Chapter 82 Return to Taoyuan
When he heard that Li Chuan wanted to take him back to Taoyuan County, Zhou Botong couldn't help but change his expression.

"Chuan'er, you don't want me to see Emperor Duan, do you?"

Seeing that Li Chuan did not refute, Zhou Botong couldn't help but show a look of resistance on his face, and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no! You can ask me for anything, but this is absolutely not allowed!"

"Old naughty boy, there are two people I will never see again in my life. One of them is Emperor Duan. If you want to take me to see him, you might as well just kill me!"

Li Chuan said quietly: "If my uncle is unwilling to go back with his disciples today, I'm afraid he will really regret it for the rest of his life."

Hearing this, Zhou Botong couldn't help but look at Li Chuan suspiciously: "Chuan'er, you didn't say that deliberately because you wanted to trick me into going back with me, right?"

Li Chuan just said: "Uncle Master, there is no exaggeration in the disciple's words. If you don't return to Taoyuan County with the disciple today, I'm afraid there will be no chance to resolve the dispute between you and Master Yideng, as well as Ying." The grievances between my aunts and seniors have ended."

"Yinggu?!" Zhou Botong's voice rose an octave in an instant.

"How come Aunt Ying is involved?!" Zhou Botong became obviously panicked when he heard Aunt Ying's name.

"No, no, no! Absolutely not! Prince Duan and Aunt Ying, the old naughty boy, the two people I never want to see again are here. I...I..."

Zhou Botong was so anxious that he scratched his head and scratched his head. After stammering for a few words and being speechless, he turned around and ran out of the living room. It seemed that he was planning to run away directly.

Thirty-six tactics were the best. Zhou Botong really didn't want to see Master Yideng and Yinggu again. He didn't even want to hear what Li Chuan had said. He just heard him mention the two of them and was about to turn around and run away.

"Uncle Master!" Li Chuan was so anxious that he didn't care anymore. He chased him directly and said to him, "Are you really so irresponsible? You want to see Master Yideng and Senior Yinggu grudge each other." Fight to death?!"

"Also! Senior Yinggu gave birth to a son for you, how can you ignore even your own son?!"

"If that's the case, just run away! I, Li Chuan, will pretend that I have never had an uncle like you! When I return to Chongyang Palace in the future, I will make sure to report this matter in front of the Chongyang Patriarch's memorial tablet!"

Li Chuan was also really angry. It was fine for Zhou Botong to be aloof on weekdays, but as a man, you couldn't be without such a sense of responsibility, right? !

If this is the case, Li Chuan really looks down on Zhou Botong!
"What did you say?!"

Fortunately, Zhou Botong was not so heartless after all, and did not show any affection at all. After hearing Li Chuan's angry rumors, he turned around.

Zhou Botong came to Li Chuan in an instant, raised his hands to grab Li Chuan's shoulders, and asked him in disbelief.

"You said that Aunt Ying once gave birth to a son for me?!"

"And what do you mean, why Yinggu and Duan Huangye died after fighting each other?!"

Li Chuan glanced at Zhou Botong and simply didn't want to hide anything from him, so he told him everything.

"Yes, after you left that year, Senior Aunt Ying gave birth to a son for you, named Zhou Niantong!"

"Zhou Niantong? Niantong... Niantong." Zhou Botong was shocked and couldn't help mumbling his son's name. Gu Ying named him Niantong. What did it mean? How could Zhou Botong not know.

Li Chuan continued: "Yes, it's just a pity that he is dead." "Ah?!" Zhou Botong's eyes widened suddenly and he couldn't help but take a step back, "How could he be dead?!"

"Is it Mr. Duan?! No! As Mr. Duan, he would definitely not be able to do something like killing a child. What is going on! Chuan'er, please tell me!"

"Because of him." Li Chuan raised Qiu Qianren in his hand.

"Back then, Qiu Qianren sneaked into the Dali Palace, thinking that your telepathic child was the heir of Emperor Duan, so he poisoned his heart and shocked his heart with the power of his palm, so that Master Yideng would spend all his energy to rescue him. , in the second Huashan sword debate in the future, I will fall behind everyone."

"Master Hou Yidian promised to rescue, but he caught a glimpse of it"

"Senior Yinggu didn't want her child to be tortured, so she pulled out a dagger and stabbed the child to death. All her black hair turned into white hair overnight. She has resented Master Yideng ever since."

"To this day, Senior Yinggu has become obsessed with evil and is determined to seek revenge from Master Yideng."

"Master Yideng is also filled with regret and guilt for not saving people back then. He has decided to use his own life to wash away the resentment in Senior Yinggu's heart."

"But is this really Master Yideng's fault?"

"Senior Yinggu has not only had to bear the pain of losing a child all these years, but she also found out that you were trapped on Peach Blossom Island, my uncle, and went to the island many times to save you, but was blocked by the Peach Blossom Formation on the island. , are not allowed to enter the island, and can only return injured."

"Then you live in seclusion and teach yourself strange numeracy skills, hoping that one day you can unlock the great formation on Peach Blossom Island and rescue you. But you don't even have the courage and responsibility to see her?!"

To be honest, if Zhou Botong hadn't been his elder, Li Chuan would have really wanted to give him a hard fight on the spot, and then force him to go see someone.

It's a pity that he can't give it, and he can't defeat Zhou Botong even if he tries hard, so he has to tell him everything clearly and let him make his own decision.

As long as Zhou Botong still has some sense of responsibility, he will definitely return to Taoyuan County with him today.

After listening to Li Chuan's story, Zhou Botong was silent for a while, and his heart was filled with emotions. He really didn't know these things.

Ever since he left Dali, he had forced himself to forget the ridiculous things that happened in Dali and did not dare to think of them again. Naturally, he would not collect and pay attention to this information again. It was too late to hide.

But he didn't expect that so many things would happen after that.

And just as Li Chuan said, these grievances, as well as the suffering and mental torture Master Yideng and Yinggu have suffered over the years, are all related to him.

Why can he just pat his butt and not care about anything? Just focus on having fun while letting Yinggu and Master Yideng bear the pain alone?
"I understand." Zhou Botong looked up at Li Chuan and said in a dry voice, "I will go back with you to completely settle this long-standing grudge."

"it is good!"

Li Chuan nodded, feeling relieved.

This time, Zhou Botong, one of the parties involved in the incident, and Qiu Qianren, the culprit who killed Zhou Niantong, were also caught by them. Everything was ready, and they just had to wait until the time came for everyone to gather together to resolve this entanglement that had been entangled for many years. of grievances and hatreds.

(End of this chapter)

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