Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 30 I still like your unruly look before

Chapter 30 I still like your unruly look before
"Nephew Zhichuan, good job, you restrained this old witch and left the rest to our brothers!"

Seeing that Li Chuan had restrained Mei Chaofeng, Zhu Cong was overjoyed. After greeting the others, he directly joined forces with everyone and rushed towards Mei Chaofeng.

Mei Chaofeng's face changed slightly, and he tried his best to break free from the long whip again, but to no avail, so he had no choice but to use violence to break the situation. He shook the long whip in his hand, and with the sharp edge of the sword in Li Chuan's hand, he gave up half of it. Long whip.

Boom! Under the fierce confrontation between Mei Chaofeng and Li Chuan, the whip in her hand suddenly broke in mid-air, and the many small steel wires tanned into the whip's leather were snapped and ejected, forcing Li Chuan to retreat. One step, swinging the sword away.

Mei Chaofeng had already waved half of his long whip and whipped it to the left and right of his body in an instant. There was a crackling sound in the air and smoke and dust exploded, and he was able to force Zhu Cong and others back in a thrilling manner.

But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly felt that Yang Kang's body beneath him swayed and fell limply towards the ground.

The instant feeling of weightlessness and falling made Mei Chaofeng's heart tighten, and he quickly instinctively pressed his palm to the ground, trying to stabilize his body, but unexpectedly, when he pressed down with his palm, he suddenly felt pain in his palm!
It turned out that when Zhu Cong and others took the opportunity to rush forward, although Mei Chaofeng finally retracted his whip and repelled him, Zhu Cong also found an opportunity and hit Yang Kang's chest with a folding fan. , to restrain it.

At the same time, Zhu Cong expected that Yang Kang's sudden collapse would cause Mei Chaofeng to fall to the ground unprepared. When Mei Chaofeng retreated from the whip, he reached into his arms and took out a few coins that he had previously received from Ke Zhen'e. The three-edged poison darts he had obtained were scattered on the open space in front of and behind Mei Chaofeng.

Because of the critical situation at that time, Mei Chaofeng focused most of his attention on repelling Zhu Cong and the others. In addition, Zhu Cong still used his skill skillfully and threw down the poison dart almost silently. As for Mei Chaofeng, he didn't notice it at all.

Yang Kang wanted to remind Mei Chaofeng, but it was a pity that Zhu Cong tapped a large acupuncture point on his body. He was so weak and speechless that he couldn't make a sound to remind him.

So under Zhu Cong's ingenious arrangement, Mei Chaofeng finally got hit. His left palm was pierced by Ke Zhen E's poisonous dart. Not only was he bleeding profusely, but more importantly, he was poisoned.

Li Chuan witnessed the whole process from the side. Seeing Mei Chaofeng being set up by Zhu Cong, he couldn't help but sigh to himself. Sure enough, those who play tactics have a bad heart!
"Uh uh... despicable!" Mei Chaofeng was plotted and couldn't help but angrily scolded Zhu Cong.

Zhu Cong didn't take it seriously and just said: "Mei Chaofeng, there is an undying hatred between us and you. No matter what means we use, it is appropriate and cannot be called despicable."

Han Baoju on the side was even more angry and didn't want to talk to Mei Chaofeng at all, so he spoke directly.

"What else is there to say to this thief? Let me kill her with a whip and avenge my fifth brother!"

As he said this, he was about to go forward and kill Mei Chaofeng, but Zhu Cong reached out to stop him.

"Third brother, don't panic." Zhu Cong stared at Mei Chaofeng on the ground and said, "This Mei Chaofeng's methods are weird, be careful of her counterattack before she dies."

As he said that, Zhu Cong turned to look at Ke Zhen E and said, "Brother, southeast, twenty-one steps."

Ke Zhen'e and brothers Zhu Cong had a mutual understanding. The moment Zhu Cong spoke, he already understood what Zhu Cong meant. He immediately reached into his arms and took out several poison darts, pointing them in the direction indicated by Zhu Cong. Hit it.

Mei Chaofeng also has a vigilant temperament. When Zhu Cong made a sound, he already realized that something was wrong. When he heard the sound of the poison dart piercing the air, his expression changed drastically and he actually grabbed Yang Kang who was lying beside him. Standing in front of me!
Seeing this, the expressions of everyone in the venue suddenly changed.

After Li Chuan hesitated for a moment, he decided to stand still. If Yang Kang died here, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it, and it would save a lot of trouble.

On the other hand, the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and others had always remembered that Qiu Chuji wanted to capture Yang Kang alive, and they quickly took action to stop the poison dart.

However, Ke Zhen'e's skill in tapping acupoints with hidden weapons was considered to be exceptional. The dart was launched so fast that it could not be intercepted. It penetrated Yang Kang's chest and abdomen in just an instant. In fact, taking advantage of their moment of neutrality, Mei Chaofeng threw Yang Kang toward them. While disturbing a few people, he raised his palm and slapped the ground, and the whole person flew out diagonally in an instant.

I saw it holding its palms on the ground, moving extremely fast, flying to the eaves of the house as if walking on flat ground, piercing the wall with the fingertips of one claw, exerting force, and already jumped onto the roof, like a strange species. , turned around and fled out of the back garden.

It seems that Mei Chaofeng did not think of a way out during the period when her legs were paralyzed. As for her special movement method of using her hands instead of her feet, she would not have been able to move like this without practicing hard. quick.

"Damn it! The old thief escaped!"

Ke Zhen'e couldn't see clearly what was going on in the field. He only heard someone shouting that Mei Chaofeng had escaped. He jumped up and shouted quickly.

"Follow me, don't let Mei Chaofeng escape!"

Han Baoju, Han Xiaoying, Quan Blonde and others quickly ran after him.

Zhu Cong also quickly untied the acupuncture points of Yang Kang who had been caught in his hands before, put him on the ground, and chased him out, leaving only Ke Zhen'e, who was blind and had difficulty moving, left behind.

Li Chuan glanced at the people who were chasing away, but did not follow them. Instead, he turned around and walked to Yang Kang to check the situation.

I saw that Yang Kang was now extremely miserable. He collapsed on the ground, with three poison darts inserted in his chest. Blood seeped out, dyeing the white clothes on his chest red, and his lips turned blue and purple. Poisoned.

Seeing Li Chuan coming over, Yang Kang struggled to raise his head slightly, glanced at Li Chuan, and said with all his strength.

"Junior me!"

Zhi! You're not dead yet, and why are you starting to get married now? I still liked your unruly look before.

Before Li Chuan could say anything to Yang Kang, Ke Zhen'e came over, squatted down and felt the pulse on Yang Kang's neck, and then took one of his hands to feel the pulse.

"Fortunately, there is still hope." Ke Zhen'e said to Li Chuan, "Fortunately, the old blind man I had evil thoughts earlier. I just wanted to make Mei Chaofeng's death more painful, so I didn't use all my strength to take action."

"Otherwise, if I kill Yang Kang, I will be sorry for Master You."

As Ke Zhen'e spoke, he took out the antidote from his arms and fed it to Yang Kang's mouth. At the same time, he said aloud that he was blind and could not treat Yang Kang's injuries, so he asked Li Chuan to help.

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking to himself that Yang Kang was really lucky, and he couldn't even die.

At this point, he had nothing to say. After all, it was Qiu Chuji who was determined to capture Yang Kang alive. As a disciple, although he had some slander in his heart, he could not deliberately kill Yang Kang in front of others.

(End of this chapter)

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