Lord of the Dry Witch Who Devours the Starry Sky.

Chapter 145 Killing the 6th Allah!

Chapter 145 Killing the Sixth God!

Looking at the three miniature chaos bombs stored in Jiu Meng Zhou, Yang Hao couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart.

Since you are planning to offend the God Eye Clan, why not just do something big? Kill the Lord of the Five Huns and let the humans stay in the original universe. It seems a bit of a loss, but now the opportunity to kill the Sixth Lord is in front of you, so you have to Cherished.

"Can three of them kill Biyan?" Yang Hao thought while stroking his chin.

"Ask the treasure spirit."

"I will use three miniature chaos bombs together. Can I kill the strongest man in this small space?"

"Master, the power of a single miniature chaos bomb is at the peak of the tenth level. If three of them are detonated at the same time, the chaotic space formed by the power after the explosion can be superimposed on each other, and the attack should be increased by another level."

"Without the most powerful armor type and the most powerful palace type treasure, he is almost certain to die in the face of this attack."

After the treasure spirit answered in the affirmative, Yang Hao felt happy in his heart.

The attack that is detonated together can reach the 11th level. This is such an exaggeration. Even the pinnacle treasure will be shattered.

He frowned. As one of the seven gods of the Divine Eye Clan, he was used to being arrogant in the universe sea. When did his name become difficult to use?

"Haha, what do the God Eyes have to fear?"

"Master, I will project the miniature chaos bombs in a triangle shape and then detonate them. I am ready and waiting for the master's order at any time."

"God, the witches of the human race are like lunatics. No matter what terms we negotiate with them, we might as well just block the human race into the cosmic sea." The main battle clone of the Lord of the Five Huns almost died, and he was naturally a little anxious.


Having a palace-type supreme treasure is arrogant, and even a small lord of the universe dares to speak arrogantly.

"With your current human race, there is no pressure to come up with four pieces. I, the Sixth God, also have a certain say in the God Eye Clan, and four top-quality treasures are considered as a condition of apology."

"The First Allah, the Third Allah, and the Fifth Allah joined forces to snatch my treasure. They also used the secret method of combined attack, the Eternal True God, but they only deserve to eat the exhaust of my treasure."

The blue-eyed Allah said a lot and was full of inner confidence.

"Hmph! You have palace-like and powerful treasures that are not afraid of my gods, and you are not afraid of giant axes, but other strong men of your human race dare to say that you are not afraid?"

"Why are you so arrogant!" The Sixth Lord was a little anxious.

"The human race in the original universe has not survived half of the reincarnation era. There are still the strongest people in the race. Even if we break up, they can still afford it."

"We have survived two eras of multiple reincarnations. The end is approaching, and we need to seize the time to find a glimmer of hope."

Well, Yang Hao returned to Jiumengzhou directly. Since the strongest man takes action, even if the physical attack methods are not good, it is not something that the Lord of the Universe can withstand.

"Think about it carefully. The one who can become the Lord of the Universe in less than one-third of the reincarnation era has the greatest chance of breaking through and becoming the strongest. Then the Lord of Chaos City is very likely to be the next strongest. Don't waste it. Got his talent!"

"Just pretend I didn't hear what you said before. Let bygones be bygones, and don't talk nonsense in the future."

Why don't you take soft and hard advice, and don't think about yourself, but you also have to think about the ethnic group. Can the strong men of the entire ethnic group spend an era of reincarnation in the primitive universe?
How can I improve my strength and obtain treasures without venturing into the universe?

This is also the reason why he chose to take the initiative to lower prices.

"I, Biyan, am not the kind of person who is unreasonable and unforgiving. I will apologize for my sins with four top-grade palace-level treasures."

"I have made so many concessions, you should be able to accept it as the Lord of Witches."

"I said that the conditions for a powerful treasure are just part of the negotiation. This guy actually didn't accept the offer and had to lower the conditions himself." Blue Eyes Allah thought to himself.

"A most powerful treasure to apologize?"

You are a great witch master, so you have to think about the clan.

Your human race still has to compete with the other three races for hegemony. Now that the conditions of the race are finally better, will you start messing around when the pressure is low?
"If I were the master of the universe of the human race, I would probably spray this guy to death in one breath. I don't know how the giant ax could hold it back. If I were a giant axe, facing this existence that doesn't care about the race at all, I would just strike with my axe. die."

"Little trash?" Sixth Lord was angry.

At this moment, Bi Yan actually put herself in someone else's shoes and thought, maybe her demands were too high, and a supreme treasure was indeed too much.

"I don't have a treasure, but I have a life. Do you want it?"

