Chapter 61 Outlying Island
The Jiuyin Manual can be called the general outline of martial arts in the world, so it naturally has its exquisiteness and uniqueness.

Not to mention anything else, just take the various martial arts recorded in the scriptures, such as fist, foot and palm techniques, grabbing weapons, body and light skills, and even extremely rare sound wave skills, hypnotic mind-bewitching and other side martial arts, all have corresponding martial arts. The studies are included in them, and all of them are profound and unique.

In addition, there are chapters on internal strength, healing, acupuncture, and even a chapter on muscle-building and bone-forging, which can improve one's muscles and bones, qi and blood, and improve one's qualifications. It can be said to be all-inclusive, including all kinds of martial arts in the world. in.

At that time, Huang Shang was ordered to compile the Wanshou Taoist Canon. He read through thousands of volumes of the Taoist Canon and extracted the essence, and finally created the Nine Yin Sutra.

Therefore, the general outline of martial arts in the world is not just a name given by people in the world due to their admiration, but a truly unique martial arts skill with almost no shortcomings and almost omnipotence.

If someone can master all the martial arts and chapters in this scripture, although he may not necessarily be truly invincible, he will still be able to dominate the world.

That night, Li Chuan and Zhou Botong stayed awake all night and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to this unique skill. It was not until dawn broke the next day and the sun shone into the cave that they realized what was going on.

It turned out that before I knew it, the whole night had passed.

"Senior Huang Shang is really amazing and talented. Just based on this Nine Yin Manual, he is enough to be called a martial arts master." Li Chuan praised.

Zhou Botong also nodded and said: "If this were not the case, there would not have been such a big commotion in the martial arts world because of this Nine Yin Scripture."

After the two sighed for a while, Zhou Botong put away the human skin that recorded the Nine Yin Lower Volume and said: "It's almost time, let's leave now."

"I stayed on this Peach Blossom Island for so many years and didn't think it was anything. Now that I can leave, I suddenly can't wait."

Li Chuan was confident, and the two quickly left the cave and came to the beach.

The mute servant on the island had already been waiting at the beach. When he saw Li Chuan and the others approaching, he opened his mouth to signal them to get on the boat, and then rowed the boat to take the two of them away from Peach Blossom Island.

On the other side, Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong in the peach forest watched several people go out to sea. Huang Rong was discouraged all of a sudden. After turning her head and glaring at Huang Yaoshi, she turned around and ran back to the island angrily.

After knowing that Li Chuan and the others would leave the island today, Huang Rong had her mind set on sneaking over and leaving the island with them.

It's a pity that Huang Yaoshi had already guessed her thoughts and knew that she would sneak away, so he came here early. Huang Rong had already been caught by Huang Rong before she even walked out of the peach blossom formation.

However, Li Chuan and the others didn't know about this. When Zhou Botong saw that Huang Rong didn't come to see her off, he felt that this little Rong'er wasn't a friend enough, so he felt sulky for a while.

Peach Blossom Island is not far from the mainland, and the mute servant is also a master of boating. Not long after, he had already sent the two people to the shore. Then he signed to them to indicate that he would go to the city to buy supplies, so he would no longer send the two people off.

After the mute servant left, Li and Chuan quickly turned around and left the coast, heading inland.

A few days later, when Li Chuan and Zhou Botong came ashore in Jiangnan again, Zhou Botong changed his mind.

Originally, the two of them had already agreed when they were on Peach Blossom Island that they would return to Zhongnan Mountain as soon as possible after returning to land.

But after landing, Zhou Botong made an excuse to find a place to hide the Nine Yin Manual. He also said that this was something he had promised Wang Chongyang back then, and it must be done well.

But how could Li Chuan not know what he was thinking? It was obvious that he suddenly changed his mind and did not want to return to Chongyang Palace, so he made this excuse. After all, Zhou Botong has the final say on the matter of Tibetan scriptures. Who knows how much time he will need. If it is only one or two months, it will be fine, but what if it takes ten or eight years? So what should I say?
And with Zhou Botong's temperament, this kind of thing might not be possible.

Therefore, Li Chuan could only send the news back to Chongyang Palace that he had taken Zhou Botong away from Peach Blossom Island, while he followed Zhou Botong all the way and tried to persuade him.

There is no other way. You can't be tough on Zhou Botong, you can only be gentle. Follow him first, and then find a way to take him back when you have the chance.

On the other side, the Western Region thousands of miles away.

"How's it going? Is there any cure for Ke'er's condition?"

Ouyang Feng asked an old man with a white beard.

The white-bearded old man sighed and said: "Mr. Ouyang, your nephew's condition is that someone used a sound wave technique similar to the lion's roar technique to damage his brain, so he is in such a stupid state."

"And for brain injuries like this, no doctor has ever been able to cure it throughout the ages, and the old man is powerless."

Hearing this, Ouyang Feng could only sigh helplessly and replied like this.

During this period of time, he has hired no less than twenty famous doctors to treat Ouyang Ke.

It's just that the internal injuries on his body are easy to cure, but the dementia caused by the brain injury has left everyone at a loss. At most, they can only prescribe a few prescriptions to calm the nerves and replenish the energy, so let's give it a try.

After sending the doctor away again, Ouyang Feng gave up and did not send anyone to find another doctor. He just came to Ouyang Ke's room alone and stayed with him all night.

That night, Ouyang Feng even had the idea of ​​​​letting Ouyang Ke go free for a moment, but in the end, he couldn't bear to do it.

After all, tiger poison does not eat its seeds. Even Ouyang Feng could not kill his own son with his own hands.

'Well, if you are destined to be like this in your life, Kerr, then your father will accept it, and you will avenge your wish and your revenge! '

Zhiya The two maids opened the door and walked into the room carrying hot water. They were startled by Ouyang Feng sitting in the room. They were so frightened that the copper basin in their hands fell to the ground with a clang. , startled Ouyang Ke awake from his sleep.

"Ah... don't kill me!"

Ouyang Ke was so frightened that he got into bed directly, and the maid was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she knelt down towards Ouyang Feng tremblingly, banging her head and banging her head.

"Master, please forgive me. I didn't do it on purpose."

Ouyang Feng just glanced at the maid and was surprisingly lifeless. He just said, "Go get another basin of hot water and take good care of Ke'er."

After that, Ouyang Feng stood up and walked to the bed, comforted Ouyang Ke, and then turned and left the room.

And that night, Ouyang Feng took a group of snake slaves from White Camel Villa and set off overnight to the Central Plains!
(End of this chapter)

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