Chapter 78 Iron Palm Peak

By asking the two diners, Li Chuan finally found out some information about Zhou Botong. He learned that just yesterday, Zhou Botong made a big fuss by the river and offended the Iron Palm Gang.

But these two people didn't know the more detailed information. After all, their information was only heard. They were not at the scene personally at the time, so it was impossible to know the details.

So after Li Chuan thanked the two people, he quickly walked out of the inn, then turned around and left the town, heading directly towards the Iron Palm Peak station where the Iron Palm Gang was located.

Since the Iron Palm Gang had a conflict with Zhou Botong before, why bother to go far away to ask others? Why not go directly to the person involved?

And according to the two diners, with the Iron Palm Gang's style, if Zhou Botong offended them, the Iron Palm Gang would not let him go easily. It can be seen that the Iron Palm Gang's usual behavior must be used to being domineering, otherwise How could it leave such an impression on the local people?

So if nothing else goes wrong, I'm afraid the Iron Palm Gang is still looking for or even hunting Zhou Botong!

However, Li Chuan is not worried about what will happen to Zhou Botong. After all, the people of the Iron Palm Gang are still far away from dealing with Zhou Botong. Even if Qiu Qianren, the helper of the Iron Palm Gang, takes action in person, he will never be able to get away with it. .

Speaking of Qiu Qianren's words, Li Chuan suddenly thought of something.

This time he wanted to help Zhou Botong, Master Yideng and Ying Gu resolve the grudges and entanglements they had in the past, but if they were just allowed to meet and have a frank conversation, he would not be very sure.

After all, Yinggu's obsession over the years has become as solid as stone, and it is impossible to resolve it easily. Even if Zhou Botong is found, it may not be that easy.

She has become obsessed with obsession now. Even if you tell her the truth and reason, she will not pay attention to you.

But if, while freeing her, the culprit who killed her son was also brought to her and handed over to him to deal with personally, so that she could have a place to vent the resentment and hatred in her heart, maybe things would be much easier to handle. .

And the murderer who used the force of his palm to injure Ying Gu's child was none other than Qiu Qianren!
After Wang Chongyang, Hong Qigong and others fought at the top of Mount Huashan, they were revered as the Five Ultimate Fighters in the world of martial arts and became famous all over the world.

Qiu Qianren was conceited that his martial arts skills were not inferior to those of others, and he also wanted to gain a reputation, so he thought that if he had a sword debate at Huashan Mountain again in the future, he would definitely go up to the mountain and fight against everyone, so that the world would know that his martial arts skills were not inferior to any of the five unique skills.

But he also thought, wouldn't it be better if he could reduce a few powerful enemies in advance?

But he did not have the courage or ability to directly attack those five masters, so he entered the Dali Palace at night and used the power of his palm to injure the person he thought was the heir of Master Yideng, namely Zhou Niantong, the son of Yinggu.

The purpose is to let Master Yideng expend a lot of internal energy to save people, so that his skills will be depleted, so that he will fall behind everyone in the second Huashan Sword Discussion in the future, and use this to kill a strong enemy first.

It was precisely because of his move that Yinggu and Master Yideng forged a grudge and had been entangled for many years.

But now Li Chuan intends to resolve the grievances for everyone, and he also happens to be in the territory of his Iron Palm Gang, and learns that he has a grudge with Zhou Botong. Then he can only let Qiu Qianren know what it means to be righteous, and he will not be happy with retribution!
I just want to borrow your head to break the current predicament!

Half an hour later, Li Chuan had arrived at the foot of Tiezhang Peak.

"Stop, who are you?!" Several Iron Palm Gang disciples who were guarding at the foot of the mountain asked when they saw Li Chuan approaching. Li Chuan glanced at the Iron Palm disciples who were guarding the foot of the mountain with knives and swords. He couldn't help but look slightly moved. Looking at their formation, it looked like they were surrounding Iron Palm Peak and besieging someone on the mountain.

Otherwise, it is just a mountain path going up the mountain. Is it worth sending so many disciples to guard it? They were all armed with swords and were so vigilant that they could tell at a glance that something was going on.

Among the Iron Palm Gang disciples, there were a few who had some eyesight, and they could recognize Li Chuan's identity as a Quanzhen disciple just by looking at his clothes.

"Brother Hong, that boy looks like he should be from the Quanzhen Sect. Could he be here to support that old man?!"

The big man with a beard, who was called Big Brother Hong, was obviously a role similar to a small boss. He looked at Li Chuan up and down, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and said.

"Whether he is the helper of the crazy old man or not, the gang leader ordered us to guard the foot of the mountain and not let the crazy old man escape. If that kid dares to come over, just ask the brothers to capture him!"

Although the two people spoke not loudly and they were quite far apart from Li Chuan, Li Chuan could still hear them very clearly with his ears.

If you put it this way, Master Zhou's uncle should be on the mountain now. He really came to Iron Palm Peak at the right time.

Thinking of this, Li Chuan walked directly towards the Iron Palm Gang disciples.

Seeing Li Chuan ignoring them and walking straight towards them, the bearded man immediately knew that he was coming with bad intentions and immediately said: "Brothers, take down that kid!"

Several Iron Palm Gang disciples who were closer rushed towards Li Chuan in an instant, and then flew back faster than they rushed up in the next second!
There were several muffled bangs, bangs, bangs, and Li Chuan just flashed. The Iron Palm Gang disciples didn't even see his figure and movements clearly. They felt a pain in their chests, and then instantly lifted their feet off the ground and flew up. .

"How brave! How dare you hurt my disciple of the Iron Palm Gang! You will be unable to leave today! Brothers, follow me and capture this person!"

The big man with the beard gave an order and instantly raised the eyebrow-level iron rod in his hand and rushed towards Li Chuan with a group of iron palm disciples.

Li Chuan was too lazy to tangle with these people. With a move of his feet, he instantly jumped into the crowd. He raised his hand and grabbed the iron rod that the bearded man was throwing at him. He pulled it hard and grabbed it directly into his hand. With one kick, the bearded man flew away.

Woo! Li Chuan Lunyuan swung the iron stick in his hand, bringing up a howling evil wind, just like when he was a naughty child in his previous life, holding a straight branch artifact, walking in the rapeseed field, slashing the rapeseed flowers all over the sky with one stick on the left and the other on the right. Suddenly, the iron rod was swung by, and figures were flying all over the sky!

However, in just a few dozen breaths, the disciples of the Iron Palm Gang who were already lying on the ground in the field were holding their wounds and fell to the ground wailing in pain.

Although Li Chuan had no intention of killing and had reservations when he took action, these people would probably have to lie in bed for ten and a half days afterwards, which could be regarded as a little punishment for their arrogance and bullying of their neighbors.

Bang... Li Chuan threw the iron rod casually and walked directly onto the mountain path without looking back. However, in the blink of an eye, the figure had disappeared from everyone's eyes and went straight up the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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