Chapter 75 Breakthrough
In the blink of an eye, Li Chuan and the others have been in Taoyuan County for ten days, and the purpose of their trip has been initially achieved.

Master Yideng has passed on the cultivation method of Yiyangzhi to Li Chuan. After these few days of practice, coupled with the guidance of Master Yideng, he can now be considered a beginner.

In addition, the Nine Yin General Outline has been translated by Master Yideng and handed over to Li Chuan.

After Li Chuan understood the Nine Yin General Principles, he really gained a lot. Some of the meanings of the scriptures that he had not thoroughly understood before suddenly became enlightened.

It has to be said that there is a big difference between the Nine Yin Manual and the Nine Yin Manual with or without the general outline. With the Nine Yin General Outline as a supplement, the conception and realm of the entire scripture are instantly improved a lot.

No wonder Huang Shang deliberately wrote the general outline of the Nine Yins Manual in secret Sanskrit language. If you don’t know the general outline of the Nine Yin Scriptures and just practice the above methods and martial arts, no matter how you practice, you will never be able to escape these Nine Yins. In the category of Yin Zhenjing, at best, one can become a 'craftsman'.

After having the Nine Yins General Outline, and clearly understanding the true meaning of the Nine Yins, not only can we have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the scriptures, but we can also have the opportunity to innovate and understand what is truly ours. This is the right way.

After all, if you just learn from others, at best you can become another low-end version of Huang Shang, but it is impossible to really reach his level.

Only by learning the wisdom of the predecessors, adding your own thinking and understanding, and turning it into your own experience and heritage can you have the opportunity to reach or even surpass the level of your predecessors.

After obtaining the Nine Yin General Principles and meditating on the above scriptures, Li Chuan began to retreat the next day and has not left his room for five days.

Since breaking through the second level of Xiantian Kung three years ago, Li Chuan's practice progress has begun to slow down.

Although it is not that he has encountered any bottleneck, and his skill has been steadily increasing, he has no clue on how to break through the third level.

After all, he was the only one who practiced Xiantian Kung on Zhongnan Mountain back then. No one else had any experience with this magical technique. Naturally, no one could teach him and could only practice it on his own.

Later, Li Chuan traveled down the mountain, experienced a lot, and fought against many people. Even the top five masters met several people and received a lot of guidance.

After half a year, Li Chuan finally gained some clarity and vaguely found a way to break through the third level of Xiantian Kung.

If you want to break through, it is not enough to accumulate true energy. Martial arts experience and understanding are equally important. Only in this way can you penetrate the barrier.

But after coming to Taoyuan County and meeting Master Yideng, his accumulation was finally enough.

Master Yideng is also accustomed to innate skills. Although he has not been able to break through to the third level because he has changed his cultivation halfway and has already broken the body of a boy. I also gained a deep understanding, enough to give some guidance to Li Chuan.

Later, after receiving the Nine Yin General Outline, Li Chuan had an epiphany overnight and immediately felt the opportunity to break through the innate skills, so he immediately began to retreat, hoping to take this opportunity to break through the third level.

In the room, Li Chuan sat cross-legged on the bed, holding his hands in front of his knees, pinching Ziwu with his hands, closing his eyes to adjust his breath and luck, and his innate Qi was circulating endlessly in his body, moving around the heavens.

If you get close to Li Chuan, you will find that his breath is not leaking, and he has reached the state of innate fetal breath where the breath is closed and the Hunyuan is integrated!

I don't know how long it took, but Li Chuan gradually exited the state of fetal breath. He exhaled a long breath of turbid air. The breath was long and condensed, and it actually blew a strong wind in the room, causing the curtains to fly!

Li Chuan opened his eyes faintly. His eyes were as bright as stars, and they were even deeper than before, just like two deep and bottomless pools.

Innate skill, third level!
There was almost no movement when he broke through this time. It was different from other people's breakthroughs where their energy leaked out, or they couldn't help but make loud roars. Hearing thunder in a silent place!

After getting up and walking off the bed, Li Chuan moved his slightly numb hands and feet. He felt completely refreshed and full of energy. He felt like he couldn't wait to move around. But he knew that this was just a temporary illusion after the breakthrough, and the most important thing now was to lock the energy in his body to prevent it from leaking, and then continue to stabilize his cultivation.

His Quanzhen lineage is best at locking the essence and consolidating the spirit. There are many auxiliary cultivation methods spread, such as the Golden Guan Jade Lock Jue, etc. What he advocates is the dual cultivation of life and life, first life and then sex.

Therefore, Li Chuan did not immediately experiment because he had a breakthrough. Instead, he patiently closed himself up again. It was not until two days later that he completely stabilized his realm and completely refined and absorbed the energy and spirit after the breakthrough. , and then walked out of the door.

After leaving seclusion, Li Chuan immediately went to find Master Yideng and informed him of the good news of his breakthrough.

Master Yideng was also very happy for it.

"Chuan'er, it's rare that at your age, you have already reached such a level, and your skills are catching up with those of your predecessors."

"But I still want to tell you a cliché. Remember not to become complacent and slack off in your practice."

"You know, if a tall building rises from the ground, even if your talent is far better than ordinary people, you still need to be diligent and humble. This is the long-term way."

"If you can keep it up and never forget your original intention, given time, you will definitely be able to surpass our achievements."

Li Chuan paid his respects and said, "Thank you Master Yideng for your teaching. The younger generation will definitely keep it in mind."

Master Yideng nodded and smiled, and was about to say a few more words of encouragement when he heard a sudden shout from outside the door.

"Master, it's not good!"

Squeak, I saw a pale Zhu Ziliu push out the door, with a panic expression. The corners of his mouth and the white clothes on his chest were still stained with some blood. It was obvious that he had been injured and vomited blood.

Seeing this, Master Yideng quickly asked: "Huh? Ziliu, why are you injured? Could it be Yinggu?"

Zhu Ziliu nodded and said: "It is the imperial concubine who is here. She also caught Junior Brother Wu and forced him to bring this thing to you, Master, otherwise he will harm Junior Brother Wu."

At this time, Li Chuan and Master Yideng noticed the baggage in Zhu Ziliu's hand.

Master Yideng couldn't help but look sad when he saw this, and sighed.

"In that case, then bring it to me for a look."

"But Master." Zhu Ziliu said with some worry, "What if she secretly hides a hidden weapon to hurt people in the baggage, or the things in the baggage are poisonous."

This Zhu Ziliu is honest. When someone threatened him to bring something over, he would obediently bring it over. He would not open it and take a look at it on the way. When it arrived, he would think about whether there might be something harmful in the baggage.

It can only be said that Aunt Ying probably noticed the honest character of the scholar Zhu Ziliu, so she specifically chose him to send things.

(End of this chapter)

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