Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 32 Please ask the Jade Emperor to approve my duel with him!

Chapter 32 Please ask the Jade Emperor to approve my duel with him!

The sound of the flute caused the blood and internal energy in other people's bodies to surge, making them go crazy as if they were possessed. Almost instantly, Li Chuan's blue sea tidal music by the medicine master Dongxie Huang appeared in his mind.

But the strange thing is, why did Huang Yaoshi appear here?

Li Chuan recalled the plot in the original work, but there was no such description in the original work.

However, it seems that it was mentioned in the original work that Huang Yaoshi left the island in order to find Huang Rong. Although it was not stated when he left Peach Blossom Island and how long he searched for Huang Rong in the rivers and lakes, it must have been a long time. Not too short either.

So it seems that it is not impossible for Huang Yaoshi to appear here at this time?
But he didn't know that Huang Yaoshi had just left Peach Blossom Island not long ago, and then he followed Huang Rong's footsteps all the way north, and happened to find Huang Rong who had returned to Yanjing for the second time.

In the original work, when Huang Yaoshi found Yanjing at this time, Huang Rong had already left with Guo Jing. After Huang Yaoshi missed it, he simply traveled in the rivers and lakes for a while, and then found Huang Rong again.

But this time, because everyone returned to Yanjing for the second time, they happened to meet Huang Yaoshi.

And half an hour ago, Huang Yaoshi met Huang Rong in the inn.

At that time, when he found Huang Rong, he wanted to take Huang Rong back to Peach Blossom Island, but Huang Rong was unwilling. An idea struck him and he told Huang Yaoshi about Mei Chaofeng.

At that time, Mei Chaofeng and Chen Xuanfeng secretly stole the Nine Yin Scriptures and defected to Peach Blossom Island, causing Huang Rongniang to pass away from exhaustion.

Huang Yaoshi still couldn't let go of this incident. Now that he suddenly heard the news about Mei Chaofeng, Huang Yaoshi no longer wanted to take Huang Rong back to Peach Blossom Island. After asking her the details of how he met Mei Chaofeng, he turned around and walked toward her. He rushed over to Prince Zhao's Mansion.

At that time, Mei Chaofeng escaped from Prince Zhao's Mansion and was chased by Zhu Cong and his party. After Huang Yaoshi thought about it, he did not take action immediately, but followed him from a distance.

Later, when he saw that Mei Chaofeng was about to die at the hands of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, Huang Yaoshi took out the jade flute inserted in his waist and played the music of the blue sea tide.

After all, no matter what, Mei Chaofeng was once a member of his Peach Blossom Island, and because she and Chen Xuanfeng were so tired that their master's wife passed away, how could Huang Yaoshi let her die in the hands of others.

Even if she wanted to die, he would have to kill this traitor himself!

It seems that no matter how vicious his disciples are and no matter what trouble they get into, they can only punish them themselves, and others can't do it for them if they want to.

Ke Zhen'e and others didn't know the inside story, they just thought Huang Yaoshi was here to save Mei Chaofeng.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the sound of Huang Yaoshi's flute, Mei Chaofeng was more nervous and frightened than any of them. He dragged his seriously injured and paralyzed body, forced himself to adjust his body shape with his hands, and knelt on the ground. Not even daring to raise his head, he screamed for mercy.

"Master, is it you? This disciple is unworthy and committed irreparable wrongs back then. Master, if you are here to kill the disciple, the disciple will definitely not dare to resist and let the master do whatever he wants."

Huang Yaoshi didn't respond, but the sound of the flute that reached the venue became a little louder. For a moment, Ke Zhen'e and others felt as if a huge stone was pressing on their chests, and they felt as if they were suffocating as the energy and blood surged all over their bodies. feel.

Han Xiaoying, Nan Xiren and others, who were weak in internal strength among the group, were weak and knelt on the ground, clutching their chests. They looked in pain, their faces were red from holding back, and the veins on their foreheads were stretched out!

Mei Chaofeng, who was seriously injured, opened his mouth and vomited out a mouthful of blood. He fell to the ground in despair and passed out.

Li Chuan was the only one in the audience who didn't have much reaction. Apart from feeling a little restless in the innate Qi in his body, he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Seeing how many people were in such pain, Li Chuan hurriedly stepped forward and touched several acupuncture points on their bodies to relieve their discomfort.

"Huang Yaoshi!" But when Ke Zhen E saw his brother, his younger sister was affected by Huang Yaoshi's blue sea tidal song and felt a little unable to hold on. She felt uncomfortable under the pressure and shouted angrily.

"What kind of hero do you think you are if you secretly use evil methods to harm people in the dark? If you want to save this Mei Chaofeng, then come out openly and have a head-on fight with my brother!"

Li Chuan couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Ke Zhen E, "What a good guy, he is indeed the number one flat-headed brother in the world of gold martial arts." But the question is, can you beat them?

Please allow the Jade Emperor to allow me to challenge him.JPG?

But don't mention it, Ke Zhen'e's roar was really useful, and the flute sound stopped immediately.


A cold snort like muffled thunder exploded from the field, and then everyone saw a figure in a green robe suddenly appeared in the field.

Li Chuan also glanced at the Dongxie Huang Medicine Master curiously.

I saw him wearing a green robe, with a tall and straight figure, holding a jade flute in one hand, hanging down by his side, and the other hand behind his back. He wore a weird human skin mask on his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly. Only a pair of bright eyes looked at everyone present proudly.

"Dongxie Huang Yaoshi?!" Ke Zhen'e greeted in a deep voice.

However, Huang Yaoshi did not answer. He just glanced around the crowd, and then his eyes stayed on Li Chuan, counting his breaths and examining him.

Li Chuan's face did not change under the sound of his blue sea, and he seemed not to be affected at all. He was inevitably curious and took a second look.

This Quanzhen sect boy is somewhat extraordinary. It seems that over the years, there have been one or two outstanding talents among the Quanzhen sect.

However, he was not here to see anyone today, so he didn't pay too much attention to Li Chuan. After examining him for a few times, he turned to look at Mei Chaofeng on the ground.

"I'll take her away."

There was no discussion or explanation, just a statement.

And his overbearing and irresistible attitude clearly and accurately hit Ke Zhen E's 'disobedience' switch.

"Don't even think about it!" Ke Zhen'e said angrily, "There is an sworn hatred between Mei Chaofeng and my brother. As long as my brother is here today, you will never think of taking her away!"

"Ha" Huang Yaoshi sneered disdainfully, "That's not up to you."

Huang Yaoshi didn't care about you, he turned around and walked towards Mei Chaofeng.

Ke Zhen'e also had a bad temper. When he saw this, he took out a few poison darts and hit Huang Yaoshi. Instantly, the battle broke out again.

Huang Yaoshi didn't even look back, he just waved the jade flute behind him with his backhand, and the poison dart fired by Ke Zhen E was immediately bounced back faster than when it went out!

Being blinded, Ke Zhene inevitably failed to react in time. Li Chuan, who was standing next to him, saw this and instantly drew his sword and shot down the poison darts that flew back.

Qiang Qiang Li Chuan swept away the poison dart with his sword, thinking that he was probably going to have a fight with Huang Yaoshi today.

After all, the Seven Jiangnan Monsters and the others were obviously no match for Huang Yaoshi, and it was impossible for Li Chuan to just sit back and watch the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and the others be in danger. He would inevitably have to confront Huang Yaoshi.

But this seems good. He has never played against a Wujue level opponent, so he just wants to give it a try and see how far he is from them.

(End of this chapter)

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