"Lord of Gan Wu, are you not afraid of my God Eye Clan?" the Sixth God said solemnly.

Yang Hao taunted him directly. Since he wanted to kill him, he had to ridicule him.

Yang Hao was almost amused. He said a lot before he said anything. He also said a lot of things that he had reflected on for me.

"Other ethnic groups in the Universe Sea are afraid of you, the Divine Eye Clan, but to me, you are nothing more than trash."

"Why should I apologize to you, the Divine Eye Clan? Are you the only one who deserves a supreme treasure? I see you want a supreme treasure so much, so call me "Grandpa". Grandpa will be merciful and give you a top treasure."

"Master, the distance between us and the enemy is less than 1000 billion kilometers and less than 0.01 light years. After releasing the micro chaos bomb, it will be within the optimal attack range and can be launched at any time." Jiu Mengzhou Spirit said.

"How about it? If the human race doesn't want to be hunted down by our Divine Eye Clan and takes out a most powerful treasure to apologize, I'll just pretend that nothing happened."

"Wasting precious time on them is really not worth the gain. It would be better to take this opportunity to threaten them and earn a few treasures." Blue Eyes Allah explained.

As the strongest person, he would definitely not think that his death is coming soon.

"Haha, Blue Eyes Allah, I think you can change your name to Bi Face Allah, don't say anything else, don't say Blue Face is true."

"If they want to take their strength even further, it's almost impossible not to venture into the universe sea. We, the Divine Eye Clan, can't do anything to you, but we can catch other universe masters with just a few moves."

"The majesty of the God Eye Clan in the universe sea, please don't offend them at will."

"Well, I've also reflected on yourself for you. A supreme treasure is indeed a bit expensive."

"Humph, the Seventh God possesses the most powerful ice cliff castle to suppress the other masters of the universe. After this reincarnation era, they will never become the strongest, hahaha!"

During the conversation with the Sixth God, the distance between the two unexpectedly got closer. This blue-eyed God relied on himself as the strongest one, so if he got closer, it would be fine.

"You have a bad tone, and you don't listen to me. You pissed me off!" The Blue-Eyed God has never been treated like this before.

In the past, most of the powerful people in the Universe Sea had to stay away if they only needed to reveal their identities. They have never encountered such an arrogant existence.

"What?" Yang Hao said, "I piss you off, what can you do to me?"

"Jiu Mengzhou, launch quickly!"

"Yes, Master!"

boom! boom! boom!
Three of them are only ten kilometers in diameter, with secret patterns that have never been seen before. They were launched from the Jiu Meng Zhou at the same time.

The moment the three miniature chaos bombs were shot out, they flew fixedly along the triangular position, forming a stable relationship in a very short time.

"What is this?" Blue Eyes Allah noticed the three ten-kilometer spheres. "I guess he's here to disgust me. It's not enough for this bastard to insult me ​​verbally, but he also wants to disgust me on a material level?"

"The arrangement is complete and it is detonating!" Jiu Mengzhou Spirit's speech was not a normal speech, but a communication at the conscious level. In fact, it only took a short time.

boom! boom! boom!
Three black spheres were detonated at the same time.

In a very short period of time, space was directly squeezed open, and three chaotic law spaces with a diameter of 0.1 light-years were formed.

In particular, these three chaos bombs detonated almost at the same time in adjacent positions, and the three chaotic spaces merged with each other.

Each individual chaotic space can reach the peak power of the 10th level, and when the three attacks are integrated into one, it reaches the 11th level!
The 11th level chaos attack was extremely chaotic and wild. All matter in this space, even the space, was bitten and devoured.

The top-grade armor broke into pieces after holding on for a very short time, and the top-grade palace treasure could not withstand the powerful destructive power caused by the simultaneous detonation of three chaos bombs.

"What kind of attack is this!" The Blue-Eyed Lord suddenly discovered that his top-quality armor had been damaged.

He reacted quickly and took out the palace-like treasure, but he could only resist it for a little longer. It reached 0.1 light-years and was filled with countless chaotic auras. The top-grade palace could only resist for a little longer.

As if being eroded, the top palace was shattered.

"What? Can't even the palace treasures resist it?" Bi Yan was really scared.

The attack in front of him obviously reached level 11. It was a powerful attack that he had never seen before. Even if their 7 gods and all the most powerful treasures used ancient secrets, the eternal true god formed was only level 10, and even the top level 10 was inferior. A trace.

Not to mention the 11th level attack. Only the masters of the two holy universes can perform this level of attack.

"It's those three little balls!"

The blue-eyed God reacted quickly, but it was too late.

Countless laws of chaos squeeze the space, and even the space is gone. How to perform teleportation?

