Chapter 55: Mentor Zhou Botong

Zhou Botong's skill of mutual exchange of hands was something he gradually figured out on his own after years of extreme boredom.

Although it was originally just for my own entertainment and boredom, due to a strange combination of circumstances, I created an extremely powerful and supreme skill that can be called cheating in actual combat!

Once mastered, this technique of mutual exchange of hands can improve personal strength far beyond ordinary. After all, it allows a person to do two things at once, using two different sets of kung fu at the same time. Even the internal energy of the meridians in the body can operate different functions at the same time. Meridians without conflict
If one practices this skill to a deep level and uses it when encountering an enemy, it will instantly be equivalent to two people attacking one person at the same time. As long as the person is not much stronger than oneself, one will definitely have the upper hand.

If the strength is equal, or there is not much difference, who can be an opponent in the same realm?
However, the two-hand mutual skill is not a clone technique after all. There is no way to really separate another self to assist in the battle. There must be many constraints. It is impossible to really achieve the theoretical limit of attacking one with two.

However, the improvement in combat power it can bring is real and should not be underestimated.

Therefore, in terms of the improvement of personal combat power, Zhou Botong's two-hand mutual skill is definitely the best skill in the world. After all, this is its greatest advantage.

To be honest, in addition to his own strength and martial arts experience, luck also accounts for a large part of the reason why Zhou Botong was able to successfully create this art of hand-to-hand combat instead of going crazy because of it or causing himself schizophrenia. .

It can even be said that except for Zhou Botong, no one else, not even masters of the five arts like Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, or even Wang Chongyang back then, would be able to perfect this martial art.

With Zhou Botong's explanation and teaching, Li Chuan also gained a better understanding of this unique skill.

It is not difficult for Li Chuan to use distractions, so just the most basic introduction is not difficult for Li Chuan.

But the subsequent practice is not so easy.

After all, dual-tasking is only the entry point for the art of mutual use of hands. Next, you have to get used to and become proficient in it, and turn this dual-tasking ability into a normal state.

Only when you practice until you can instantly enter this dual-tasking state as soon as your consciousness changes, and maintain this state for a long time, can you truly reach the standard of being able to use this unique skill.

In addition, under the premise of maintaining this state, you have to practice how to perform different moves and martial arts with your left and right hands at the same time, prioritize them, and cooperate with each other to increase the power.

And these detailed operations are also very labor-intensive. If Zhou Botong hadn't been practicing for more than ten years, he wouldn't be able to do it.

Unless, like Zhou Botong, he has turned this state into instinct, and has mastered his own martial arts, so that he can use it at his fingertips, and the instinctive moves of his left and right hands have reached a state of tacit cooperation, it will not be achieved at all. Increase the degree of combat power.

On the contrary, if you are not yet proficient and forcibly use two-handed fighting skills to fight against the enemy, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating. Before you can hurt the enemy, you will have messed up your position first, but you will not be able to use all your strength and expose weaknesses to the enemy. Come.

Among masters, victory or defeat is often just a matter of seconds. If you make a mistake, you may be in danger of defeat!
Therefore, although Zhou Botong's two-hand mutual skill is very powerful, its drawbacks are also very obvious.

It belongs to the kind that cannot be learned easily. Even if it is learned, it needs to be used carefully and can only be used when necessary. Otherwise, it is likely to have the opposite effect.

If you want to practice to the level of instinct like Zhou Botong, you will probably have to practice hard for many years. After Li Chuan thought about this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, nothing in this world is that easy.

Any martial arts is not easy to learn, and the more powerful and sophisticated the martial arts, the more so.

For example, Patriarch Chongyang's innate skills, or Zhou Botong's mutual skill with both hands, are not so easy to master.

Otherwise, there would not be only a few top masters in the world.

In addition to the mutual skill of both hands, Zhou Botong also taught Li Chuan another set of his own boxing techniques, Kongming Fist, and said very proudly that he would take this boxing technique back to Chongyang Palace in the future. Included in Quanzhen Martial Arts.

The martial arts passed down by their Quanzhen lineage were all passed down to Quanzhen people by Wang Chongyang. Zhou Botong's first martial arts were all taught by his senior brother Wang Chongyang.

But now, Zhou Botong, who has been practicing martial arts for so many years, has finally gained some understanding and created a boxing technique that is no less than other Quanzhen secret arts, Kongming Fist.

Although this achievement is far from what Wang Chongyang did back then, at least he has finally caught up with his senior brother Wang Chongyang.

"My set of Kong Ming Quan has a total of seventy-two ways. The key points of the entire set of boxing techniques are all in the four words 'Ming by empty space'. I have also summarized the key points of sixteen words. The sky is dim, the hole is loose, and the wind is clear. Rong Meng, rush into the middle of poverty, Tongyong Toxoplasma!"

Zhou Botong explained the essence of Kong Ming Quan to Li Chuan, while demonstrating the moves for him. When he got excited about it, he even started sparring with Li Chuan again.

While talking, he hit Li Chuan with boxing moves to let him experience the essence of this Kong Ming Fist.

Compared with the extremely difficult two-hand mutual skill, Li Chuan learned Zhou Botong's Kong Ming Fist very quickly. He just listened to Zhou Botong's explanation and practice once, and he had already roughly memorized it.

Not long after, he was even able to use the same Kong Ming Fist move to fight back at Zhou Botong, asking him to taste it and point out any mistakes or shortcomings.

After all, Zhou Botong's Kong Ming Boxing follows a pure Taoist approach. Its boxing principles are also derived from some scriptures in the Tao Te Ching. There is also a bit of Quanzhen martial arts in the moves. Style.

Li Chuan understood that there was no threshold for learning, and he naturally learned very quickly. In just over half an hour, he was already able to use it.

Although I am still a beginner, I can't say that I am very proficient, but I can already play decently.

In this way, Li Chuan lived in this cave with Zhou Botong, practicing martial arts with him every day, or practicing the two-hand mutual skill and Kong Ming Quan under his guidance. Before I knew it, more than twenty days had passed.

In these more than twenty days, Li Chuan could clearly feel his progress, not only because he learned two new kung fu skills, but also because of his overall improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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