Chapter 77 The restless Zhou Botong

In fact, as early as when Zhou Botong suggested coming to find Master Yideng, Li Chuan had been secretly planning to take advantage of this opportunity to resolve their old grievances at once.

After all, although Zhou Botong looks like a naughty boy on weekdays, in fact, he has never let go of these events in his heart.

When he was still on Peach Blossom Island, Huang Yaoshi used the blue sea tide music to arouse Zhou Botong's inner demons, which tortured him endlessly. Although with the help of Li Chuan, he blocked Huang Yaoshi's blue sea tide music with the help of Li Chuan, Zhou Botong finally recovered afterward. Huang Yaoshi was defeated as he wished.

But when Zhou Botong fell asleep that night, the nightmare in his heart still came to him, causing him to talk in his sleep for half the night.

What are the four machines again? Complaints are weaving and they want to fly together. The poor old man turns white first. ', what is it?' It's all my fault. Please ask Emperor Duan to kill me directly. I will never resist and fight back. 'of.

Li Chuan naturally understood in his heart that these things, even after so many years, were still accumulated deep in Zhou Botong's heart, and had even become a lingering nightmare in the deepest part of his heart.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't resist Huang Yaoshi's Blue Ocean Tidal Song, and was easily aroused by his inner demons, because he had a flaw in his heart.

Otherwise, with Zhou Botong's profound skills and the Taoist mentality of the Quanzhen Sect, how could Huang Yaoshi's Blue Sea Tide Music influence him?

From that time on, Li Chuan secretly thought that if he had a chance in the future, he would definitely help Zhou Botong resolve this inner demon, so that he would be able to live up to his teachings to him.

But now, just as Yinggu wants to come to take revenge on Master Yideng, it is the best time to resolve the grievances between the three of them.

When Master Yideng heard that Li Chuan mentioned that Zhou Botong had also come to Taoyuan County, he was also moved in his heart. He thought that if he could find Zhou Botong, he would invite Yinggu here and let the three of them talk face to face about what happened that year. If it were opened, it might actually resolve this old grudge.

Even if it didn't work, he could have apologized to Zhou Botong back then. Even if Gu Ying couldn't forgive her, he would not hesitate to use his own life to wash away the resentment in her heart.

Thinking of this, Master Yideng nodded and said: "This poor monk has really wanted to apologize to Brother Zhou in person all these years. I will leave it to you, Chuan'er, to find Brother Zhou."

Li Chuan responded: "This junior will definitely invite Master Zhou's uncle here."

After saying that, Li Chuan turned around and left the temple, and went down the mountain to Taoyuan County to look for the person.

On the way down the mountain, he happened to meet four fishermen, woodcutter, farmers and readers who were returning to the mountain. It seemed that Zhu Ziliu had rescued Wu Santong.

After Li Chuan greeted a few people, he didn't talk too much with them and quickly set off to go down the mountain again.

Not long after, Li Chuan arrived at Taoyuan County at the foot of the mountain. He first went to the inn in the county to find Cheng Yaojia and Li Mochou, and asked them about Zhou Botong's whereabouts.

Then I learned from Cheng Yaojia that Zhou Botong couldn't bear the boredom and left Taoyuan County a few days ago and went south. He left a message to Li Chuandao that there was no need to look for him. He had hidden the scriptures. (After having enough fun), we will return to Zhongnan Mountain on our own.

After sending Li Chuan to Taoyuan County, he met Master Yideng, and learned through Cheng Yaojia and Li Mochou that Master Yideng had agreed to help and taught Li Chuan the Yiyang Finger. I couldn't sit still anymore. Previously, because he was worried that Ouyang Feng would attack and Li Chuan was not his opponent, Zhou Botong followed Li Chuan to protect him all the way. But now that he has led Li Chuan to find Master Yideng and received his help, Zhou Botong naturally no longer wants to follow Li Chuan. Chuan and the others were together.

After all, following Li Chuan and the others made him feel a little unfree, and one of the people he least wanted to see in his life, Master Yideng, was also in Taoyuan County.

He felt really uncomfortable staying in Taoyuan County. He was afraid that he would meet Master Yideng one day and wanted to leave long ago.

Hearing the news that Zhou Botong had left, Li Chuan couldn't help but frown, and thought to himself, why did he leave at this time?

But he had already promised Master Yideng before, and this was indeed the best time to resolve the old grievances between them. So after Li Chuan asked the direction of Zhou Botong's departure, he immediately set off to pursue him again. .

Zhou Botong had just left not long ago, and according to his temperament, if he encountered something interesting on the road, he would definitely stop and participate, so he might not have gone far yet.

Li Chuan followed Zhou Botong's traces, and sure enough, it didn't take long before he found out about Zhou Botong in a small town more than sixty miles away.

At that time, Li Chuan went all the way to the town and went to a restaurant to have a meal because he was hungry. From the conversations between several diners at the table, he unexpectedly got some news about Zhou Botong.

A diner whispered to his companion: "Hey, have you heard? Yesterday, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, Qiu, performed the 'Iron Palm Water Floating' stunt on the river to everyone, but was exposed by a crazy old man."

"They said that Gang Leader Qiu drove wooden stakes underwater and could run on the water by stepping on the wooden stakes. He even knocked Gang Leader Qiu into the river, making him look embarrassed in front of everyone."

His companion was surprised: "Huh? No way? Didn't you say that Qiu, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, is very powerful in martial arts? How could he fake it? And he was knocked into the river?"

The diner warned: "Shh, keep your voice down! Don't speak so loudly. This is the territory of the Iron Palm Gang. Be careful not to be overheard by the Iron Palm Gang, otherwise we will both be in trouble!"

"As for why Gang Leader Qiu of the Iron Palm Clan is so pusy, I have heard a rumor. It is said that Gang Leader Qiu has a twin brother who looks exactly like him, but his kung fu is far less powerful than Gang Leader Qiu. ."

"But Gang Leader Qiu's brother likes to pretend to be Gang Leader Qiu and cheat in the world."

The companion nodded: "So that's it. But then again, what happened to that crazy old man? He offended the Iron Palm Gang, so I'm afraid he will end up in trouble, right?"

The diner replied: "I don't know much about this, but I only heard that the old man was very good at martial arts, and he seemed to be using Quanzhen Kung Fu. At that time, the disciples of the Iron Palm Gang by the river wanted to cause trouble for him, but he was I defeated them all easily."

Hearing this, Li Chuan couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Isn't it Zhou Botong that the old man who taught Kung Fu with Quanzhen was talking about?

Li Chuan stood up and walked towards the two people, clasped his fists and said: "Brothers, please invite me. I am Li Zhichuan, a disciple of Quanzhen Sect. The person I just heard mentioned by the two of you seems to be an elder of my sect. Please invite two more." Can you tell me the details?"

(End of this chapter)

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