Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 4 Lu Zhanyuan died in Zhongnanshan

Chapter 4 Lu Zhanyuan died in Zhongnanshan
Before both sides got close, the thin middle-aged man raised his hand and fired several spears towards Li Chuan's door, making the first move.

The yellow-faced man next to him also rushed forward quickly, swung the ghost-headed sword in his hand, and struck Li Chuan's chest with a powerful and heavy horizontal slash, cooperating with the thin man. They have a very tacit understanding, and there is no lack of cooperation at first glance.

If ordinary people encountered such a situation, they would inevitably panic, panic, and be harmed by these two people.

Fortunately, Li Chuan had some attainments in Shenfa Qinggong. His feet suddenly stopped and turned, and his figure instantly blurred and turned into an afterimage. At the same time as he dodged the spear fired by the thin man, he jumped up and jumped. The man flew over the head of the big yellow-faced man like a bird.

Spiral Nine Shadows, Jin Yan Gong!

When the yellow-faced man reacted and raised the knife to the top of his head, Li Chuan had already passed him, volleyed down in an instant, and punched the thin man behind him with a condescending punch.

Big Demon-Suppressing Fist!

Woo! Before the punch came, the violent wind of the punch was already blowing. The thin man subconsciously froze on the spot, his mind was captured, and he could not resist or avoid at all, and stood there blankly.

Although this great demon-subduing fist is not well-known in the original work, it can definitely be regarded as the most masculine skill in the Nine Yin Manual.

Once you have practiced it to a very advanced level, just the momentum when punching can shock the opponent's mind, like a god coming to earth, subduing demons and slaying demons, making them fearful and afraid to resist.

Even though Li Chuan's skills are still shallow and he has not yet mastered this boxing technique, it can be regarded as a powerful weapon to deal with some young people.

"Pfft!" With a muffled sound like a drum, Li Chuan punched the thin man in the chest.

With just one punch, his bones were broken, his chest was dented, and he vomited blood and flew nearly a foot away. Then he fell heavily to the ground and lost his voice!
Although Li Chuan has not figured out the origins of these people until now, just by looking at their behavior, you can tell that they are definitely not good people.

Besides, these people are going to kill him, so Li Chuan will naturally not hold anything back, and he will use all his strength as soon as he takes action.

"Second brother!"

The yellow-faced man behind him screamed in surprise, then raised his knife and slashed at Li Chuan from behind, hoping to avenge the thin man.

But Li Chuan just turned around and dodged sideways, and easily avoided the knife.

The yellow-faced man was angry and slashed with his sword continuously. Although the attack was fast and fierce, the momentum was terrifying, but it was just that. The speed was too slow, and the connection between the moves was full of flaws. He only relied on his brute strength and bravery. I am angry at Hu.

After dodging several more swords, Li Chuan spotted a flaw and suddenly raised his hand to insert into the yellow-faced man's sword. He slapped the back of his sword with his side palm and pushed the ghost-headed sword aside. .

In an instant, the yellow-faced man's middle door opened wide, and Li Chuan didn't hold back. Under his panicked gaze, he slapped him on the chest with an expressionless backhand!
"Pfft!" The yellow-faced man took a few steps back as if he had been shocked by electricity. He raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell to the ground softly. He opened his mouth and let out a burst of unexplained groans. He looked like he was breathing out too much and taking in too little. His appearance was obviously not alive.

The confrontation between the three of them seemed to have gone on for a long time, but in fact it was only about ten breaths ago. Li Mochou had just arrived, and Li Chuan had already easily dealt with these two people.

"You" Li Mochou didn't know what to say when he saw this, and he felt inexplicably complicated emotions in his heart.

Seeing how Li Chuan dealt with these two people easily and without holding back at all, how could Li Mochou not understand that Li Chuan had definitely held back on him before?

Otherwise, how could she still be alive now?

But before she could say anything, Li Chuan turned to look in the direction of Hantan, kicked out with his foot, and the ghost-headed sword that the yellow-faced man had dropped on the ground had turned into a sword. The stream of light shot forward. On the other side of the cold pool, Lu Zhanyuan, who had fallen into the cold pool before, had climbed up from the cold pool at some point and was fighting with the bearded man.

But he was chased along the way and had already been seriously injured. How could he be the opponent of the big man with the long beard? In just a dozen moves, he already had several new wounds on his body, and he was kicked by the big man with the long beard. Kicked to the ground, he was about to die under his sword!
At this moment, the bearded man suddenly felt an evil wind blowing from behind him. His expression suddenly changed, and he did not dare to continue stabbing with the sword in his hand. He quickly turned around and raised the sword behind him.

The harsh sound of gold and iron clashing exploded from the field, and as sparks burst out, the ghost-headed sword was thrown away by the bearded man with a sword. He himself was also hit by the strong force and took several steps back, his arms trembling slightly. I almost couldn't hold the sword in my hand.

It was only then that he fully saw the battle situation behind him, and saw that his two brothers were all lying on the ground. However, Li Chuan and Li Mochou were unscathed, and there was not even a trace of dust on their bodies. How could he not understand what was going on!

"Second brother, third brother!"

After the big man with the beard let out a cry of grief and anger, he couldn't help but start to panic and become anxious.

This time, the three brothers were kicked on the iron plate!

The bearded man instinctively thought of running away. After all, he knew his family affairs well. Although his two brothers were not as good as him in martial arts, he could easily kill his two brothers in just a dozen breaths. , then it wouldn’t be that difficult to kill him.

Invincible, it’s better to go first!
But in an instant, the bearded man had already made a decision in his heart. He turned around and threw the long sword in his hand towards Lu Zhanyuan, who was lying on the ground. At the same time, he immediately sprinted towards the forest in front of him!

"you dare!"

Seeing that the bearded man dared to commit murder under his nose, Li Chuan couldn't help but yell angrily, and as soon as his feet hit the ground, he picked up his Qinggong skills and chased after him.

Unfortunately, there was still some distance between him and the bearded man and Lu Zhanyuan, but he was unable to be saved.

Lu Zhanyuan, who was lying on the ground, struggled a bit when the big man with the curly beard made an attack and wanted to turn over to avoid it. However, he was seriously injured and could not avoid it. He was still pierced by the long sword thrown by the big man with the curly beard. chest.


The sharp blade penetrated the chest and flesh, Lu Zhanyuan groaned, and a trace of blood suddenly oozed from the side of his mouth.

When Li Chuan rushed to the field and saw the pink blood bubbles pouring out of Lu Zhanyuan's mouth, he could only sigh helplessly.

Seeing the look of hope and pleading in Lu Zhanyuan's eyes, Li Chuan pursed his lips and said sorry to him softly.

Lu Zhanyuan was now seriously injured and succumbed to his injuries. The reason why he was still holding on was only because he saw him coming and was supported by the thought of survival in his heart.

But it's a pity. It can only be said that his life is not good.

If we follow the original work, Li Mochou should have been playing in the cold pool when he was being chased and fell into the cold pool, and then she was able to save him.

But because of Li Chuan's butterfly, his fate has changed, and now he is going to die in Zhongnan Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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