Chapter 76 Old grudges

Zhu Ziliu was worried about what Yinggu might do with the baggage, but Master Yideng was not afraid. He just said it was okay and asked him to hand over the baggage directly.

Master Yideng took the baggage and placed it in front of him. After a slight hesitation, he unblocked the baggage and opened it.


Although he was mentally prepared, when Master Yideng opened the bag and saw what was inside, his expression suddenly changed. He even froze in place, with a thin layer of cold sweat oozing out from his forehead. Come!
The thing in that baggage is neither a hidden weapon that can hurt people nor a poisonous thing, but for Master Yideng, it is a sharp sword that pierces directly into his heart!

Inside the baggage was a child dummy made of straw. The dummy child also wore a brocade kerchief and a bellyband embroidered with mandarin ducks playing in the water and poems. It was stabbed with a dagger. Pierce it and pierce it straight into the dummy's chest!
In addition, the dummy was specially soaked and dyed red with blood. It looked so terrifying!
Visible to the naked eye, Master Yideng's body was trembling slightly uncontrollably!

"Master Yideng?!"

"This..." Master Yideng's lips trembled, and he couldn't say a complete sentence for a moment. He closed his eyes and calmed down for a long time before finally calming down.

"Yes, I almost forgot. Isn't today the death anniversary of the child Niantong?"

Having said this, Master Yideng couldn't help but smile miserably again, with tears even filling his eyes.

"After so many years, I still can't let go of this matter. Gu Ying, I'm afraid you will be even more unable to let it go."

"Master!" Zhu Ziliu hurriedly said, "Disciple, I really don't know that this is what the imperial concubine asked me to send."

Master Yideng shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. It's just that I had mad and foolish thoughts in the past, which led to these old grievances that have not been resolved for many years. This kind of cause and effect naturally requires me to Take it upon yourself.”

"Ziliu, please go back and tell Yinggu to let her go. Then tell her that if she really doesn't want to let go of her old grudge, ask her to come directly to the mountain. I am willing to use my life to get rid of her." The hatred in my heart.”

Zhu Ziliu couldn't help but turned pale when he heard this: "Master, how can this be done?!"

Master Yideng shook his head and said, "I have made up my mind to become my master. Don't say anything else. Go ahead."

Zhu Ziliu struggled several times, but in the end he could not disobey Master Yideng's wishes and turned around to go down the mountain again.

After he left, Master Yideng turned to look at Li Chuan again and said, "Chuan'er, you must be curious, who is Ying Gu in my mouth, and what grudges does she have with me?"

Li Chuan opened his mouth, but did not answer.

He was well aware of the grudge between Master Yideng and Yinggu, but as a junior, he couldn't comment on it, let alone ask questions out loud.

Fortunately, Master Yideng didn't need Li Chuan to answer, and he talked about this past incident himself. Perhaps it was because of the dummy that it aroused memories, and he couldn't help but want to find someone to tell it to.

"Gu Ying was my concubine."

"At that time, I had not abdicated and became a monk, but I was still the king of Dali. It happened that Master Chongyang of your Quanzhen sect came to Dali with his junior brother Zhou Botong to discuss Taoism and exchange martial arts with me."

"As for Zhou Botong, who had a lively and unrestrained nature, he accidentally met my noble concubine Yinggu while he was playing in the palace."

"As time went by, the two developed an affair. When Master Chongyang and I found out, they had already made a big mistake." "Later Zhou Botong left in shame, leaving only Yinggu in the palace. But he didn't know that she gave birth to a son for him, named Zhou Niantong."

"That day, a mysterious man broke into the palace and shocked the heart of the child Niantong with his palm. Gu Ying brought the child to me for treatment."

"I finally couldn't stand Yinggu's pleading, so I agreed to her. But when I untied the child's clothes and wanted to give him a massage, I saw that the child had the same clothes that Yinggu had worn back then. A bellyband made of brocade handkerchief given to Zhou Botong as a token of love."

"I looked at the embroidered mandarin ducks playing in the water and the poem "Si Zhang Ji" on the brocade handkerchief. For a moment, I felt angry and foolish thoughts in my heart, but I changed my mind again and refused to rescue."

"In the end, Yinggu, in desperation, stabbed the child to death with her own hands in order to relieve the child's pain!"

"Now that I see this dummy again, the appearance of that child from back then comes to mind again. But the past cannot be changed. No matter how much I regret it now, I can't change it."

Master Yideng took a deep breath and looked up at Li Chuan.

"I'm not only sorry for Yinggu, but also for Zhou Botong. Although he was at fault first, his son also died before he grew up because I refused to save him."

"I have decided to use my life to wash away the resentment in Aunt Ying's heart, but I can no longer apologize to Zhou Botong in person. If you meet Chuan'er in the future, please convey it to me."

When Li Chuan heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but other than Master Yideng and others who had experienced these old grudges, others could not explain them clearly.

From the perspective of a bystander, there is no need for Master Yideng to be like this. After all, it was Ying Gu and Zhou Botong who made the big mistake in the past.

It can even be said that even if Master Yideng directly killed both of them at that time, it is not an exaggeration.

But Master Yideng did not, and did not pursue the two of them again. Later, Zhou Niantong was injured and his life was in danger. Master Yideng also had reasons and positions not to save him.

Moreover, the person who caused Zhou Niantong's death in the end was not Master Yideng, and she really shouldn't blame all the blame on Master Yideng.

However, in such matters, there is a clear right and wrong, and it is useless for others to judge.

In the final analysis, it still depends on the people involved. Master Yideng is naturally not wrong, but for Yinggu, the pain of losing her son has made her almost crazy.

So when she couldn't find an enemy, she blamed all the blame on Master Yideng, and her heart was full of resentment and hatred, because only in this way could she feel better and not go crazy because of it.

But this was obviously an extremely selfish act on her part, but Master Yideng blamed himself for it and was willing to take the blame for this fault on himself.
Li Chuan was silent for a few moments before speaking out: "Master Yideng, this junior is really not qualified to comment on these things back then."

"However, this junior has a method that may be able to resolve the grudges and hatreds you have had over the years."

Hearing this, Master Yideng couldn't help but asked: "Oh? Chuan'er, what can you do?"

Li Chuan nodded and said: "Actually, there is something that I have never told Master Yideng. This time I came to look for Master, I actually received the guidance from Master Zhou's uncle, and he is now in Taoyuan County."

"Junior is going to go down the mountain to find him. Then we will invite Senior Ying Gu here. The three of you will be present together. Talking about what happened back then may be able to resolve the grudges Senior Ying Gu has had over the years."

(End of this chapter)

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