There is no treasure to protect him, even though he is the strongest person, with a life span of more than two reincarnation eras, and the strongest person who has reached the peak of level 8 with his soul attack ability.

Facing the attack of the Law of Chaos that cannot disappear for a long time and has reached level 11, there is only one option: death.


"Dead, I actually killed one of the strongest!" Yang Hao looked at the chaotic way of the devil.

After countless laws of chaos disappeared, the Sixth God, the Lord of the Five Huns, all disappeared, leaving only a dodecagonal breath crystal exuding the breath of treasure.

In addition, there are many black scales the size of basins scattered in the space.

"These are the scales of the Divine Armor of Extinction that were blown apart by the Chaos Bomb..."

"The reputation of the Divine Armor of Extinction has spread far and wide. Under the spread of the Lord of the Five Huns, many powerful people in the universe sea have speculated. Although it is not a treasure at the level of the most powerful treasure, it is also considered to be above the level of rare objects and second only to the supreme treasure. The most powerful treasure.”

"It's really amazing. It wasn't broken even by the 11th level attack, it just turned into black scales one after another."

"I wonder if we can collect them all."

As the divine power enters the black scales, it can be sensed that it is a incomplete treasure.

Fortunately, the environment in the passage space of the Demonic God's Way is not complicated. Apart from some toxic gases that have overflowed, there is only one mechanical puppet left.

Since Yang Hao had a cyan token in his hand, the mechanical puppet ignored Yang Hao at all, allowing him to collect the black scales with peace of mind.

The sensors on Jiumengzhou scanned the space, and all objects similar to black scales were marked.

As Jiumengzhou flew slowly, the treasure spirit controlled Jiumengzhou's external mechanical device to continuously collect black scales.

As for the treasure of the regular dodecagon, it has already been collected.

"This is the most powerful soul attack treasure of the Blue-Eyed Allah, the Blue-Eyed Light."

The treasure with its faint green light exudes an alluring aura.

"The most powerful treasure for soul attacks, among our human race, the Lord of Darkness may be the one suitable to use it, but with his level, it seems almost meaningless to use the most powerful treasure."

"But it's okay. With the secret method of discussing the divine body and the understanding of the Lord of Darkness, I should be able to reach 30000 times the life gene by spending more time."

"When the time comes, you can become the strongest in a single thought. If you wait until then, you can use the light of the blue eyes, then it will be worthy."

Under their control, the seven small universes of the seven gods of the Divine Eye Clan are not far from each other, and are almost considered to be next to each other in the sea of ​​universes.

The core place of the first universe of the God Eye Tribe.

"My true self has fallen! The Blue-Eyed God should also..." The Lord of the Five Huns was shocked. There was no way he could withstand an attack that reached level 11.

The moment the Crazy Demon God Armor disintegrated, his main battle clone died.

Before his death, he even saw the armor-like treasure of the Blue-Eyed Lord broken into pieces, and he had just entered the palace treasure.

"The First God!" The Lord of the Five Huns had no choice but to quickly inform the First God.

If the Blue-Eyed God falls, his small universe will be destroyed, and all the life that is placed in the universe will also fall. Some of his friends will no longer be able to contact him.

"Wuhun?" A blurry figure slowly solidified, it was the First Lord.

"The First God! Let me make a long story short, the Blue Eyes God may have fallen!" Wuhun screamed in shock, his condition was extremely bad.

The First Lord frowned, what happened to Wuhun? Not only did he scream strangely, but he also said that Biyan might have died.

How could one of the strongest men suddenly fall? As a member of the Divine Eye Clan and a disciple of the First God, Biyan would not call anyone when he encounters an enemy he cannot defeat?

Even in the dangerous environment of the cosmic sea, he could resist for a moment, how could he die without even saying a word?

"Wuhun, don't talk nonsense!" said the First Lord.

"First Lord, I'm not talking nonsense!" The Lord of the Five Huns quickly explained: "I met the Lord of the Human Race's Gan Wu."

"He fought me and ignored my warnings, and the Sixth Allah was right next to me and arrived in a very short time to save me."

"But the Lord of Ganwu obtained three small balls with a diameter of ten kilometers from nowhere. After detonating with a bang, the superimposed power may reach 11 levels!"

"The 11th-level attack is an attack method that I have never seen before. It may be an ancient 'bomb' obtained from somewhere."

"Before my death, I had seen that the top-grade armor of the Blue-Eyed Lord was damaged, and I took out the top-grade palace treasure. I estimate that even the palace-type treasure cannot withstand that attack."

"The First Allah! I'm not joking. If the Blue-Eyed Allah has fallen, won't you know if you contact me?"

(End of this chapter)

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