Chapter 81: Admit defeat
Qiu Qianren and Zhou Botong could not fight for more than a hundred moves, and then they were already struggling and unable to resist.

Not only did he receive several punches from Zhou Botong on his face, which caused black circles under his eyes and blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, but he also received a palm from Zhou Botong on his chest, which only caused the energy and blood in his chest to surge endlessly, and he almost lost his breath when his vision went dark. go.

At this point in the battle, Qiu Qianren had already accepted the reality and knew that he would definitely not be Zhou Botong's opponent. If the fight continued, blood would really be shed!

But he couldn't let go of that face, begging for mercy and admitting defeat, so he had to continue to support himself, hoping that the disciples on the mountain would come to help him after hearing the news, so as to help him get out of the predicament.

It's a pity that while Li Chuan is here, the help he was looking forward to can't come!

"Pfft!" Qiu Qianren was punched in the chest by Zhou Botong again. He could no longer suppress the surging blood in his chest and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that help was not coming for a long time, Qiu Qianren couldn't hold on any longer. He shouted loudly and suppressed the injuries in his body. He used a mouthful of internal energy to hit three palms in a row, forcing Zhou Botong away from him. He kicked the ground with his feet and wanted to Rush out of the living room.

However, Li Chuan kept staring at him. Seeing that he was trying to kill him regardless of his injuries, he took one step forward and was already in front of Qiu Qianren. He raised his hand and quickly pointed towards Qiu Qianren's chest!
"Get out of my way!"

Qiu Qianren roared angrily, raised his palm and hit Li Chuan who was blocking the way, trying to force a way out.

But Li Chuan did not dodge, and still pointed at him. Seeing this, Qiu Qianren couldn't help but flash a fierce light in his eyes.

Boy, you are looking for death!

There was an explosion, and Li Chuan pointed his finger at Qiu Qianren's palm. For a moment, Qiu Qianren felt his palm go numb, and the force attached to his palm was instantly broken by Li Chuan's finger!
Then, a burst of innate true energy as hot as magma rushed directly from the palm of his hand into the meridians of his right arm. Qiu Qianren felt as if he was struck by lightning. His body was shocked, his right arm was numb and his whole body was frozen. He stood there for a moment.

And just this moment of effort was enough for Zhou Botong to catch up.

"Where to run?!"

Hearing the sound of wind coming from behind, Qiu Qianren had no choice but to turn around to meet the enemy, and once again fought with Zhou Botong.

But when he was in good condition before, he was no match for Zhou Botong. What's more, he was injured now. His right arm was almost destroyed by Li Chuan's one-yang finger. He couldn't even lift his arm, so how could he block it? Live Zhou Botong's offensive.

After Qiu Qianren barely managed to block several of Zhou Botong's moves with one palm, he was finally unable to resist anymore. Zhou Botong punched him in the chest. His whole body involuntarily fell backwards. After taking a few steps, he still couldn't hold on and collapsed on the ground. , tilted his head and opened his mouth to vomit a mouthful of blood, and could no longer even stand up.

"Wow, I...I lost." Now that the matter had come to this, even if he didn't dare to feel resentful, Qiu Qianren had no choice but to speak softly.

It's important to admit defeat first and save your life, lest Zhou Botong and that kid kill him.

"Brother Zhou's martial arts skills are world-class, I'm afraid he is no longer weaker than Master Chongyang back then. Qiu is convinced that he lost."

When Zhou Botong saw Qiu Qianren surrendering, a smile appeared on his face: "The old naughty boy is still far behind my senior brother."

"Remember from now on, don't be disrespectful to my senior brother again, otherwise I will deal with you once I see you."

Qiu Qianren gritted his teeth, but at this time, the form was stronger than the person. He could only lower his head to prevent Zhou Botong from seeing the resentful expression on his face, and whispered: "Qiu knows."

Zhou Botong nodded with satisfaction, turned back to look at Li Chuan and said, "Okay, Chuan'er, since this old boy has given in, let's leave this matter as it is." "The move you made to stop him just now should have been a move. Yang pointed it out, it seems like things are going very smoothly over there. Come on, let’s go down the mountain and find a place to talk slowly.”

"This old boy said he wanted to entertain me, so I came up the mountain without even eating dinner. But he poisoned the food and wine, so that I couldn't even take a bite. Now my stomach is growling with hunger."

As Zhou Botong said this, he started to pull Li Chuan down the mountain.

"Uncle Master, please wait a moment." Li Chuan stopped Zhou Botong who was about to leave, then turned to look at Qiu Qianren, who was struggling to get up from the ground, and said, "Disciple, there is something I want to ask Qiu Qianren for advice. Gang leader."

Hearing this, Zhou Botong glanced at Qiu Qianren strangely and said, "Chuan'er, do you have anything to do with this old boy?"

Qiu Qianren even felt a slight tremor in his mind, secretly thinking that something was not good. He felt that Li Chuan's arrival was not good, which made him feel an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He frowned and looked at Li Chuan and said, "Junior, I have never interacted with you. What do you want to ask me for?"

Li Chuan glanced at Qiu Qianren expressionlessly and said, "More than ten years ago, you sneaked into the Dali Palace and injured a child in the palace with your iron palm. Am I right?"

Qiu Qianren's pupils shrank instantly, and he couldn't help but be shocked. How could this kid know this? !
Could it be that he is here to seek revenge? !

But he tried his best to pretend to be calm, and snorted: "Humph, I don't know what you are talking about!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Zhou Botong and said angrily: "Zhou Botong, if you want to kill me, why do you need to make any excuses?"

"Anyway, I've fallen into your hands now. You can kill or behead me as you please, but you don't have to deliberately put any charges on me!"

Judging from Zhou Botong's appearance, he had no idea what Li Chuan was talking about, so if he wanted to get over this matter, he had to find a way out of him.

Zhou Botong raised his eyebrows: "You old boy, this old naughty boy wanted to kill you, why did he hold back just now?"

He turned to Li Chuan and asked, "Chuan'er, what are you asking this old boy about?"

Li Chuan said: "This matter involves a grudge from the past, and even you, my uncle, are involved in it. It is very important. I will explain the specific situation to you later."

After explaining to Zhou Botong, Li Chuan looked at Qiu Qianren again.

"Qiu Qianren, even if you don't admit it, I know that it was you who harmed the child back then, and caused an old grudge that still lingers today."

"So even if you don't admit it now, don't think about it today!"

As he spoke, Li Chuan stepped forward. Under Qiu Qianren's frightened and angry gaze, he pointed a finger at the big point on his chest, restrained him, then grabbed his shoulders and lifted him in his hands.

"Uncle Master, I also ask you to return to Taoyuan County with me and take this Qiu Qianren to meet your two old friends, to tell the old grudges face to face, and to resolve the entanglement and resentment that has been entangled for many years. "

(End of this chapter)

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