Traveling through the heavens begins with shooting the eagle

Chapter 56 'Innate Skills Matching Skills'

Chapter 56 'Innate Skills Matching Skills'

After all, Zhou Botong was also from the Quanzhen Sect, and he also had a good understanding of the kung fu in the Nine Yin Manual. His martial arts perfectly covered what Li Chuan had learned.

In addition to Xiantian Kung Fu and the Nine Yin Martial Arts, Zhou Botong knew almost everything Li Chuan learned. Moreover, after decades of diligent study and hard training, he had already practiced these kung fu to the level of proficiency. Li Chuan After some exchanges with him, I really learned a lot.

So Li Chuan was not in a hurry to leave, and simply stayed in the cave, keeping company with Zhou Botong, sparring with him in martial arts every day, and gaining experience.

Zhou Botong was also happy to have someone practice martial arts with him. He wished he could do this every day.

The Chongyang Palace had already received the message from Li Chuan, saying that he had found Zhou Botong, but Zhou Botong was not willing to leave Peach Blossom Island yet.

Moreover, during the recent period, Zhou Botong was teaching him martial arts, so he stayed on the island and practiced martial arts with Zhou Botong, so that everyone did not have to worry. He also waited patiently for a while, and after dealing with everything on the island, He will take Zhou Botong back to Zhongnan.

It is also worth mentioning that Zhou Botong recently taught him another martial art.

Well, according to Zhou Botong, this is a method that is matched with innate skills.

It's just that the innate skill requires refining a large amount of pure internal energy before it can be turned into innate true energy. At that time, Wang Chongyang specially created a high-level internal skill and mental method to support it.

But now that Li Chuan had already practiced Xiantian Kung Fu, he simply passed on this auxiliary mental technique to him.

Then, when Zhou Botong dictated the first verse, Li Chuan already noticed something was wrong.

"The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is excess damage."

This is not the inner strength and mental method that matches the innate skills. This is clearly the exercise luck method of the Nine Yin Manual!

Li Chuan glanced at Zhou Botong with a strange expression, and said quietly: "Uncle Master, is this the inner strength and luck method in the first volume of the Nine Yin Manual?"

Zhou Botong winked at Li Chuan and said, "Have you ever seen the Qi movement method of the Nine Yin Manual? Why do you say that what I taught you is the Nine Yin Manual? This is obviously an internal skill method that matches the innate skills."

"Listen to my uncle, how could my uncle harm you? I said this is the supporting mental method of Xiantian Kung, and it is the supporting mental method of Xiantian Kung!"

"Okay, Xiaochuan'er, don't interrupt me, I'll continue teaching you."

Zhou Botong naturally thought carefully about teaching Li Chuan to learn the Nine Yin Scriptures.

Although Wang Chongyang had ordered their Quanzhen disciples not to practice the kung fu in the Nine Yin Sutra.

But senior brother himself broke this commandment first. Otherwise, what happened to the Double Ninth Festival inscriptions and the Nine Yin Fragments in the secret passage of the ancient tomb?

Moreover, the reason why Wang Chongyang set this rule back then was more for the sake of his Quanzhen disciples.

At that time, the Nine Yin Manual came out, which caused a bloody storm in the world, and many people died because of it.

Later, Wang Chongyang fought against everyone on the top of Huashan Mountain and obtained the Nine Yin Manual. This disaster was finally stopped. However, the source of the disaster, the Nine Yin Manual, still existed, and many people were still there. I'm secretly staring at this book.

Therefore, if his Quanzhen disciples were to learn the Nine Yin Manual, it would not be long before his Quanzhen sect would be in disaster. At that time, Wang Chongyang had already felt that his end was approaching, and he was afraid that after his death, his disciples would no longer be able to protect him, and those people in the world would do something harmful in order to seize the Nine Yin Manual.

That's why Wang Chongyang doesn't allow his disciples to learn the Nine Yin Manual. It's not because of the sinister kung fu in the Nine Yin Manual. It's purely for their own consideration. The only way is to separate the Nine Yin Manual from their Quanzhen Sect. Only in this way can their true integrity be preserved.

But now that so many years have passed, the turmoil and storm caused by the competition for the Nine Yin Manual have gradually subsided.

At this moment, at that moment, the situation today is different from that of then.

Moreover, didn't even senior brother himself couldn't hold back and still read the Nine Yin Manual?
When he thought of this, Zhou Botong felt itchy in his heart, like a hundred claws scratching his heart.

It's a pity that he has kept the Nine Yin Manual for so many years, but he has never read and practiced it privately. What a kind of torture it is for a martial arts idiot like him.

It was all because of Wang Chongyang's instructions that he was able to persevere.

But now, after knowing that even Wang Chongyang himself couldn't help but read the Nine Yin Scripture, is it possible for you to make Zhou Botong resist the temptation and not read the Nine Yin Scripture?

So after persisting for a month, he couldn't help it anymore, and one night he secretly read the first volume of the Nine Yin Manual that he carried with him.
Then within a few days, he taught the first volume of scripture to Li Chuan under the guise of the innate skill matching method.

It feels like a child went to the field and stole a few sweet potatoes, roasted them and invited his friends to eat them together.

It's also like after secretly doing something bad, he dragged his companions into the water together.
Since I 'accidentally' read the Nine Yin Manual and unknowingly learned the techniques in it, you might as well learn it with me. It just so happens that Li Chuan has also learned some of the martial arts in the Lower Volume of Jiuyin. If Now that you have learned the first volume, you can be considered to have barely learned the complete Nine Yin Sutra, right?

Then won't you be able to pass Li Chuan and see the power of the Nine Yin Manual martial arts?

In this regard, Li Chuan said that he would be happy to learn this 'matching technique of innate skills'.

It can be seen from the Jiuyin martial arts in him that Li Chuan does not reject the Jiuyin Scripture, nor does he agree with the ban issued by Wang Chongyang.

After all, his thoughts are the same as those of Zhou Botong. Patriarch Chongyang, you yourself read and learned the skills in the Nine Yin Scriptures, and even specially left inscriptions in the secret passage of the ancient tomb. As a disciple, I am a Quanzhen disciple. Since I have encountered Now that we're here, it wouldn't be too much to learn the martial arts you left behind, right?

In addition, Li Chuan now really needs a profound inner skill and mental method to assist in the practice of innate skills.

Although there are corresponding methods of guiding Qi in Xiantian Kung Fu, compared to ordinary internal skills, Xiantian Kung Fu is more like a method of using internal force.

Not only can ordinary internal energy be refined into extremely pure and infinite innate true energy, but when used with the special luck method of innate power, even ordinary raising of hands and kicks can have great effects. Power.

The only disadvantage is that refining the innate true energy consumes a lot of internal energy. Without the support of advanced internal skills, it is impossible to achieve this skill.

Although their Quanzhen Sect's basic internal skills and mental methods are good and have long-lasting stamina, when combined with the innate skills, they seem a bit inadequate.

Even with Li Chuan's special system, which allowed him to practice at a much faster speed than ordinary people, after breaking through the second level of Xiantian Kung, he gradually felt that practicing it was a bit difficult. To the third level.

(End of this chapter)

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