Chapter 57 It’s time again

The full text of the qi movement technique in the first volume of the Nine Yin Manual is only a few thousand words. With Li Chuan's memory, he only listened to Zhou Botong's dictation and had already memorized it in his heart.

Later, Zhou Botong specially taught Li Chuan the general outline written in Sanskrit in the first volume of Jiuyin.

Although Zhou Botong did not know Sanskrit and could not figure out the meaning of the general outline of the Sanskrit text, he was keenly aware that this obscure and awkward verse, which was like a mantra, was probably very important.

Li Chuan, who already knew what was going on, naturally memorized this passage firmly and planned to save it for later, and then find a way to translate it.

Zhou Botong said: "Xiao Chuan'er, you must keep this unexplained passage in mind and think about it more when you have nothing to do. With your talent and understanding, you may be able to decipher it one day."

The Nine Yin Manual is a standard Taoist martial arts, and there are many code words and metaphors in Taoist martial arts. If you cannot understand them thoroughly, you will not be able to get a full picture of this martial arts.

Zhou Botong didn't know that Huang Shang had deliberately written the general outline of the Nine Yin Scriptures in Chinese but pronounced it in Sanskrit. He just thought it was a special code word, and he was still confused after studying it for several days.

With no clue, Zhou Botong simply gave up and turned to Li Chuan, hoping that he could crack the secret in the future.

As expected, Li Chuan did not disappoint him and spoke directly.

"Uncle Master, what you just said seems to be pronounced in Tianzhu Sanskrit. I'm afraid this passage is written in Chinese onomatopoeia, but the content is in Sanskrit."

"If you want to know the original appearance of this passage, you probably have to translate the onomatopoeia into Sanskrit first, and then translate the Sanskrit passage into Chinese, so that you can get the original text."

Li Chuan couldn't help but recall that in his previous life, he also marked the onomatopoeic English in Chinese.

If Li Chuan hadn't already been familiar with the inside story, how could ordinary people have imagined that Huang Shang would use such a method to make secret messages back then.

After Zhou Botong heard Li Chuan's explanation, he raised his eyebrows first, and then suddenly realized: "That's actually true!"

"I'm just telling you, this passage is written in a mess, and the previous text does not match the following. So this is what it is?!"

Zhou Botong couldn't help but sigh that Huang Shang was really evil-minded to come up with such complicated and weird ways to prevent others from practicing the Nine Yin Manual. Then he turned to look at Li Chuan with a smile and said .

"Haha, Xiaochuan Erqi is indeed destined to this Jiu... this martial art. Even the senior brother couldn't see through the secret back then, but you revealed it with one word."

"Xiao Chuan'er, do you understand this Sanskrit?"

Li Chuan shook his head. There were not many people in the Central Plains who understood Tianzhu Sanskrit. Generally, only Buddhists would study it deliberately because they had to translate the original Buddhist classics from Tianzhu.

As for Quanzhen Sect, although they advocate the unity of the three religions and dabble in Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, the foundation of the sect is still Taoism, and there is no research on Tianzhu Sanskrit.

After all, didn't even Wang Chongyang fail to see the details of this Sanskrit general outline?
Zhou Botong nodded and said: "In that case, we have to find someone who understands Sanskrit and ask him to help decipher this scripture."

He secretly recalled in his mind whether he knew anyone who was proficient in Sanskrit, and then he couldn't help but think of the Southern Emperor Duan Zhixing who he went to Dali with his senior brother Wang Chongyang.

Zhou Botong: "." No! But he can't!
Seeing that Zhou Botong suddenly fell into deep thought, and then his expression suddenly changed and he shook his head suddenly, Li Chuan couldn't help but ask. "Uncle Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing! Xiaochuan'er, don't ask. I'm a little tired and want to take a nap first. Xiaochuan'er, you can play by yourself first."

After saying that, Zhou Botong jumped directly onto the stone and lay down on his back. However, he did not close his eyes to rest. He just stared at the stone wall in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Li Chuan simply ignored him, sat down cross-legged on the spot, and began to study the newly learned Nine Yin Movements of Qi.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed, and both Li Chuan and Zhou Botong have mastered the internal energy chapter of the Nine Yin Manual.

After learning a new kung fu, with Zhou Botong's character, how could he not quickly show it out and take a look, and directly started sparring with Li Chuan again.

The two sides engaged in another fierce battle, exchanging blows and proving each other. Li Chuan used the Kong Ming Fist he had learned from Zhou Botong, and Zhou Botong responded with the Great Demon Subduing Fist he had just acquired.

Li Chuan used the Nine Spiral Shadows to swim around with Zhou Botong, and he used the Golden Wild Goose Kung Fu and the Snake Walking Lik Fan to deal with it.
Now that he has learned the first volume of Jiu Yin, Zhou Botong no longer cares about learning the martial arts in the second volume.

The two of them fought from noon until nearly evening. Seeing that it was time for the mute servant on the island to deliver dinner, Zhou Botong stopped playing around and started to get serious.

In the end, as expected, Li Chuan was defeated again.

After Zhou Botong used his hands to fight, Li Chuan also tried to use his hands to fight in response to Zhou Botong.

But after all, he had just learned it not long ago, and after persisting in six moves, he was distracted, and the true energy in his body was in chaos. Instead, he exposed his flaw and was defeated by Zhou Botong's palm.

"Hahaha, Xiaochuan'er, you are so powerful. In just over a month, you have already been able to use this two-handed mutual skill. I had been thinking about it for several years before I could barely use it."

Li Chuan said: "Uncle-Master is so complimentary."

How can this self-created martial arts be compared with learning from the predecessors?
Li Chuan could only make such progress because Zhou Botong had perfected this martial arts and stood on the shoulders of giants.

But if he were to be like Zhou Botong, who could create and perfect such a martial art from scratch, Li Chuan would not be able to do it.

Today, he is just an apprentice. He has to rely on the experience of his predecessors to move forward. Both his foundation and experience are far from enough. He still needs to continue to climb up. How can he dare to be conceited and compare with his predecessors?
The two chatted while waiting for the mute servant to bring dinner.

As a result, after waiting for a long time today, the mute servant did not come. Instead, Huang Yaoshi came, and the sound of the blue ocean tide was directly transmitted into the cave.

"It's broken!" Zhou Botong's expression changed and he said, "How could I forget that today is the day!"

It turned out that today was the day when Zhou Botong landed on Peach Blossom Island many years ago. According to tradition, every year on this day, Huang Yaoshi would come over and play a song to relieve Zhou Botong's boredom.

When Zhou Botong landed on the island, he spoke harshly to Huang Yaoshi's late wife, which made Huang Yaoshi furious. So every year on this day, Huang Yaoshi would come over and play a song called "The Sound of the Blue Sea" to Zhou Botong as punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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