Chapter 60 Jiu Yin Volume
"Zhou Botong, you win." Huang Yaoshi could take it up and let it go, and he happily admitted his defeat.

"Since you have defeated me, it is up to you to decide whether you want to stay or go. From today on, you no longer have to be trapped in a cave. No matter where you go or what you do, it is up to you. , I won’t stop you anymore.”

After that, he turned around and left. He ignored Zhou Botong's shouts, turned around and disappeared into the peach forest behind him.

"Hey, Huang Laoxie, don't leave, let's have another fight!"

Huang Yaoshi ignored Zhou Botong's call and left. After losing to Zhou Botong, he didn't feel angry or disappointed. He just recalled the hands he used when he fought with Zhou Botong. Interplay.

This mutual skill between hands is miraculous and has the ability to turn decay into magic. Zhou Botong has created an incredible skill of his own this time.

If you want to defeat Zhou Botong again, you will have to be more diligent in practicing in the future.

After all, Zhou Botong, who had the skill to use both hands, had already surpassed him by half in overall strength.

If you want to defeat Zhou Botong again, you must work hard on his moves. Otherwise, against him, you can "use one to turn two". If two people attack together and you use each other's hands, it is inevitable that your moves will Suffer.

The second is skill. Although Zhou Botong's skill is still a little behind his own now, Zhou Botong is from the Quanzhen Sect, and all he has learned are authentic Taoist skills.

As for Taoist Kung Fu, the most important thing is accumulation. Although progress was slow at first because of the emphasis on foundation, by the time Zhou Botong reached the level and skill level, his foundation and heritage had already been polished to a very deep level. The next step forward was actually It will get faster and faster.

Just like fifteen years ago, Zhou Botong's skill was still far behind his own, but fifteen years later, he had already caught up with him, only slightly weaker than him.

And if it had been 15 years, I'm afraid his skill would have surpassed mine!

Therefore, if Huang Yaoshi did not want to fall behind others, he could only work harder and find a way to deal with Zhou Botong's two-hand skills.

"Hmph, you can be considered the winner today, but it's still unclear who will win in the future."

Huang Yaoshi was a very proud man. Although he had frankly admitted Zhou Botong's victory before, he would not be willing to fall behind others. In the future, he would definitely have to fight Zhou Botong again.

On the other side, in the peach grove in front of the cave, Li Chuan was speaking out to congratulate Zhou Botong.

"Congratulations to my great uncle. After years of hard work, I finally got what I wanted today and defeated Island Master Huang."

"Hahahaha..." Zhou Botong was also very happy and said with a smile, "I never thought that old naughty boy I could defeat that Huang Laoxie one day."

Li Chuan said: "Master, why are you doing this? This is the result of your years of hard work, and you deserve today's victory."

God will never let down those who work hard.

Zhou Botong also nodded and sighed: "To be honest, after being imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island for so many years, I often thought that one day I would definitely defeat Huang Laoxie and make him embarrassed. "

"Today I finally got what I wanted, and it feels like a huge boulder has been lifted off my heart. I just feel extremely happy and relaxed."

Li Chuan took advantage of the situation and said, "Uncle Master, since you have won this bet, there is no need to stay in this cave anymore."

"And you have been away from Chongyang Palace for many years. Why don't you leave the island with your disciples today, return to Chongyang Palace, and visit our old friends in the mountains."

When Zhou Botong heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. Indeed, he left Chongyang Palace and went down the mountain for so many years, but he has never gone back to visit his senior brother. Now that he is out of trouble, it is indeed time to go back and visit his senior brother.

As for Qiu Chuji, Ma Yu and the others, Zhou Botong didn't really want to see them.

Although I haven't seen them for many years, I do feel a little concerned about him, but these guys, every time they see him, they have to pester him with a lot of talk, and they insist on letting him stay on the mountain. Staying in Chongyang Palace, he wouldn't let him go down the mountain to play even if he wanted to.

Therefore, Zhou Botong would avoid Qiu Chuji and the others unless necessary.

After thinking about it, Zhou Botong also nodded and said, "That's true. After being away for so long, it's time to go back and see my senior brother."

Seeing that Zhou Botong finally relented, Li Chuan hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Then it's settled."

"I also ask my uncle to stay here for a while while I wait for my disciples to go to the island and borrow a boat from the owner of Huang Island, so that we can take us away from the island and back to the land."

Zhou Botong said: "Okay, then you go."

"By the way, remember to order some food from Huang Laoxie and bring it back. The dumb servant didn't bring any food tonight, and now my stomach is growling with hunger."

Li Chuan nodded in agreement, then turned around and entered the peach forest, heading towards the island.

Since arriving on the island, Huang Rong would come to the cave from time to time to deliver meals to Li Chuan and others and talk to them. Li Chuan also got the route and method of entering the island from her, but he didn't expect to get lost in the cave. In this peach blossom formation.

Not long after, Li Chuan entered the island, found Huang Yaoshi, and asked him to borrow a boat.

And Huang Yaoshi simply agreed.

"Okay, you can just go to the beach tomorrow. I will ask the mute servant to prepare a boat for you to leave the island."

"Thank you so much, Lord Huang."

Huang Yaoshi nodded, then reached out to pick up something on the table in front of him and threw it towards Li Chuan.

Li Chuan raised his hand to take it and found it was a piece of leather. He was about to ask questions when he heard Huang Yaoshi say.

"You can also take this piece of human skin back to Zhou Botong. The second volume of the Nine Yin Manual is engraved on this piece of human skin."

"Back then, I tricked Zhou Botong into getting the Nine Yin Scriptures. Now that I have lost to him, I will return the Nine Yin Scriptures to him. I have also destroyed the remaining volumes. What should I do next? Let him decide how to deal with this Nine Yin Manual."

Li Chuan glanced at the human skin in his hand and secretly thought that this should be the piece on Chen Xuanfeng's chest.

As for how it fell into Huang Yaoshi's hands, Huang Yaoshi probably found it from Mei Chaofeng after he brought her back, or Mei Chaofeng took the initiative to hand it back to Huang Yaoshi.

Li Chuan put away the human skin and did not say anything. He just bowed his hands and saluted Huang Yaoshi, then turned and returned to the cave.

After returning to the cave, Li Chuan handed the human skin to Zhou Botong. Zhou Botong couldn't help but sigh, "Huang Laoxie is better off", and then took Li Chuan to study the second volume of the Nine Yin Manual.

(End of this chapter)

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