the two Jianghu people rushing towards this direction with a frosty look on her face. The sword that had fallen to the ground had been grasped back into her hand again at some point.

Then he saw his toes touching the ground, and he took the initiative to meet the two people.

Obviously, the dirty words spoken by those people earlier had angered her.

Seeing this, Li Chuan hurriedly followed, then stepped past Li Mochou and picked up the two people.

He tapped the big acupuncture point on the side of Li Mochou's neck before. Although it has been unlocked now, Li Mochou's current condition will definitely not be very good. If he wants to fight with others forcefully, if he is not careful, he will be beaten by those two people. If he was injured or even killed by those two people, things would be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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