Chapter 54: Mutual exchange of hands
Zhou Botong's reluctance to leave was very clear, but Qiu Chuji also told Li Chuan to find a way to bring Zhou Botong back.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the cave, but after Huang Rong left, she specially ordered the mute servant on the island to bring some wine and food to the two of them.

After the two of them ate some food and were full, Zhou Botong couldn't sit still anymore. He jumped into the field and started practicing boxing.

And this has been his habit for the past fifteen years. After all, he stays in this small cave all day long. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, he can only pass the time by practicing martial arts as a pastime.

Fortunately, Zhou Botong is a very adaptable person, and he is also a martial arts fanatic, so life like this is not too boring for him, but rather he seems to be enjoying himself.

After a set of punches in the field, Zhou Botong still felt unsatisfied. He was about to use his hands to fight each other as usual, with his left hand hitting his right hand, so that his left and right hands could compete. Then he suddenly saw Zheng sitting cross-legged next to him. Li Chuan.

yes! Isn't there another person in the cave today? Isn't it more interesting to find him as a companion and compete with each other than to fight with yourself?
Zhou Botong rolled his eyes and suddenly looked at Li Chuandao.

"Xiao Chuan'er, since you have practiced Xiantian Kung Fu and inherited the mantle of Senior Brother, you must practice diligently and not lose the reputation of Senior Brother Xiantian Kung Fu."

"Today, I will take the place of senior brother and test your skills to see how your innate skills are going."

After that, he didn't care about Li Chuan's reaction. He kicked off the ground and rushed towards Li Chuan. He raised his hand and punched him.

Li Chuan felt helpless, knowing that Zhou Botong must have itchy hands, so he approached him as a partner for practice, but he couldn't refuse.

And why refuse? It was his wish to communicate and learn from masters like Zhou Botong.

Li Chuan didn't see any movement. In the next moment, he stood up and floated backwards. His whole figure seemed to be weightless. Before Zhou Botong could land his punch, he was already blown backwards by the wind of his punch.

"Good form!"

Zhou Botong's eyes lit up. Just based on Li Chuan's physical skills, he was sure that Li Chuan's kung fu was definitely not weak.

He instantly changed his fist into a palm, and continued to press Li Chuan with one palm. However, he was instantly deflected by Li Chuan's palm from an angle, and at the same time, he also hit him with a backhand palm.

Zhou Botong could clearly see that the palm technique used by Li Chuan was the Frost-breaking Ice Palm of his Quanzhen religion. On a whim, he changed the moves in his hands, and also used the Frost-breaking Ice Palm to compete with Li Chuan. got up.

Bang bang bang... As the palm wind roared, in just a few breaths, the two of them had already exchanged dozens of moves, but they were evenly matched.

The more Zhou Botong fought, the more surprised he became. It wasn't until he got into the fight that he discovered that his disciple's martial arts was far stronger than he had imagined.

Whether it was body skills, fists, kicks, or even internal strength, there was a feeling of being invincible. The two of them competed with Li Chuan's ice-breaking palm, but he couldn't break Li Chuan's moves and was entangled by him.

Zhou Botong felt happy, and the moves in his hands gradually began to change. From the frost-breaking ice palm at the beginning, to other martial arts taught by Quanzhen, he displayed them one by one, and Li Chuan responded to him with the same martial arts.

It wasn't until the fight between the two got more intense that Li Chuan subconsciously used a powerful demon-subduing boxing technique from the Nine Yin Manual. Zhou Botong recognized it, was surprised and asked about his background, so the two stopped for the time being.

"How can you know this great demon-suppressing fist?!"

"A few years ago, my disciple found the inscriptions left by Patriarch Chongyang in the secret passage of the Tomb of the Living Dead in Zhongnan Back Mountain. From the inscriptions, he learned some of the martial arts in the Nine Yin Manual." Hearing this. , Zhou Botong couldn't help but widen his eyes. After all, there was a lot of information in Li Chuan's words.

Of course, Zhou Botong knew very well the grudges between Lin Chaoying, the founder of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and Wang Chongyang, and his senior brother had indeed read the Nine Yin Manual back then.

Zhou Botong couldn't help but look a little strange for a moment. He didn't expect that his senior brother
But then, he quickly shook his head to get rid of the somewhat disrespectful thoughts in his mind, and returned his attention to the competition with Li Chuan again.

As for Li Chuan learning the martial arts in the Nine Yin Manual, he didn't care. After all, hadn't he peeked at it himself? Even senior brother himself must have practiced secretly!

"If that's the case, then I don't have to be so restrained, Xiaochuan'er, let's fight again!"

After saying that, Zhou Botong attacked again.

But this time, when facing Zhou Botong, Li Chuan obviously felt different. The pressure was even greater than when he faced Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong.

After Zhou Botong let go of his hands and feet, Li Chuan gradually fell into a disadvantage. When Zhou Botong even used his hands to exchange skills, using his frost-breaking ice palm with his left hand and the self-created Kong Ming Fist with his right hand, Li Chuan was already exposed. Lost image.

However, after sustaining more than thirty moves, Li Chuan was punched in the left shoulder by Zhou Botong and was defeated.

"Uncle Master, my disciple has lost."

Zhou Botong was not modest either. He laughed and said, "Hahaha, after all, I am so much older than you and have practiced martial arts for so many more years than you. If my kung fu is not as good as yours, then wouldn't my life have been in vain for all these years?"

After laughing, he added: "But Xiaochuan'er, you don't have to belittle yourself. I, the old naughty boy, really couldn't beat you before. I used my own hand-playing technique and used two different sets of kung fu at the same time. It's equivalent to Two old naughty boys beat you alone, and you were defeated."

"And at your age, you already have such profound martial arts. Given time, your martial arts will definitely surpass mine, and even surpass that of Huang Laoxie."

"It's not impossible to even reach the level that my senior brother was. As long as you practice hard, no one in this world will be your opponent in twenty years."

Li Chuan cupped his fists and saluted, "Disciples must be diligent."

Zhou Botong nodded and said, "By the way, Xiao Chuan'er, how about I pass on my two-hand mutual skill to you."

"If you also learn the art of double-handed fighting, then we can have a melee with two old naughty boys, two Xiao Chuan'er and you four."

"When the time comes, not only will the fight be more interesting and fun, but both sides will be one-on-one or two-on-two, so the fight will definitely last longer and be fairer."

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Zhou Botong and said, "You want to pass the two-hand mutual skills to me, just to make it more interesting."

"If my disciple is willing to learn, I also ask my master and uncle to teach me."

Li Chuan took advantage of the situation and agreed. After all, to be honest, he was also very greedy for this two-handed mutual skill, especially after experiencing its power personally.

(End of this chapter)

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