Chapter 31 The sound of blue sea tide
Li Chuan cooperated with Ke Zhen'e to briefly treat Yang Kang's injury and then left him alone.

It would be fine if he couldn't die anyway. If Ke Zhen E hadn't insisted on it, Li Chuan would have been too lazy to talk to Yang Kang, so he would have just let it be.

As for Qiu Chuji, after entangled with Master Lingzhi and Sha Tongtian for so long, they finally decided the winner.

As expected, Master Lingzhi and Sha Tongtian escaped, while Qiu Chuji was victorious without any injuries.

Probably a few months ago, when a group of masters from Prince Zhao's Mansion besieged Wang Chuyi, Master Lingzhi used his poisonous sand palm to assassinate Wang Chuyi, giving him an inexplicable confidence that his poisonous sand palm could also defeat Qiu Chuji. it works.

But the result was that he was defeated by Qiu Chuji's backhand palm and the internal force attached to the palm was defeated. Instead, the poison of the poisonous sand palm attacked his body. Before he could say his last words, he vomited black blood and fell to the ground. He was gone in the blink of an eye. breath.

When Sha Tongtian saw this, his heart was full of ghosts. How dare he continue to be hostile to Qiu Chuji? He turned around and ran away. Qiu Chuji took the opportunity to slash his back with a sword. He was bleeding all the way.

Fortunately, Qiu Chuji had no intention of pursuing him. When he saw him escaping, he stopped chasing him and instead turned around and walked towards Li Chuan and the others.

"Zhichuan, how is Yang Kang?" Qiu Chuji asked aloud.

Li Chuan said: "My life should be saved."

As for the others, Li Chuan didn't know. He didn't know whether it was Mei Chaofeng's intention or a simple coincidence. When Mei Chaofeng used Yang Kang to block the poison darts, several poison darts hit Yang Kang. The lower part between the chest and abdomen.

A poison dart hit Yang Kang's lower abdomen directly at the perineal area. When Li Chuan saw it, he couldn't help but think that he might as well just let Yang Kang die.

Fortunately, Ke Zhen E's poison dart was poisonous and had the ability to numb the senses. It made Yang Kang's whole body numb and he didn't feel any injuries.

And Ke Zhen'e was serious and unambiguous, not dissatisfied at all, and still treated Yang Kang's injury without changing his expression.

However, this position has been hit so hard, which is really unspeakably cruel for men. It is impossible to say that Yang Kang will be a eunuch for the rest of his life.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Chuji also hurriedly leaned over to check Yang Kang's injuries. After seeing Yang Kang's injuries, he couldn't help but reveal a strange look on his face.

Why did it get hurt like this!

Ke Zhen E's poison darts were as if they were deliberately intended to punish Yang Kang. They hit all important places, but they were not fatal.

This made Qiu Chuji secretly wonder, could it be that God deliberately arranged this so that Yang Kang would have no children?

But if this happens, the Yang family will also have no descendants!

For a moment, Qiu Chuji also sighed. On the one hand, it was because Yang Kang had done so many evil things and was punished like this. It was the law of nature and retribution was not good.

But on the other hand, he also cared about Yang Tiexin, and it would be a bit cruel for Yang Tiexin to cut off his Yang family bloodline.

Seeing the strange look on Qiu Chuji's face, Yang Kang thought he might have died from his injuries, so he quickly begged.

"Master, my disciple knows that he is wrong. You must save me."

Qiu Chuji glanced at him and didn't say much. He just said, "If you can't die, I will definitely bring you back to Yang Xiandi alive."

After saying that, Qiu Chuji grabbed Yang Kang, held it in his hand like a chicken, and gave instructions to Li Chuan. "Master, take Yang Kang and leave first. Zhichuan You will take Daxia Ke to find the other heroes. If necessary, we will do our best to help them and eradicate the evil thief Mei Chaofeng."

Li Chuan answered with cupped fists.

"Disciple, take orders."

After Qiu Chuji left with Yang Kang, Li Chuan also led Ke Zhene in the direction where Mei Chaofeng and Zhu Cong were chasing them.

Following the marks Zhu Cong deliberately left along the way, Li Chuan and Ke Zhen'e left the palace together and chased them out of the city. Finally, they caught up with Zhu Cong and Mei Chao in a wilderness several miles outside the city. Wind them.

After being hit by Ke Zhen's vicious dart, Mei Chaofeng successfully escaped from the palace and all the way out of the city, but in the end he was caught up by Zhu Cong and others due to the poisonous attack, and was trapped in the wilderness.

And this Mei Chaofeng is also powerful. Even in such a difficult situation, she still has not been completely defeated. She is still struggling with Zhu Cong and the others.

But it can only go so far. As time goes by, Mei Chaofeng's resistance has become more and more difficult, and there are several more injuries on his body. The left side of his face was ripped open by Han Baoju's whip. The flesh and skin rolled over, dripping with blood like an evil ghost!
In addition, Li Chuan and Ke Zhen'e also rushed over at this time, making it even more difficult for Mei Chaofeng to cause any more splashes.

When Zhu Cong saw Ke Zhen'e and Li Chuan rushing to the scene, he suddenly felt that he was very confident today. With confidence, he took advantage of the situation and launched an attack on Mei Chaofeng.

"Mei Chaofeng, you are destined to die today, why bother to resist any longer? Why don't you accept your death obediently, so that you can go underground and reunite with your damn husband as soon as possible."

"Bah!" Mei Chaofeng roared at everyone with a ferocious expression, "Even if I die, I will definitely bite a piece of meat from you!"

"I only hate that I am incompetent and cannot kill you all to avenge that thief. But even if I die, I will turn into a ghost and demand my life from you!"

"Hmph!" Nan Xiren snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter if you turn into a ghost, as long as you dare to come, the six of my brothers will kill you!"

After saying that, Nan Xiren and others attacked Mei Chaofeng again. Seeing this, Li Chuan also sighed in his heart, it seemed that Mei Chaofeng was going to die here today.

Such a situation is beyond the reach of gods.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, a fluttering flute sound came from a distance.

Um? Where does the sound of the flute come from?

Everyone was still wondering where the sound of the flute came from in the wilderness, and then the next second, they suddenly felt a surge of breath in their chests, and an inexplicable surge of internal energy.

Li Chuan, on the other hand, suddenly thought of something and said: "Seniors, please keep your mind calm and calm, and don't pay attention to the sound of the flute."

Unlike the others who looked in agony, Li Chuan was not affected by the sound of the flute at all. Instead, he turned around and looked around, trying to find the direction from which the sound of the flute came.

But the sound of the flute was so weird that people couldn't find where it came from. It felt like it was coming from all directions, but it was difficult to confirm its exact location.

"Hey, Nephew Li, what's going on with this flute sound? Why do I feel like my blood is surging all over my body, and my internal energy is restless? Nephew, do you know anything?"

Li Chuan nodded and said in a serious tone: "I do have a guess. If the sound of the flute is as I expected, it should be the unique skill of Medicine Master Dongxie Huang, the music of blue sea tide!"

(End of this chapter)

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